Archives de catégorie : Frankfurt 2020 Children’s Books

DEADMAN’S CASTLE de Iain Lawrence

How would you feel if you and your family had to keep moving and changing names just to keep one step ahead of a man bent on revenge?

by Iain Lawrence
Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House, Spring 2021
(chez Browne & Miller – voir catalogue)

Ever since twelve-year-old Igor’s dad witnessed and reported a terrible crime, his family has been on the run from the Lizard Man, a foreboding figure bent on retribution. They’ve lived in so many places, with so many identities, ready to bug-out at a moment’s notice, Igor can’t even remember his real name. He’s been homeschooled since they’ve been on the run, but now that he’s twelve, he longs to go to school and make friends. When the witness protection program finds his family yet another new place to live, Igor rebels and his father reluctantly lets him go to school, admonishing him to always come straight home. But as Igor finds a place for himself and makes friends, it gets harder and harder to keep secrets from them. Chafing under his father’s rules, Igor rebels and looks for answers. But when the Lizard Man comes knocking, he’s after Igor, not his dad, and he also ensnares Igor’s new friends. In Deadman’s Castle, nothing is quite what it seems, and danger is lurking around every corner. How they escape and end the cycle of fear and flight makes for a page-turner sure to grab young readers with a taste for mystery and adventure.

Iain Lawrence is a journalist and the author of many acclaimed novels, including Ghost Boy, The Skeleton Tree, Lord of the Nutcracker Men, and the High Seas Trilogy: The Wreckers, The Smugglers, and The Buccaneers. He is the author of fifteen books for young readers and has received many accolades, among them the Governor General’s Award and the California Young Reader Medal. He lives in the Gulf Islands, British Columbia, Canada.