Archives par étiquette : Arena Verlag

EVOLUTION, une nouvelle trilogie de Thomas Thiemeyer

When mankind has reached its limits … The first in a new trilogy

Stadt der Überlebenden #1
(The City of Survivors)
by Thomas Thiemeyer
Arena Verlag, July 2016

Clueless, Lucie and Jem travel to the U.S. with a group of exchange students. But when their plane has to make an emergency landing at Denver Airport, they soon realize that the world they know no longer exists. The runway is overgrown, the terminal is abandoned, danger lurks everywhere. Even the animals seem to have teamed up against them: wolves, bears, birds keep attacking the youngsters in large hordes. What on Earth happened? During their perilous trip through this new world they learn about a comet that has crashed into the ground. And about a few last survivors in a lost city. But how can they get there if the whole planet has aspired against them?

The bestselling author Thomas Thiemeyer has created a new genre: what if … mankind were no longer the most powerful living being of creation? His scientific thrillers and teen book cycles that have won numerous awards, sold half a million copies and were translated into thirteen foreign languages, have established him as a renowned author of German entertainment literature.