Archives de catégorie : Cinema/TV

Yvan Attal tourne MON CHIEN STUPIDE !

Dans un communiqué de presse, Studiocanal a officialisé le début du tournage de l’adaptation du roman de John Fante dans la région de Biarritz. Au casting du film on retrouve à coté de Charlotte Gainsbourg, le réalisateur lui-même, Pascale Arbillot, Eric Ruf, Sébastien Thiéry, Ben Attal, Adèle Wismes, Panayotis Pascot et Pablo Venzal. La sortie en salle est prévue pour l’automne  2019.

HBO met une option sur THE BARBIZON

La chaîne américaine envisage de produire une série limitée inspirée par ce titre de non fiction qui retrace l’histoire du légendaire Hôtel Barbizon de New York. La production serait confiée à l’auteur, Paulina Bren, et à l’actrice britannique Emilia Clarke (Games of Thrones).

The first-ever history of the legendary Barbizon Hotel, told through the generations of women who passed through its halls

by Paulina Bren
Simon & Schuster, Fall 2020

Built in 1927, the Barbizon Hotel in New York was first intended as a home for the Modern Woman seeking a career in the arts, capitalizing on the post WWI influx of women flowing into Manhattan looking for jobs. With its grand lobby, swimming pool, sterling press (The New York Times commented on its “highly feminine boudoirs” and built-in radio in each room), and Bloomingdales down the street, the hotel offered a safe, glamorous place for parents to send daughters itching to pursue their dreams. Over the years, its 688 tiny pink rooms housed Joan Crawford, Grace Kelly (notorious for sneaking in men), Joan Didion, Candice Bergen, Ali McGraw, Cybil Shepherd, Elaine Stritch, Liza Minnelli, Eudora Welty, Phylicia Rashad, Ann Beattie, and Mona Simpson, among many others. Sylvia Plath fictionalized her time at The Barbizon in The Bell Jar, and Mademoiselle magazine boarded its summer interns there, as did the Ford Modeling Agency its young models. For decades it remained under the watchful guard of Oscar the doorman, a fixture of the hotel. The residency cultivated a sense of propriety and prestige, but not all the Barbizon Girls, as they came to be known, soared off into the sunset. In the 80s the hotel began to allow men, and in the early 21st century it was converted into luxury condos. But the building can’t fully shake its past. On the top floor still live “The Women,” a handful of residents who refuse to give up their pink rooms, their dreams now far behind them. THE BARBIZON is a colorful and stylish portrait of these lives, forming a history of the hotel and of women’s emancipation from the Jazz Age to the present. Through the Barbizon Girls, we are reminded that while the fight for equality continues today, tenacity and incremental change has transformational impact.

Paulina Bren received her PhD in Modern European history from New York University. Her first book, The Greengrocer and His TV: The Culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring (Cornell UP, 2010), won the Council for European Studies 2012 Book Prize, the Austrian Studies Association 2012 Book Prize, and was shortlisted for the 2011 Vucinich Book Award. Her second book, co-edited with Mary Neuburger, was a collection of essays entitled Communism Unwrapped: Consumption in Cold War Eastern Europe (Oxford UP, 2012). Bren has been the recipient of many grants and fellowships, including from the National Endowment for Humanities, the National Council of East European and Eurasian Research, the Social Science Research Council, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Fulbright-Hays.

DAISY JONES AND THE SIX, le roman de Taylor Jenkins Reid sera adapté en série

Amazon Studios et la société Hello Sunshine de Reese Witherspoon ont acquis les droits de ce roman que Ballantine Books publiera en mars 2019, pour en faire une série de 13 épisodes (Variety).

Les droits pour la langue française sont toujours disponibles :

An irresistible page-turner told in the form of an extended oral history, DAISY JONES AND THE SIX transports readers instantly to the world of 1970’s rock ‘n roll, and immerses them in the complicated creative chaos at the center of the most magnetic artistic relationship of the time—that of Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne

by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Ballantine, Spring 2019

When up and coming vocalist Daisy is paired with Billy and his blues-rock band The Six on their album Aurora, few could anticipate the musical alchemy and explosive chemistry that would ensue, leading to multiple Grammys and blinding popular success. But the same volcano of creative and personal forces that gave rise to an iconic album would also tear its members apart, leaving behind a legacy of bitterness, regret and desire. Like so many complicated artistic partnerships, that of fiercely independent Daisy and charismatic, yet tortured, Billy is one for the ages. But the mystery of what drove their legendary rise and inexplicable demise is what the story’s series of Rashomon-like interviews will ultimately reveal, peeling away the layers of a story you’ll never forget.

Taylor Jenkins Reid is the author of six novels. A full-time film and TV writer in addition to prolific novelist, she lives in Los Angeles.

Le dernier livre de Cecelia Ahern bientôt adapté à la télévision

ROAR est un recueil de 30 nouvelles qui mettent en scène des personnages féminins, par l’auteur de « P.S. I Love You ». Le livre sera publié au Royaume-Uni en novembre 2018 par Harpercollins UK et aux Etats-Unis en avril 2019 par Grand Central Publishing.

La série télé sera produite par quatre sociétés de production majeures, dont Blossom Films de Nicole Kidman. La production exécutive a été confiée à Liz Flahive et Carly Mensch, co-créatrices de la série « Glow ».

Harlan Coben et Netflix joignent leurs forces!

Après avoir déjà travaillé ensemble sur la série ‘Safe’, Harlan Coben a signé un accord de cinq ans avec Netflix pour développer des projets de films et de séries télévisées à partir de ses romans.

Harlan sera le producteur exécutif de chaque projet et il est prévu d’adapter quatorze titres, déjà parus ou à paraître, dont RUN AWAY, son prochain roman qui sera publié aux Etats-Unis en mars 2019. La série de thrillers qui mettent en scène Myron Bolitar ne fait pas partie de cet accord.

Pour en savoir plus: Entertainment Weekly