Archives de catégorie : Cinema/TV

L’adaptation d’un roman YA de Daniel Waters bientôt au cinéma !

Scott Speer a réalisé l’adaptation de BREAK MY HEART 1,000 TIMES, publié en 2012 par Hyperion aux Etats-Unis. Le titre du film sera « I Still See You » et sortira dans les salles américaines en octobre avec, à l’affiche, Bella Thorne (très active dans la promotion sur ses réseaux sociaux: Instagram, YouTube et Twitter).

Les droits de BREAK MY HEART 1,000 TIMES pour la langue française sont toujours disponibles :

A delectably creepy and suspenseful thriller: BREAK MY HEART 1,000 TIMES will leave readers with the chills. Or is that a ghost reading over the page?

by Daniel Waters
Disney/Hyperion, October 2012 

Living in the aftermath of the Event means that seeing the dead is now a part of life, but Veronica wishes that the ghosts would just move on. Instead, the ghosts aren’t disappearing—they’re gaining power.
When Veronica and her friend, Kirk, decide to investigate why, they stumble upon a more sinister plot than they ever could have imagined. One of Veronica’s high school teachers is crippled by the fact that his dead daughter has never returned as a ghost, and he’s haunted by the possibility that she’s waiting to reappear within a fresh body. Veronica seems like the perfect host. And even if he’s wrong, what’s the harm in creating one more ghost?

Daniel Waters is the author of the Generation Dead series.


SAFE, la nouvelle série signée Harlan Coben

La bande annonce de SAFE, la série de 8 épisodes qu’Harlan Coben a présenté en avant-première à Canneséries, est désormais disponible !

SAFE sera diffusé en France par la chaîne gratuite de la TNT, C8 (Canal +). Dans les autres pays, Netflix la mettra en ligne à partir du 10 mai prochain.

BlacKkKlansman en compétition à Cannes!

Comme nous vous l’avions annoncé en janvier dernier, Spike Lee a dirigé l’adaptation cinématographique de BLACK KLANSMAN de Ron Stallworth. Le Festival de Cannes, qui s’ouvre le 8 mai prochain, a sélectionné le film en compétition officielle ! La sortie en salles est prévue pour août prochain.

En France, le livre Ron Stallworth sera publié par les éditions Autrement.

Dapper Dan, les mémoires du tailleur d’Harlem

Le Magazine M du Monde a consacré un papier à Dapper Dan, le célèbre styliste symbole de la mode afro-américaine dans les années 1980. Random House publiera ses mémoires en 2019 et Sony a déjà mis une option sur les droits cinéma !

The until-now untold story of the most influential name in hip hop and street fashion. Film rights optioned by Sony

by Dapper Dan
Random House, Fall 2019

In the early 1980s, Dapper Dan pioneered high-end streetwear from his small Harlem boutique, remixing classic luxury-brand logos into his own flamboyant designs. He first attracted powerful New York City hustlers and eventually outfitted major celebrities, such as LL Cool J, P. Diddy, Mike Tyson, Aaliyah, and Jay Z, in looks that went on to define an era. DAPPER BY DAY won’t merely chronicle the halcyon days of his shop; it will weave a high-stakes coming-of-age story spanning over 70 years and set against the backdrop of an evolving Harlem. Leading readers through Dap’s impoverished childhood in the Harlem tenements; through the ranks of a secret gambling society; through Africa in search of spiritual and cultural enlightenment; through the triumphant rise and heartbreaking fall of his boutique; and through the 25 years he spent “underground” after his shop was forced to shut down, Dapper by Day will explore Dap’s quest for self-identity alongside his struggle to escape the traps of poverty, crime, and oppression.

Daniel “Dapper Dan” Day was born in Harlem in 1944. With his eponymous store on 125th Street, he pioneered streetwear in the early 1980s. He has been featured on platforms including The New York Times, Elle, Vogue, W, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, CNN, Netflix, and many more. His works have been or will be on display at The Smithsonian, the MET, and MoMA.