Archives par étiquette : Amish Shah


Based on the author’s award-winning documentary, endorsed by Deepak Chopra, THE NATURAL LAW is a transformative guide to Ayurveda for healing, happiness, and connection, sharing the author’s personal health journey and the advice of renowned experts, and offering simple practices for readers to incorporate the power of Ayurveda into their daily lives.

The Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda for Modern Healing, Happiness, and Connection
by Amish Shah
Union Square, March 2026
(via Park, Fine & Brower Literary)

Despite being a tech millionaire with access to every specialist under the sun, Amish Shah was brought seemingly to death’s doorstep by a series of mystery symptoms that no Western diagnosis could solve. He credits Ayurveda and a return to his Indian roots with saving his life—the documentary shared his journey, including his interviewing 72+ of the world’s leading experts, and this book offers a deeper dive into the Ayurvedic practices that changed his life, with practical guidance for readers to experience similarly transformative results.

Ayurveda offers a transformative framework for thinking about your health. Its healing modalities include herbal medicine, yoga, dietary changes, acupuncture, fasting, massage therapy, and more, all based on understanding your dominant dosha—Vata (air), Pitta (fire), or Kapha (earth/water)—and how to rebalance it for better energy, vitality, and joy, as well as improved relationships, sleep, focus, and presence.

Readers today don’t want another diet. They are looking for profound practices to feel better in their bodies and their lives. Ayurveda has provided that for centuries, and people are finding it through a new lens, en masse, with THE NATURAL LAW.

Amish Shah is a three time “Inc. 500”-listed entrepreneur and philanthropist with a twenty-year career in the fields of health, wellness, and spirituality. His latest documentary project, The Natural Law, has already won nine International Film Festival Awards. Amish’s dedication to holistic wellness extends beyond his work as an entrepreneur and filmmaker, as demonstrated by his two hundred-hour yoga certification and numerous meditation certifications