Archives par étiquette : Jan-Philipp Sendker

AKIKOS STILLES GLÜCK de Jan-Philipp Sendker

Where does your own personal story begin? A young woman searching for the truth about herself – a profoundly human and heartwarming story.

(Akiko’s Quiet Happiness)
by Jan-Philipp Sendker
Blessing/PRH Verlagsgruppe, September 2024

Ever since her mother’s death, 29-year-old Akiko has led a modest and reclusive life in Tokyo. Her monotonous job as a bookkeeper offers little excitement, and she has no real friends or family. Then, one evening, she runs into an old face from her schooldays: Kento is an outsider, just like her, and even back then she always felt drawn to him. As if that wasn’t enough, Akiko is shocked to discover that the man she thought of as her dad was in fact only a hired actor, paid by her single mother to play a part. Akiko begins to wonder: is everything a lie? And, more profoundly: who is she, really?
And so Akiko embarks on a journey into her own history – a physical and emotional journey she never thought herself capable of…

The major new novel by one the most successful German-language authors. A touching Japan-based tale in a stunning, atmospheric setting.

Jan-Philipp Sendker, born in Hamburg, spent many years working as US and Asia correspondent for Stern magazine. After a further spell in the US, he returned to Germany, and has since published several books, including a collection of portraits entitled Risse in der Großen Mauer (« Cracks in the Great Wall »; Blessing, 2000). His bestselling novel Das Herzenhören (« Listening to heartbeats », 2002) was followed by Das Flüstern der Schatten (« Whispering shadows », 2007), Drachenspiele (« Dragon games », 2009), Herzenstimmen (« Speaking hearts », 2012), Am anderen Ende der Nacht (« At the far end of the night », 2016), Das Geheimnis des alten Mönches (« The old monk’s secret », 2017), Das Gedächtnis des Herzens (« Heart memories », 2019) and Die Rebellin und der Dieb (« The rebel and the thief », 2021). His books have been translated into more than 35 languages, and have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide, making him one of the most successful German-language authors today.

DIE REBELLIN UND DER DIEB de Jan-Philipp Sendker

A moving story about a forbidden love, the courage of despair and humanity in the face of disaster.

(The Rebel Girl and the Thief)
by Jan-Philipp Sendker
Blessing/PRH Germany, August 2021

18-year-old Niri, his parents and siblings have a modest but secure existence as servants in the villa of a wealthy family. Until the pandemic comes, Niri’s entire family is laid off and stares into the abyss of deepest poverty.
The previously well-behaved monastic student does not want to wait for the mercy of an indifferent government and, in the face of growing hardship, rebels against his father’s resignation to fate. Sneaking past the patrols at night through a sealed-off city, he returns to the villa to get what the family needs to survive. Waiting for him there is his childhood friend Mary, who not only gives him food, but has a larger plan that will change the lives of the town and the two of them forever.
The universal story of two lovers from different worlds who learn what matters in the face of disaster: Courage to resist, will to change, and unconditional trust in each other.

Jan-Philipp Sendker, born in 1960, was the US correspondent for Stern magazine from 1990 to 1995, and its Asian correspondent from 1995 to 1999. His first novel, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats and his other books are international best sellers. He lives in Potsdam with his family.