Archives par étiquette : Verlagsgruppe Penguin Random House Bertelsmann

WER BIN ICH – UND WENN JA, WIE VIELE? DIE GRAPHIC NOVEL de Richard David Precht, Martin Möller et Jörg Hartmann

The graphic novel of the bestselling book by Germany’s most famous living philosopher, for readers of Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari and Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder.

(Who Am I – And If Yes, How Many? The Graphic Novel)
by Richard David Precht & Martin Möller
illustrated by Jörg Hartmann
Goldmann/PRH Germany, Septembre 2024

Precht’s « Who Am I – And If Yes, How Many? » introduced millions of readers to the big philosophical questions of our time, making him one of Germany’s most famous authors. A good fifteen years later, it is being published again – this time as a graphic novel. Illustrated by Jörg Hartmann, it gives us Precht’s wisdom inside a modern aesthetic. Everything we know about ourselves from neuroscience, psychology and philosophy is contained within its pages – creating a unique path through the plainly mind-boggling amount of information out there about what it means to be human.

Richard David Precht, born in 1964, is a philosopher, journalist, and author, and one of the most distinguished intellectuals in the German-speaking countries. He is an honorary professor of philosophy and aesthetics at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin. Ever since his sensational success with Who Am I – And If Yes, How Many?, his books about philosophy and society have been consistent bestsellers, and they have been translated into 40 languages. Since 2012 he has presented the philosophy programme Precht on the TV channel ZDF, and he discusses social, political and philosophical issues with Markus Lanz on the weekly hit podcast Lanz & Precht.

Le Prix allemand de la non-fiction 2024 décerné à Christina Morina

L’historienne Christina Morina a reçu le 11 juin le Prix allemand de la non-fiction 2024 (Deutscher Sachbuchpreis 2024) pour son ouvrage TAUSEND AUFBRÜCHE (« Mille nouveaux départs. Les Allemands et la démocratie depuis les années 1980 »). Le livre avait déjà été sélectionné pour le Prix de la foire du livre de Leipzig de cette année.

Voici le commentaire du jury :

« Tout le monde s’accorde à dire que les démocraties sont en crise dans le monde entier. Mais la question de savoir ce que signifie réellement vivre la démocratie est souvent reléguée au second plan. Christina Morina utilise des sources peu considérées jusqu’à présent pour montrer à quel point la conception de la démocratie a évolué différemment en Allemagne de l’Est et de l’Ouest depuis les années 1980. Son analyse de l’histoire contemporaine, très instructive et raffinée sur le plan méthodologique, se base sur des lettres, des pétitions et des tracts et donne une voix aux citoyens et citoyennes de la RDA et de la RFA. Avec ce livre, Christina Morina donne des impulsions surprenantes et nécessaires aux discussions sociales actuelles. Son livre prend beaucoup de risques sans polariser ; la démocratie est un processus, pas un état. »

Le Prix allemand de la non-fiction est décerné chaque année à un ouvrage exceptionnel de non-fiction publié en langue allemande qui stimule le débat social. Il est doté d’une récompense de 25 000 euros. Depuis le début du concours, les sept membres du jury ont examiné 225 titres publiés depuis avril 2023.

Christina Morina est professeure d’histoire contemporaine à l’Université de Bielefeld en Allemagne. Ses recherches portent sur l’histoire sociale et mémorielle du nazisme, sur l’histoire politique et culturelle de l’Allemagne divisée et réunifiée ainsi que sur la relation entre l’histoire et la mémoire. Elle a étudié l’histoire, les sciences politiques et le journalisme aux universités de Leipzig, de l’Ohio et du Maryland et a obtenu son doctorat en 2007.

Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

AKIKOS STILLES GLÜCK de Jan-Philipp Sendker

Where does your own personal story begin? A young woman searching for the truth about herself – a profoundly human and heartwarming story.

(Akiko’s Quiet Happiness)
by Jan-Philipp Sendker
Blessing/PRH Verlagsgruppe, September 2024

Ever since her mother’s death, 29-year-old Akiko has led a modest and reclusive life in Tokyo. Her monotonous job as a bookkeeper offers little excitement, and she has no real friends or family. Then, one evening, she runs into an old face from her schooldays: Kento is an outsider, just like her, and even back then she always felt drawn to him. As if that wasn’t enough, Akiko is shocked to discover that the man she thought of as her dad was in fact only a hired actor, paid by her single mother to play a part. Akiko begins to wonder: is everything a lie? And, more profoundly: who is she, really?
And so Akiko embarks on a journey into her own history – a physical and emotional journey she never thought herself capable of…

The major new novel by one the most successful German-language authors. A touching Japan-based tale in a stunning, atmospheric setting.

Jan-Philipp Sendker, born in Hamburg, spent many years working as US and Asia correspondent for Stern magazine. After a further spell in the US, he returned to Germany, and has since published several books, including a collection of portraits entitled Risse in der Großen Mauer (« Cracks in the Great Wall »; Blessing, 2000). His bestselling novel Das Herzenhören (« Listening to heartbeats », 2002) was followed by Das Flüstern der Schatten (« Whispering shadows », 2007), Drachenspiele (« Dragon games », 2009), Herzenstimmen (« Speaking hearts », 2012), Am anderen Ende der Nacht (« At the far end of the night », 2016), Das Geheimnis des alten Mönches (« The old monk’s secret », 2017), Das Gedächtnis des Herzens (« Heart memories », 2019) and Die Rebellin und der Dieb (« The rebel and the thief », 2021). His books have been translated into more than 35 languages, and have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide, making him one of the most successful German-language authors today.


What really matters in parenting.

(Children Need Imperfect Parents)
by Caroline Märki and Knut Krüger
Kösel, April 2024

Perfect parenting results in perfect children? If only it were that easy. Many parents are exceedingly ambitious and want to do their job as ‘flawlessly’ as possible. But in doing so, they miss out on how much families can benefit when parents do NOT raise their children according to some standard textbook. In their book, Caroline Märki and Knut Krüger, two close confidants and companions of Jesper Juul, get to the bottom of assumedly golden parenting rules, exposing the deeply rooted but erroneous axioms and parenting myths that are hidden underneath. Notions such as ‘Parents must be consistent!’ are refuted and discarded once and for all, not only because such ideas make our lives needlessly more difficult, but also because they frequently produce misunderstandings and self-doubt.

Well-founded, entertaining, and with many examples from everyday family life, this advice book proclaims this to all mothers and fathers: You have a right to make mistakes, and children don’t need parents who are perfect. Instead, they need parents who are willing to develop along with them. Make mistakes! Dare to be imperfect. Only then will you be just right for your children: approachable, empathetic, and authentic.

Caroline Märki, born in 1971, is the founder and director of familylab Switzerland, an offshoot of the international counseling network in leadership and relationship skills based on Jesper Juul. She works as a certified psychosocial counselor SGfB, and is a parent and adult educator, as well as head of the 4-year course Experience-oriented Family Counseling.

Knut Krüger has a degree in German Studies, and has worked in bookselling and publishing. Today he is a translator, editor and freelance writer, but his heart belongs to football. He claims that, at the mini World Cup in 1974, he (Italy) scored two goals against his opponent (Argentina), but unfortunately no one can confirm it…


Discovering the intuitive wisdom of your heart and finding support and serenity.

(22 Questions Addressed to Your Heart That Will Fill Your Life with Love)
by Christine Dohler
Goldmann, February 2024

There are so many questions about love and life, fundamental ones being: Exactly what is love? Will I simply be found by love or should I go looking for it? How can I share love? After Christine Dohler began to consult her heart as her most adept compass, life began opening up from a completely different and more truthful perspective. In this inspiring book, the author explores 22 questions about love – and the answers arrive authentically and intuitively from the heart. They are universal and encouraging, impart confidence, and open up a liberating perspective on true love. Accompanied by many practical exercises and impulses, this book is an invitation to self-reflection.

  • With practical tips, tools, and impulses for communicating with your own heart
  • For fans of Karin Kuschik and Brianna Wiest.

Christine Dohler studied journalism and communication science at the University of Hamburg and trained at the Henri Nannen School of Journalism. She is the managing director of copywriting at Emotion Slow and writes for FAS, Die Zeit, SZ-Magazin, Emotion, Brigitte, and Flow. She is also a trained systemic coach and meditation trainer.