Archives par étiquette : Will Freeman

WHY WE PLAY de Will Freeman

WHY WE PLAY investigates the transformative power of one of the most widespread artforms and businesses of our times. Perfect for readers of Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin and Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark.

How Video Games Took Over the World
by Will Freeman
Neem Tree Press, September 2023
(via Randle Editorial & Literary)

Offering an accessible and balanced analysis, WHY WE PLAY explores how video games have permeated our daily lives. Their presence in our homes, culture, business, politics, sport, education, and healthcare has made them one of the most ubiquitous mediums of modern times. The role games play today – from influencing youth culture to informing the design of space craft –renders them remarkably powerful. But as games occupy an increasingly important place in our daily lives, it’s becoming harder to understand the opportunities they offer and the challenges they present.
For gamers and non-gamers alike, WHY WE PLAY provides the ultimate guide to questions you didn’t even know you had…

Will Freeman is a games journalist who has written for The Guardian and The Observer as well as gaming publications and game industry titles for over 17 years. Will also serves the game industry as a writer, editor, speaker, script editor, event curator, awards judge, consultant, and more. As an expert in the field, Will is fascinated by the wide-ranging impact of video games on our lives and our cultural landscape.