A new YA SciFi trilogy by the New York Times bestselling author of Dragon Pearl.

(Book 1 in the Lancers series)
by Yoon Ha Lee
Delacorte, Spring 2024
(via The Gernert Company)

When Hwa Young’s home is destroyed and her family is on the run from enemy forces, she faces an impossible choice. Stay with her family and likely perish or be adopted by a new family connected to the Empire, which is enforcing conformity across the galaxy. She chooses her own survival.
Several years later, Hwa is a talented lancer pilot, manning a mecha robot on missions to planets under the Empire’s control, when she discovers the next mission is to destroy her home planet where her mother is still alive.
WINTER’S AXIOM is a novel about family, community, conformity, survival and about doing what’s right.

Yoon Ha Lee is the author of several critically acclaimed short stories and the Machineries of Empire trilogy for adults: Ninefox Gambit, Raven Strategem, and Revenant Gun. Yoon draws inspiration from a variety of sources including Korean history and mythology, fairy tales, higher mathematics, classic moral dilemmas, and genre fiction.

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