Archives par étiquette : Christine Löber

IMMER DER NASE NACH de Christine Löber & Hanna Grabbe

The popular science book about the ears, nose and throat.

(Follow Your Nose)
by Dr. Christine Löber & Hanna Grabbe
Mosaik/PRH Germany, March 2021

The nose sits in the middle of the face, yet most people know surprisingly little about it. Yet our ENT department manages a large part of our perception – apart from breathing. Next to the eyes, the nose, ears and throat form our most important connection to the outside world. Dr. Christine Löber explains in best pop science manner how smelling works, where the voice comes from and why cotton swabs have no place in the ear. She makes us impressively aware of the influence the ENT area has on our psyche. And she gives tips on how to keep the throat, nose and ears healthy. The great knowledge book about the throat, nose and ears.

Dr. med. Christine Löber is a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine with her own practice in Hamburg. In her work, she attaches importance to taking a holistic view of people and, among other things, advocates for a people-oriented healthcare system within the framework of the #Twankenhaus movement.
Hanna Grabbe is a media scientist and graduate of the Berlin School of Journalism. She worked for several years as a specialist editor for the health industry at the Financial Times Deutschland. Today she is an editor at Die Zeit.