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Découvrez la bande annonce de THE MAZE RUNNER!

20th Century Fox a dévoilé la bande annonce de THE MAZE RUNNER (LE LABYRINTHE), adapté du premier roman de la série L’épreuve de James Dashner, publié en France par Pocket Jeunesse. Le film, réalisé par Wes Ball, sortira dans les salles françaises le 15 octobre prochain.

Thomas, 16 ans, se réveille dans un ascenseur. Il ne sait plus qui il est ni d’où il vient, et ne semble se rappeler que de son prénom. Lorsque l’ascenseur s’ouvre, il est accueilli par d’autres garçons de son âge dans la clairière, un monde mystérieux entouré par un labyrinthe impénétrable. Et personne ne sait pourquoi il est là.

Warner Bros acquiert les droits cinématographiques de MISSING YOU de Harlan Coben

Les droits cinématographiques de MISSING YOU, le nouveau roman de Harlan Coben, qui sort aujourd’hui aux États-Unis et qui sera publié en France par les Éditions Belfond, ont été préemptés par Warner Bros et RatPac Entertainment.

L’acquisition a été annoncée sur Deadline, le site internet référence pour les actualités hollywoodiennes.

THE WITCH’S BOY de Kelly Barnhill sélectionné pour le BEA Buzz Panel 2014

Après enchères avec quatre autres éditeurs, ce sont finalement les éditions Algonquin qui publieront les deux prochains romans middle-grade de Kelly Barnhill. Le premier, THE WITCH’S BOY, est prévu pour septembre 2014 et a été déjà annoncé comme l’un des cinq titres sélectionnés pour le BEA Buzz Panel 2014, indice de l’intérêt et de l’enthousiasme qu’un titre suscite chez les professionnels de l’édition.

Et voici la couverture dessinée par John Klassen:


Kelly Barnhill

Algonquin Young Readers, September 2014

In the tradition of Neil Gaiman and Kate DiCamillo, THE WITCH’S BOY is at once engagingly lyrical and breathtakingly adventurous.  With a deft hand, Barnhill takes fairy tale elements – speaking stones, a bandit king and his practical daughter, and a spoiled young king – and weaves them into a richly detailed narrative that feels both classic and completely fresh at the same time!

Even the revered Witch can’t save her sons when they are swept into a raging river, and only one boy, Ned – the wrong boy – survives.  Nonetheless, it is up to him to protect his mother’s magic (hidden and kept safe under their house) from the Bandit King who wants to steal the magic for its rightful owner.  Ned must summon the unruly magic for himself, and with the help of the Aine, the Bandit King’s daughter, try to save his family and put the magic back to rest.

THE DRESSMAKER OF DACHAU de Mary Chamberlain aux enchères dans quatre pays !

Trois jours seulement après sa première soumission, THE DRESSMAKER OF DACHAU de Mary Chamberlain fait déjà l’objet d’enchères en Italie, aux Pays Bas et en Angleterre. Et aux Etats-Unis, quatre éditeurs de premier plan sont entrés dans la course !


by Mary Chamberlain

THE DRESSMAKER OF DACHAU is a literary historical fiction spanning 1939 to 1948 and following a young London seamstress who is hanged for murder in 1948. It’s beautifully evocative, intensely clever novel, which draws the reader in before pulling the rug from beneath their feet:

They had already weighed Ada and measured her.  She was eight stone three pounds, and five feet six in stockinged feet.

She still had the slender figure of a mannequin.

She put on the thick, calico knickers with drawstrings, pulled them tight round her thighs and waist so nothing would leak.  She knew that when they came off, there would be marks on her skin.

‘There’s a notebook,’ she said. ‘I kept a notebook. Everything’s in it.’

‘Are you ready?’

‘No,’ she said. ‘No.’ 

Ada Vaughan is hanged in Holloway Prison in 1948, a prostitute and murderess, pilloried in the press as the ‘Dressmaker of Dachau’. But who was the woman behind the epithet? And what led her to her fate? Spanning 1939 to 1948 and taking us from the glamour of the Savoy to the desperation of Dachau, we watch a woman betrayed and abandoned, forced to survive on her wits alone, and in every way underserving of her punishment. Or was she?

In 1939 Ada is nothing more than an average young seamstress, from a normal home in London. But her life changes when she is swept off her feet by Stanislaus, an Austrian-Hungarian aristocrat. She elopes with him to France but when she falls pregnant he abandons her, leaving her to her fate as WWII breaks out.  Forced to give up her child she is sent as a POW to Dachau where she begins to make clothes for the commandant’s wife, forever haunted by the fate of her son. On her return to London after the war she falls on desperate times and becomes a prostitute, where a chance meeting with a man she recognises from her past leads her on the steps towards the gallows.

Ada is an intensely compelling character. Is she an innocent young woman driven to a terrible crime? Or is she a liar and a fantasist, cold-blooded and calculating?

Mary Chamberlain is the author of popular and academic histories, and is Emeritus Professor of Caribbean History at Oxford Brookes University.

La lecture préférée de John Ridley ? FORTY ACRES de Dwayne Alexander Smith !

John Ridley, Oscar 2014 du meilleur scénario adapté pour le percutant Twelve Years a Slave, ne cache pas son enthousiasme pour FORTY ACRES de Dwayne Alexander Smith :

« FORTY ACRES is an absolutely enthralling thriller, one that also has the capacity to challenge the readers’ perceptions of right and wrong. With supreme confidence and a mastery of storytelling, the author asks hard questions, provides no easy answers… But delivers maximum suspense. It’s an unforgettable work by an amazing new voice. Easily my favorite of the year. »

Retrouvez ici la présentation de ce thriller décoiffant !