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Le nouveau roman de Jennifer Donnelly convoité par les éditeurs étrangers

A moins d’une semaine de l’inauguration de la Bologna Children’s Books Fair, les droits pour THESE SHALLOW GRAVES ont été déjà vendus au Royaume-Uni (Hot Key Books, droits préemptés), en Allemagne (Piper, droits préemptés) et en Italie (Mondadori, après enchères). En Grèce, les négociations sont en cours et ça ne saurait tarder dans d’autres pays.


Life is dirtier than Jo Montfort could have ever imagined. And the truth may be the dirtiest part of all

by Jennifer Donnelly
Delacorte, September 2015

2015-03-20_122524Jo Montfort is beautiful, rich, and soon to be married off to a rich bachelor—but that’s the last thing she wants. Instead, Jo dreams of becoming a newspaper reporter like Nellie Bly, the boundary-breaking female reporter made famous by her book Ten Days in a Madhouse. Jo’s biggest problem is not having her writing aspirations taken seriously. That is, until she learns that her father is dead—reported to have shot himself while cleaning his pistol. Charles Montfort was a newspaper tycoon, and, Jo knows, far too meticulous to accidentally set off a loaded gun. The more Jo hears about his death, the more something feels wrong about the story. Suicide is the obvious explanation, but Jo feels sure that is not the case. Then she meets Eddie—the young, smart, infuriatingly handsome reporter at her father’s newspaper, and it becomes all too clear howmuch she stands to lose if she keeps searching for the truth. Only now it might be too late to stop.

Jennifer Donnelly is the author of Carnegie winning A NORTHERNLIGHT, REVOLUTION, and, most recently, THE WATER FIRE SAGA.

La bande annonce de PAPER TOWNS dévoilée!

20th Century Fox vient de mettre en ligne la bande annonce du très attendu PAPER TOWNS, avec Cara Delevigne à l’affiche.

PAPER TOWNS est l’adaptation cinématographique du roman de John Green, publié en France par Gallimard sous le titre LA FACE CACHÉE DE MARGO.

18 mai 2015 – Une nouvelle bande annonce pour la télévision a été mise en ligne :

THE LIGHT OF THE SAME SUN de Kailash Satyarthi, Prix Nobel de la paix 2014

An extraordinary man

by Kailash Satyarthi
Proposal available

 The Light of the Same Sun will trace Kailash’s path from his awakening to the injustices plaguing his own city of birth in central India to his emergence as one of the most steadfast and essential seekers of justice in our time. Kailash will also focus on the stories of individual children who he’s rescued during frequently harrowing operations, allowing us to glimpse their progress beyond the restraints of their captivity. This book will look back on the tragedies and triumphs of his efforts, as it points the way forward, with the unyielding optimism and call to action that the matter so desperately requires. This is a book born of and dedicated to a mission that we would all do well to join – national governments, inter-governmental organizations and NGO’s, private industry and the individual citizens who populate all of these entities. We are all implicated, just as we are all capable, in Kailash’s words, of “doing our bit.”

Kailash Satyarthi is a human rights activist from India who has been at the forefront of the global movement to end child slavery and exploitative child labor since 1980 when he gave up a lucrative career as an Electrical Engineer for initiating crusade against Child Servitude. As a grassroots activist, he has led the rescue of over 80000 child slaves and developed a successful model for their education and rehabilitation. As a worldwide campaigner, he has been the architect of the single largest civil society network for the most exploited children, the Global March Against Child Labor, which is a worldwide coalition of NGOs, Teachers’ Union and Trade Unions. He is a member of a High Level Group formed by UNESCO on Education for All comprising of select Presidents, Prime Ministers and UN Agency Heads. He has survived numerous attacks on his life during his crusade to end child labour, but despite of these attacks his commitment to stand tall for the cause of child slaves has been unwavering.

Kailash Satyarthi’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech:

BLAIR INC., les masques tombent

BLAIR INC. est un livre à charge contre l’ancien premier ministre britannique, soulignant entre autres son obsession pour l’argent. Destiné à faire polémique, il sera publié le 19 mars prochain par l’éditeur anglais John Blake (le texte est actuellement sous embargo). Mais la presse française en parle déjà…

A heavyweight, hard-hitting book by three critically-acclaimed, hugely respected political journalists that places the financial empire of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair under the microscope, revealing the extremely morally suspect ways in which he has amassed a fortune to be counted in tens of millions since leaving office in 2007

The Man Behind the Mask
by Francis Beckett, David Hencke and Nick Kochan
John Blake Publishing Ltd, March 2015

Since leaving office in 2007, the empire of Tony Blair has grown exponentially. As a businessman he has been unprecedentedly successful for a former public servant, with a large property portfolio and an estimated GBP80 million of earnings accrued in just a few short years. But how has he managed to achieve this? Being an ex-Prime Minister comes with certain advantages, and besides his excellent state pension and twenty-four-hour security team, Blair enjoys the best contacts that money can buy – as do those willing to pay him for access to those contacts. Consequently, Tony Blair Associates’ clients can be found around the world, and include the controversial presidents of Kazakhstan and Burma.

There is also Blair’s role as special envoy in the Middle East. While his record as a peacemaker is in doubt, the position has brought him into contact with a variety of oil-rich potentates in the region who now number among his most profitable clients. BLAIR INC.: The Man behind the Mask takes a close look at the complex financial structures in Blair’s world. From the many layers of tax liability to the multiple conflicts of interest produced by his increasing web of relationships, this book exposes the private dealings of this very public figure.

ON IMMUNITY de Eula Biss, un essai à succès

Élu par le Publishers’ Weekly comme l’un des dix meilleurs titres de 2014 tous genres confondus, l’essai d’Eula Biss, ON IMMUNITY: AN INOCULATION, publié par Graywolf en septembre 2014, après des éloges unanimes recueillis dans la presse américaine, continue à faire parler de lui.

Finaliste du NBCC Award 2015, décerné le jeudi 12 mars prochain, ON IMMUNITY est à ce jour vendu dans plusieurs pays : Australie/Nouvelle Zélande (Text Publishing), en Chine (Guangxi), en Corée (Open Book), en Espagne (Dioptras), en Italie (Ponte alle Grazie), en Pologne (MT Biznes), au Royaume-Uni (Fitzcarraldo) et à Taïwan (As If). En Allemagne, des négociations sont en cours.

Why do we fear vaccines? A provocative examination by Eula Biss, the author of Notes from No Man’s Land, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award

An Inoculation
Eula Biss
Graywolf Press, September 2014

Subtle, spellbinding. . . . Sontag said she wrote Illness as Metaphor to ‘calm the imagination, not to incite it,’ and On Immunity also seeks to cool and console. But where Sontag was imperious, Biss is stealthy. She advances from all sides, like a chess player, drawing on science, myth, literature to herd us to the only logical end, to vaccinate. – Parul Sehgal, The New York Times Books Review

A book-length cultural exploration of vaccination, parenthood, public health, and the body as metaphor.

Includes narratives about Biss’s son’s acquisition of language through bodily metaphor, the personal politics of vaccination, the history of conscientious objection, vampires and the rise of inoculation in 19th century England, predatory capitalism, gender and sexism in medicine, body and environmental pollution, bloodbanking, and many other wide ranging topics woven together with Biss’s fierce intelligence and supple prose. The result is a sprawling but controlled tour de force by one of America’s leading literary nonfiction practitioners.

Eula Biss’s second book, Notes from NoMan’s Land, received the Graywolf PressNonfiction Prize and the National BookCritics Circle Award for criticism. Her workhas also been recognized by a Pushcart Prize, a Rona Jaffe Writers’ Award, and a21st Century Award from the ChicagoPublic Library as well as Guggenheim and NEA Fellowships.