Archives par étiquette : EARTH FOR ALL

EARTH FOR ALL, par le Club de Rome

Now is the moment to change course towards a future that is stable. A future worth living on a finite planet. This book is the operating manual to do just that.

by The Club of Rome
New Society Publishing, Summer 2022

Almost 50 years ago a group of scientists published a remarkable book that shocked the world. The book, The Limits to Growth, was a warning to humanity. Based on the results from one of the first computer models of the global economy, it showed that population and industrial growth was pushing humanity towards a cliff. Fifty years on, the scenarios explored by the authors still hold true. We know we are crossing planetary boundaries. Inequality is causing deep instabilities in societies making it impossible to make long-term decisions for the benefit of all. There seems to be no way out.
EARTH FOR ALL is an antidote to despair. Using state-of-the-art computer models combining the global economy, population, health, inequality, food, and energy, a leading group of scientists and economic thought leaders present short- term levers for long-term systems change. They show for the first time it is possible to have long-term prosperity for all if key turnarounds are put in place and foundational paradigm shifts adopted. It is possible to stabilize our planet and ensure greater wellbeing for all. And it is possible to do this in a single generation: by 2050. This is arguably the most profound scientific and economic insight of our age.
EARTH FOR ALL describes five systemic shifts that need to happen to upend poverty and inequality, lift up marginalized people, and transform our food and energy systems. Decade by decade, the book details what needs to happen, where and when. It explores eight geographical areas, each with their own distinct characteristics: from the US to Asia and Africa; and recommends key principles for the necessary economic paradigm shifts to enable a new kind of growth within limits.

The Club of Rome is an NGO founded in 1968 to address the multiple crises facing humanity and the planet. Drawing on the know-how of its 100 members – notable scientists, economists, business leaders and former politicians – the organization seeks to define comprehensive solutions to the complex, interconnected challenges of our world. Its goal is to actively advocate for paradigm and systems shifts which will enable society to emerge from our current crises, by promoting a new way of being human, within a more resilient biosphere. Its seminal, best-selling 1972 report, The Limits to Growth, alerted the world to the consequences of the interactions between human systems and the health of our planet. Since then, more than 45 Reports have reinforced and expanded that intellectual foundation.