Archives par étiquette : YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE

YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE de Caroline Garnet McGraw

Inspired by the author’s viral essay and subsequent TEDx Talk « You Don’t Owe Anyone an Interaction, » this empowering book combines personal stories and tangible solutions to free perfectionists from the weight of expectations.

Free Yourself from the Weight of Expectations
by Caroline Garnet McGraw
Broadleaf Books, April 2021
(chez Kaplan/DeFiore Rights – voir catalogue)

YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE is for perfectionists, workaholics, people pleasers, and strivers who feel stuck in the try-hard cycle. Sharing her experiences as a life coach and recovering perfectionist, Caroline Garnet McGraw shows us how we can free ourselves from the weight of expectations and encourages us to move our lives forward without apology. Inspired by the author’s viral essay « You Don’t Owe Anyone an Interaction, » this book invites us to make surprising choices that can help us get unstuck. Rather than offering more ways to effect change through sheer effort, these personal stories serve as a compassionate witness, a reflection of our own perfectionistic tendencies. They also are a wakeup call jolting us out of our martyr mentality and inspiring us to move in new, positive directions. Through simple, accessible coaching practices, YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE shows us what it looks like to refuse to over-function in the old ways. It invites us to make the same surprising choices that have helped McGraw and her clients move past perfectionism, empowering us to quiet our fears and heal our hearts.

Caroline Garnet McGraw is an author, speaker and coach for recovering perfectionists. She’s the creator of A Wish Come Clear, a popular blog devoted to trading perfectionism for possibility, as well as several online interview series. She’s a two-time TEDx speaker, and her essays have been featured on The Huffington Post, Momastery, and Women For One. Caroline lives in Florence, Alabama with her family.