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Paul Auster, lauréat du prix du Livre étranger 2018 Inter/JDD

L’auteur de la « Trilogie new-yorkaise » a été primé pour son dernier ouvrage, 4321, qui vient d’être publié par Actes Sud. 4321 est un roman fleuve qui raconte les quatre vies possibles d’un même personnage et de sa famille.

Vendredi 12 janvier, Paul Auster a été l’invité d’Augustin Trapenard dans Boomerang. Vous pouvez (ré)-écouter l’émission en cliquant sur le bouton « play » ci-dessous

Ally Condie et Brendan Reichs en tandem pour une nouvelle trilogie middle-grade

Les deux auteurs co-écriront DARKDEEP, une trilogie de suspense horrifique pour les jeunes lecteurs, dans la lignée de « Stranger Things » et « The Goonies ».

Les ouvrages d’Ally Condie sont publiés en France par Gallimard Jeunesse, alors que Brendan Reichs est connu pour ses livres co-écrits avec sa mère, l’anthropologue judiciaire et romancière Kathy Reichs (XO éditions).

James Franco réalisera le biopic de Shel Silverstein

Le film sera tiré de la biographie A BOY NAMED SHEL, écrite par Lisa Rogak, et James Franco y jouera aussi le rôle principal.
Les livres pour enfants de Shel Silverstein se sont vendus à plus de 20 millions d’exemplaires dans le monde entier. L’annonce du film a été publiée par et

En France, les droits pour la biographie de Lisa Rogak sont toujours disponibles :

The first-ever biography of Shel Silverstein, whose books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide

The Life and Times of Shel Silverstein
by Lisa Rogak
St. Martin’s Griffin, March 2009

Few authors are as beloved as Shel Silverstein. His inimitable drawings and comic poems have become the bedtime staples of millions of children and their parents, but few readers know much about the man behind that wild-eyed, bearded face peering out from the backs of dust jackets.
In A Boy Named Shel, Lisa Rogak tells the full story of a life as antic and adventurous as any of his creations. A man with an incurable case of wanderlust, Shel kept homes on both coasts and many places in between—and enjoyed regular stays in the Playboy Mansion. Everywhere he went he charmed neighbors, made countless friends, and romanced almost as many women with his unstoppable energy and never-ending wit.
His boundless creativity brought him fame and fortune—neither of which changed his down-to-earth way of life—and his children’s books sold millions of copies. But he was much more than « just » a children’s writer. He collaborated with anyone who crossed his path, and found success in a wider range of genres than most artists could ever hope to master. He penned hit songs like « A Boy Named Sue » and « The Unicorn. » He drew cartoons for Stars & Stripes and got his big break with Playboy. He wrote experimental plays and collaborated on scripts with David Mamet. With a seemingly unending stream of fresh ideas, he worked compulsively and enthusiastically on a wide array of projects up until his death, in 1999.
Drawing on wide-ranging interviews and in-depth research, Rogak gives fans a warm, enlightening portrait of an artist whose imaginative spirit created the poems, songs, and drawings that have touched the lives of so many children—and adults.

Lisa Rogak is the New York Times bestselling author of many books, published in more than two dozen languages.