Archives de catégorie : Parenting

BOYMOM de Ruth Whippman

With humor, insight, and honesty, Ruth uses her experience as a mom and a journalist to explore strategies that support boys’ mental health and help them construct a healthy relationship with masculinity.

Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity
by Ruth Whippman
Harmony, June 2024

Ruth Whippman, a lifelong feminist, was thrilled by the emergence of the #Metoo movement. But as a mother of three boys, she found herself frightened, conflicted, and surprisingly defensive. The sheer volume of evidence of terrible male behavior was impossible to deny, but she looked at her sons and found it hard to believe they could ever cause harm. These complex emotions, shared by so many mothers of boys, led Whippman to ask herself the question: How do we raise boys to be compassionate, responsible men in a world where toxic masculinity is still the norm?

Combining elements of memoir, the latest scientific research, popular culture, and reporting from the frontlines of contemporary American boyhood, BOYMOM is Ruth’s deep-dive answer to that question. It turns out that boys need more parenting than girls, not less. She unpacks surprising and controversial truths about boys’ socialization and the “undercare” of boys that can lead to a lack of relational skills and empathy. She uncovers how even the most well-meaning moms can inadvertently perpetuate damaging stereotypes and provides tools to foster emotional literacy in boys.

Ruth Whippman is a British author, journalist and documentary film maker, who spent ten years in London working at the BBC as a Director and Senior Producer. Her essays, cultural criticism and journalism have appeared in the New York Times, Time magazine, New York Magazine, The Guardian, HuffPost and elsewhere. Fortune described her as one of the « 25 sharpest minds » of the decade. She is a regular speaker at venues including TEDx, Google, The Moth and Somerset House in London. She lives in California with her family.

HOW TO ADHD de Jessica McCabe

In this honest, friendly, and shame-free guide, Jessica McCabe, ADHD advocate and creator of the award-winning YouTube channel How to ADHD, shares the hard-won insights and practical strategies that have helped her survive, even thrive, in a world not built for her brain.

An Insider’s Guide to Working with Your Brain (Not Against It)
by Jessica McCabe
Rodale, January 2024

Diagnosed with ADHD at age twelve, Jessica struggled with a brain that she didn’t understand for most of her life. Determined to figure out why she was struggling, Jessica sought out more information about ADHD. She reached out to experts, read articles and peer-reviewed studies, and shared her discoveries in the one place she would find them again—YouTube, where her channel How to ADHD has since earned a devoted following. And in her first book, Jessica reveals the tools that have changed her life while offering an unflinching look at the realities of living with ADHD. She explains how ADHD affects everyday life and shares ADHD-specific strategies for adapting your environment, routines, and systems. With quotes from Jessica’s online community, chapter summaries, and reading shortcuts designed for the neurodivergent reader, HOW TO ADHD will help you recognize your strengths and challenges, tackle “bad brain days,” and be kinder to yourself in the process.

Jessica McCabes is the creator of the popular YouTube channel HOW TO ADHD with videos that teach strategies and offer resources for viewers with ADHD (1.57M subscribers). Jessica has been profiled in The New York Times and has been featured in publications including The Washington Post,, Upworthy, and ADDitude Magazine, among others. She is also known for her popular TEDx Talk, which has garnered more than 6 million views. She is based in Seattle, WA.

PLAYSTRONG PARENTING de Tina Payne Bryson et Georgeanne Wisen

A simple yet critical reframing of play that will transform how we raise our children and give adults radically new coping strategies for raising calm, resilient, and empathetic children.

Revolutionary Strategies for Raising Calm, Empathetic, and Intelligent Kids
by Tina Payne Bryson and Georgeanne Wisen
Rodale, January 2025

A simple yet critical reframing of play that will transform how we raise our children and give adults radically new coping strategies for raising calm, resilient, and empathetic children.

Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D., is the co-author, with Daniel J. Siegel, of two New York Times bestsellers, THE WHOLE-BRAIN CHILD (Bantam, 2011) and NO-DRAMA DISCIPLINE (Bantam, 2014) and THE BOTTOM LINE FOR BABY (Ballantine, 2020). She is the founder and executive director of the Center for Connection, an interdisciplinary clinical team in Pasadena, California. She is a licensed clinical social worker, providing pediatric and adolescent psychotherapy and parenting consultations. As well, she keynotes conferences and conducts workshops for parents, educators, and clinicians all over the world.

Georgeanne Wisen is a licensed child and adolescent psychotherapist, who earned her Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy from Chapman University, and a Masters of Arts in Child-Centered Play Therapy from the University of Roehampton-London. She is an active member of both the American Association for Play Therapy and the British Association of Play Therapists.


Should we become parents?

Procreation in the Age of Uncertainty
by Gina Rushton
Astra House, September 2023
(via Wolf Literary Services)

When journalist Gina Rushton, afflicted with endometriosis, admitted she had little time left to make this decision, the magnitude of the choice overwhelmed her. Her search for her own “yes” or “no” only uncovered more questions to be answered. How do we clearly consider creating a new life on a planet facing catastrophic climate change? How do we reassess the gender roles we have been assigned at birth and by society? How do we balance ascending careers with declining fertility? How do we know if we’ve found the right co-parent, or if we want to go it alone, or if we don’t want to do it at all?

To seek clarity on these questions, Rushton spoke to doctors, sociologists, economists, and ethicists, as well as parents and childless people of all ages and from around the world. Here, she explores and presents policies, data, and case studies from people who have made this decision—one way or the other—and shows how the process can be revelatory in discovering who we are as individuals.

Gina Rushton is a multi-awarded reproductive rights and women’s health reporter and editor whose work has been published in BuzzFeed News, The Guardian, Vogue, Associated Press, The Sydney Morning Herald, and The Monthly. This is her first book.


When confronting the challenge of disciplining their children, moms and dads often default to the ways their own parents disciplined them, sometimes with harmful results.

Positive Parenting for Happy, Healthy, Well-Behaved Kids
by Candice W. Jones, MD
American Academy of Pediatrics, December 2021
(via Kaplan/DeFiore)

In HIGH FIVE DISCIPLINE, mom and practicing pediatrician Dr. Candice Jones shows parents a better way. This positive parenting guide helps parents understand child development and how the ways that children are disciplined shapes not only their behavior but their overall health and well-being.

Dr. Jones coaches parents to understand their child’s developmental stages and their own motivations to create a family discipline plan that manages misbehavior and encourages good behavior. Her advice is packed with developmentally appropriate strategies to tame tantrums, stop sibling squabbles, and reward better behavior, to create a calmer, more harmonious home.

Candice W. Jones, MD, FAAP, is a board certified, practicing pediatrician, spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, and host of the podcast KIDing Around with Dr. Candice. She is the mother of two children and lives near Orlando, Florida.