Archives de catégorie : Psychology


A groundbreaking guide for mothers – by mind-body medicine specialist Dr. Karella Easwaran.

(The Secret of Calm and Composed Mothers)
by Dr. Karella Easwaran

Kösel/Verlagsgruppe Random House Bertelsmann, August 2020 (voir catalogue)

Being a mother is the most wonderful job in the world – but also the most demanding. Pressures of high expectations, overwhelming responsibilities, and exhaustion are just some of the stress factors that can lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and depression. What are the best ways to help mothers?
The renowned paediatrician Dr. Karella Easwaran, who has been supporting mothers for many years, is convinced that the solution to the problem lies in the mind! As an expert in mind-body medicine, she has developed the technique of « beneficial thinking ». This begins with the processes in our brain. When properly controlled, beneficial thinking can easily and sustainably change our perception and behaviour. Karella Easwaran’s conclusion is that when we subdue our energy-depleting thought patterns, we can finally dispel stress.

Dr. Karella Easwaran, born in 1965, studied medicine in Hungary and became a specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine at the University Children’s Hospital in Cologne. She is competent as well in naturopathy and nutritional medicine. In recent years she has focused on mind-body medicine and furthered her knowledge and experience at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University. She works as a paediatrician in her own practice. Her first book, The Secret of Healthy Children: What Parents Should and Should Not Do, is a bestseller.

WHATEVER WORKS de Thalma Lobel

An internationally renowned psychologist shows us how overlooked factors in our work days-our physical environments, our unconscious habits, and even traits like our faces and voices-have the power to make or break our careers.

The Small Cues that Make A Surprising Difference in Our Life at Work—And How to Create a Happier Office
by Thalma Lobel
BenBella, July 2020

In WHATEVER WORKS, Thalma Lobel, one of the world’s leading experts on human behavior, explores groundbreaking psychological research on job performance, satisfaction, and creativity. Lobel goes beyond obvious considerations like salary, title, and company culture to shed light on the hidden factors-often unrecognized, counterintuitive, or invisible-that have profound effects on how well we can do our jobs and how happy we are at work. Did you know that just doodling in a certain way can increase your creativity? That looking at something green for forty seconds will improve your attention? That crossing your legs similarly to an interviewer could get you the job? That the mere presence of a smartphone on your desk can lessen your performance, even if it’s turned off? That being in a warmer room makes you more likely to want to conform with the group, affecting your decision-making? These are the invisible factors that nudge our behavior on a daily basis, and combined, have a real and significant bearing on our success—or failure—at work. Helpful for anyone from individual employees to managers to leaders of large organizations, WHATEVER WORKS shares valuable insights and practical takeaways to transform your professional life.

Thalma E. Lobel is an internationally recognized psychologist who has served as the chair at the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University, the director of the Adler Center for Child Development and Psychopathology, the Dean of Students and a member of the executive board of the university. She has been a visiting professor at Harvard University, and a visiting scholar at Tufts University, the University of California at San Diego, and New York University. Lobel has published dozens of articles in some of the most prestigious academic, peer-reviewed journals and has received many prestigious research grants. Her latest book, Sensation, was published in 15 countries.

HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD de Robert Kolker sélectionné par Oprah Winfrey pour son Book Club !

La nouvelle vient d’être annoncée dans l’émission  “CBS This Morning” : la célèbre Oprah Winfrey a sélectionné comme prochain titre pour son Book Club le livre de Robert Kolker sur la schizophrénie, HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD :

HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD paraît aujourd’hui chez Doubleday aux Etats-Unis et figure déjà dans les sélections du mois d’avril de Goodreads (« April’s Most Anticipated New Books« ) et d’Apple (« Apple Best Book of April »).

“HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD vividly conveys not only the inner experience of schizophrenia but its effects on the families whose members are afflicted . . . With the skill of a great novelist, Mr. Kolker brings every member of the family to life.” —Richard J. McNally, Wall Street Journal 

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THE UNMAKING de Stephanie Foo

In this science-based, remarkably candid account of what it’s like to heal from Complex PTSD, journalist Stephanie Foo offers a fascinating exploration of a psychological phenomenon we’re only beginning to understand and a relevant and powerful narrative of reckoning and healing.

by Stephanie Foo
Ballantine, pub. date TBD

Stephanie Foo was an accomplished journalist, a producer at This American Life, won an Emmy, and launched a podcasting app, but behind her office door she was having panic attacks. At the age of 30 she was diagnosed with Complex PTSD. Finding few resources to help her heal, Stephanie set out to write her own guide, THE UNMAKING. With the determination and curiosity of an award-winning journalist, Stephanie investigates the science behind Complex PTSD and how it has shaped her own life. She interviews experts and tries a variety of therapies. She also dives into her past of extreme child abuse and neglect and uncovers family secrets.
While someone can develop PTSD from a single traumatic event, Complex PTSD blooms when the trauma happens over and over and over, over the course of years. Risk factors include being hit or verbally abused by a caretaker, having mentally ill, alcoholic or addict parents, or even facing poverty. Those numbers alone add up to around 50 million people. And that’s not including the large populations of those who may have developed Complex PTSD through domestic abuse, continual health issues, or POC and queer people living in threatening and discriminatory environments. They need help. And yet…nobody is talking about it. THE UNMAKING describes how C-PTSD is, essentially, brain damage, and the tragic impact it has on bodies and minds. But unlike the academic books on C-PTSD, Stephanie Foo also shares how it feels to learn that science as a survivor. She writes about her doubts, anguish, terrible setbacks, and ultimately, successes.

Stephanie Foo is a writer and radio producer. She most recently was a producer at the radio show This American Life, which reaches 5 million listeners every week. Before that, she helped create the public radio show Snap Judgment, where she produced nearly 200 stories in 4 years. Foo is an acclaimed advocate for diversity in all forms. She wrote a viral article for Transom about the importance of diverse workplaces, particularly in newsrooms, and speaks frequently on the topic of diversity and inclusion. She’s an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia University and has spoken at Columbia, Vassar, Yale, Berkeley and CUNY.


                                                    Applied philosophy with some surprising eye-openers

                                                                       DIE AUFGEREGTE GESELLSCHAFT
                                                                                 by Philipp Hübl
                                                                                                      Blessing, publication Mars 2019

If you are a more conservative kind of person you are more likely to prefer dogs, while the progressive go for cats. And people driven by anger and rage seem to feel nothing but disgust. These are not simply clichés but reveal the core of our morality and are explained by Philipp Hübl in a book packed with amazing philosophical insights.
Research in the fields of psychology and philosophy have shown that emotions are not limited to personal matters but also include the daily news. Philipp Hübl demonstrates how our values and our political views are anchored in our emotional disposition. In other words, emotions influence our moral judgements. We are, however, not helplessly at their mercy; we can overcome them with reason and rational behaviour. With this theory, Hübl is provoking a critical self-examination and at the same time sharpens our view of society.
« The book is particularly interesting because it gives an explanatory approach for the evalutation of political movements in Europe. »