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Andrew Knoll, l’auteur de A BRIEF HISTORY OF EARTH, remporte le prix Crafoord en géosciences

L’Académie royale des sciences de Suède vient de décerner le prestigieux prix Crafoord 2022 dans la catégorie Géosciences à Andrew Knoll « pour les contributions fondamentales qu’il a apportées à notre compréhension des trois premiers milliards d’années de la vie sur Terre et des interactions du vivant avec l’environnement physique au fil du temps. » Ce prix, qui vise chaque année à promouvoir certaines disciplines scientifiques à travers le monde depuis 1982, est considéré comme un complément, voire dans certains cas un prix annonciateur, du Nobel. Il est accompagné d’une récompense de six millions de couronnes suédoises, soit plus de cinq cent mille euros.

Pour plus d’informations, voir le communiqué de presse sur le site officiel.

Andrew Knoll est professeur à Harvard dans les départements de Biologie organismique et évolutive et des Sciences de la terre et des planètes. Il a notamment travaillé sur les microfossiles et développé des méthodes innovantes pour mettre en lumière leur évolution biochimique. En outre, il est l’un des chercheurs ayant présenté une explication probable à la troisième extinction de masse, qui s’est produite il y a 252 millions d’années – elle aurait été due à des éruptions volcaniques en Sibérie ayant provoqué l’émission d’énormes quantités de dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère et entraîné une augmentation de la température moyenne sur Terre. Depuis vingt ans, Andrew Knoll fait également partie de l’équipe de recherche qui aide la NASA à analyser les images et autre données géologiques provenant de Mars.

Son livre A BRIEF HISTORY OF EARTH est paru en avril 2021 chez Custom House aux États-Unis. Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

Liste des cessions étrangères :
Chine (Ginkgo)
Corée (Dasan)
Espagne (Ediciones Pasado&Presente)
Estonie (Julius Press)
Grèce (Psichogios)
Hongrie (Open Books)
Italie (HarperItalia)
Japon (Bunkyosha)
Pays-Bas (Thomas Rap/Bezige Bij)
Pologne (Copernicus Center Press)
Portugal (Saida D’Emergencia)
Roumanie (Litera)
Russie (Portal Publishing)
Slovaquie (Albatros Slovakia)
Thaïlande (Amarin)
Turquie (Ayrıntı)


The definitive guide to communicating and connecting in a hybrid world.

How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance
by Erica Dhawan
St. Martin’s Press, May 11 2021

Email replies that show up a week later. Video chats full of “oops sorry no you go” and “can you hear me?!” Ambiguous text-messages. Weird punctuation you can’t make heads or tails of. Is it any wonder communication takes us so much time and effort to figure out? How did we lose our innate capacity to understand each other?
Humans rely on body language to connect and build trust, but with most of our communication happening from behind a screen, traditional body language signals are no longer visible―or are they? In DIGITAL BODY LANGUAGE, Erica Dhawan, a go-to thought leader on collaboration and a passionate communication junkie, combines cutting edge research with engaging storytelling to decode the new signals and cues that have replaced traditional body language across genders, generations, and culture. In real life, we lean in, uncross our arms, smile, nod and make eye contact to show we listen and care. Online, reading carefully is the new listening. Writing clearly is the new empathy. And a phone or video call is worth a thousand emails.
DIGITAL BODY LANGUAGE will turn your daily misunderstandings into a set of collectively understood laws that foster connection, no matter the distance. Dhawan investigates a wide array of exchanges―from large conferences and video meetings to daily emails, texts, IMs, and conference calls―and offers insights and solutions to build trust and clarity to anyone in our ever changing world.

Erica Dhawan is a globally recognized leadership expert and keynote speaker helping organizations and leaders innovate faster and further, together. Erica has spoken, worldwide, to organizations and enterprises that range from the World Economic Forum to U.S. and global Fortune 500 companies, associations, sports teams, and government institutions. Named as one of the top management professionals around the world by Global Gurus, she is the founder and CEO of Cotential―a company that has helped leaders and teams leverage twenty-first-century collaboration skills globally. Her writing has appeared in dozens of publications, including Fast Company and Harvard Business Review. She has an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School, MBA from MIT Sloan, and BS from The Wharton School.

QUANTUM BULLSH*T de Chris Ferrie

From bestselling author and physicist Chris Ferrie comes a book perfect for people with a sense of humor who f*cking love science.

by Chris Ferrie
Sourcebooks, June 2022

Quantum physics is weird and spooky and mystical and if you only understood it, you’d be rich and beautiful and have great sex, right? Wrong. Quantum physics is a wellunderstood science that professional bullshitters use to dupe unsuspecting victims with get-rich-quick scams and bogus self-help advice. This book is a no-nonsense explanation of what quantum physics is and is not, told in an accessible, humorous style with just the right amount of curse words. If you f*cking love science and want to be slightly less dumb than you were when you woke up this morning, this is the goddamn book for you.
Truly hilarious and witty content elevates this book from merely a joke or gift item to a very useful and enjoyable book to keep on your shelf longterm.

Chris Ferrie is an award-winning physicist and is the senior lecturer for quantum software and information at the University of Technology Sydney. He has a masters in applied mathematics, BMath in mathematical physics and a PhD in applied mathematics. He lives in Australia with his wife and children.


A book on the crisis of focus, by Dr. Gloria Mark, Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine, visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research, and a leading expert in the fields of attention, multitasking, and human-computer interaction.

The Surprising Science of How We Focus, Why That’s Changing, and How Rhythm Became the New Flow
by Gloria Mark
Hanover Square Press, early 2023
(via Park & Fine)

Psychologist Gloria Mark began researching how technology affects human attention when the first personal computers were beginning to arrive in offices. Over the last 30 years, she has tracked changes in our attention spans, stress levels, and the fundamental way our brains process information.
Now in ATTENTION SPAN, Dr Mark shows how much of what we think we know about attention is wrong. She explores the current crisis of focus and productivity that is so deeply entwined with rising rates of anxiety and depression, and investigates what we might be able to do about it. Delving into the newly celebrated concept of ‘kinetic attention’, she introduces a more balanced understanding of the rhythm between deep focus and less focused states, which may actually serve to make us happier and more productive in the long term.

« Gloria Mark is the definitive expert on distraction and multitasking in our increasingly digital world. Her book is a must-read for anyone concerned about our diminishing attention span. » —Cal Newport, New York Times bestselling author of A World Without Email and Deep Work

Dr. Gloria Mark is Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine, visiting senior researcher at Microsoft Research, and a leading expert in the fields of attention, multitasking, and human-computer interaction. Dr. Mark has spoken on stages that include SXSW, Talks at Google, Microsoft Faculty Summit, and the Aspen Ideas Festival, and her work has been featured in The New York Times, Fast Company, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, NPR, Quartz, Slate, and more.

FOOLED de Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simmons

From Wall Street Ponzi schemes to Nigerian email scams, from chess cheaters with hidden computers to Bridge cheaters with covert signals, from psychic mediums preying on credulous audiences to scientific fraudsters making up results their colleagues want to hear, from art forgers to deceptive marketers, our world is filled with people who want to fool us..

How Cheating Works and What You Can Do About It
by Christopher F. Chabris and Daniel J. Simmons
‎ Basic Books, June 2023
(via Levine Greenberg Rostan)

FOOLED is a book about why we fall for the schemes of liars, deceivers, marketers, con artists, and anyone else who tries to trick us into believing or doing something in their interest rather than our own. It identifies ten specific reasons why we are easily deceived, drawing upon classic and current research in cognitive psychology and the social sciences to explain exactly how deception works, why all of us are fooled at least some of the time, and how we can avoid being scammed—or even scam the scammers in return. FOOLED is not a book about why people cheat, but about how they manage to get away with it.
Chris and Dan’s first book,
The Invisible Gorilla, was about how the brain’s limited capacities for attention, memory, and understanding make us miss so much in everyday life. It was a New York Times Editor’s Choice and bestseller published in over twenty languages.

Daniel Simons is a Professor in the Department of Psychology and the University of Illinois. Previously he was an Assistant and then Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. He received his B.A. from Carleton College and a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Cornell University. He is one of the leading researchers in the world studying visual cognition and visual awareness, and he has made pioneering discoveries about the limitations of human perception, memory, and awareness.
Christopher Chabris is a Professor at Geisinger, an integrated healthcare system in Pennsylvania, where he is also co-director of the Behavioral and Decision Sciences Program and faculty co-director of the Behavioral Insights Team. Chris received his A.B. in computer science and his Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard University, where he was also a Lecturer and Research Associate for many years. His research, published in leading journals, focuses on several areas: attention, intelligence, behavior genetics, and decision-making.