Archives par étiquette : HarperCollins


How can we be more mindful when the world is this f*cked up? HOW TO STAY HUMAN IN A F*CKED UP WORLD is the fresh, engaging answer to this important question.

Mindful Practices for Real Life
by Tim Desmond

HarperOne, June 2019

If you’ve tried mindfulness before and failed, we get it. Likely you were told to sit on a pillow in a dark room, meditate, or count your breaths. But mindfulness isn’t about separating ourselves from the problems in the world. Instead, it is about re-learning how to get out there, connect with the suffering of every living being and in so doing, embrace your own personal suffering to heal, transform, grow, and finally find peace. Tim Desmond—an esteemed Buddhist philosopher who has lectured on psychology at both Harvard and Yale and studied under Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh—has spent his life cultivating new ways to bridge the gap between the ancient tradition of mindfulness and modern life. With How to Stay Human in a F*cked Up World Desmond gets right to the heart of our collective pain with a life-changing mindfulness practice for surviving the sometimes-miserable world we live in, featuring strategies and guidance you can start using to feel more connected, joyful, and present today.

Timothy Ambrose Desmond is a Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Antioch University teaching professional psychology rooted in self-compassion. He has lectured at Yale School of Medicine, and taught mindfulness in all 50 states. After having grown up poor in Boston with a single alcoholic mother and having been homeless as a teenager, Desmond was exposed to the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, and eventually studied closely with Thich Nhat Hanh and his senior monastics at Plum Village. In 2011, Desmond co-founded Morning Sun Mindfulness Center, an intentional community and retreat center in Alstead, NH. When he isn’t teaching, advising, or on retreat, Desmond is organizing progressive political demonstrations, and was one of the core organizers of Occupy Wall Street.

THE FUTURE EARTH de Eric Holthaus

The first hopeful book about climate change, THE FUTURE EARTH shows readers how to reverse the short- and long-term effects of climate change over the next three decades.

A Radical Vision for What’s Possible in the Age of Warming
by Eric Holthaus
HarperOne, June 2020

Credit: Karen Edquist

The basics of climate science are easy. We know it is entirely human-caused. Which means its solutions will be similarly human-led. In THE FUTURE EARTH, leading climate change advocate and weather-related journalist Eric Holthaus (“the Rebel Nerd of Meteorology”—Rolling Stone) offers a radical vision of our future, specifically how to reverse the short- and long-term effects of climate change over the next three decades. Anchored by world-class reporting, interviews with futurists, climatologists, biologists, economists, and climate change activists, it shows what the world could look like if we implemented radical solutions on the scale of the crises we face. What could happen if we reduced carbon emissions by 50 percent in the next decade? What could living in a city look like in 2030? How could the world operate in 2040, if the proposed Green New Deal created a 100 percent net carbon-free economy in the United States?

This is the book for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the current state of our environment. Hopeful and prophetic, THE FUTURE EARTH invites us to imagine how we can reverse the effects of climate change in our own lifetime and encourages us to enter a deeper relationship with the earth as conscientious stewards and to re-affirm our commitment to one another in our shared humanity.

Eric Holthaus is the leading journalist on all things weather and climate change. His work, which is regularly cited in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Buzzfeed, has appeared in Rolling Stone, Grist, and The Correspondent, where he currently covers climate science, policy, and solutions. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Harpercollins publiera un livre sur El Chapo

HUNTING EL CHAPO: The Thrilling Inside Story of the American Lawman Who Captured the World’s Most-Wanted Drug Lord restera sous embargo jusqu’à sa sortie en  octobre 2017 aux États-Unis et simultanément au Royaume-Uni, dans les pays hispanophones, aux Pays-Bas et en Pologne.

Les auteurs sont le journaliste Douglas Century et Cole Merrel, ancien agent de la DEA qui a contribué à la capture du baron mexicain de la drogue et qui vit aujourd’hui dans un endroit tenu secret, par peur de représailles.


Harper Business publiera le premier livre de Satya Nadella

L’imprint d’HarperCollins a acquis les droits de HIT REFRESH, premier ouvrage du directeur général de Microsoft.

HIT REFRESH se développera sur trois lignes : le parcours personnel de Satya Nadella, le changement qui est actuellement en train de se mettre en place chez Microsoft, et l’avenir qui se dessine alors que les « machines intelligentes » prennent de plus en plus de place dans notre vie quotidienne.

HIT REFRESH sera publié à l’automne 2017.

M. Nadella a déclaré :

“This book is about change, it is not a ‘how to succeed’ book, nor is it a memoir—it’s premature for that. Ultimately, I am writing for Microsoft team members, customers, and partners in hopes that these stories of transformation will be useful to them as they navigate their own path.”

Joe Salinas, un nouveau Dr House ?

Joe Salinas, jeune neurologue et chercheur à Harvard, est atteint d’un phénomène neurologique très rare : la Synesthésie Tactile-Miroir. Il partage les émotions et les sensations des gens qui l’entourent. Un article du Pacific Standard vient de raconter son histoire, et ses mémoires, qui ont suscité beaucoup d’intérêt lors de la dernière Foire de Francfort, seront publiées par HarperOne en 2017. Le manuscrit est prévu en juillet 2016.

Joe Salinas développe également une série pour la télévision basée sur ses expériences, en collaboration avec le créateur d’« Urgences » et sur le  modèle de la  série culte : « Dr House ».

Neurology as the key to achieving higher and more sustainable levels of empathy and consciousness

by Joel Salinas, MD, MBA
HarperOne, April 2017

Dr. Joel Salinas, MD, MBA, is a clinical and research fellow in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General. He also has mirror-touch synesthesia, a neurological trait that causes him to experience other people’s emotions and physical sensations. Joel often refers to his condition as « compulsory mindfulness » and a « heightened emphatic ability.” Joel is a remarkable man, with a remarkable story, and he shares his story with intelligence, patience, and grace.

The book will be a detailed memoir about his condition, intertwined with prescriptive lessons on empathy and mindfulness based on his personal experiences with mirror-touch synesthesia, as well as his ongoing neurological research. There is a distinct strain of scientific spiritualism in Joel’s work, a grounded wisdom about what it means to be human. Coupled with his neurological research, Joel’s experiences with mirror-touch synesthesia put him in a unique position to explain to a wide audience the mechanics of empathy and consciousness, literally how to be more present with ourselves and with others. Put another way, neurology as the key to achieving higher and more sustainable levels of empathy and consciousness.