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Octavia Butler’s KINDRED, A Graphic Novel Adaptation by Damian Duffy and John Jennings

A glorious tribute to Octavia Butler’s masterpiece. Extraordinary”-Junot Diaz, Pulitzer Prize-winning author

Octavia Butler’s
A Graphic Novel Adaptation
by Damian Duffy and John Jennings
Abrams Comic Arts, January 2017

KindredKINDRED, Octavia Butler’s literary science-fiction masterpiece first published in 1979, tells the story of Dana, a young black woman who is suddenly and mysteriously transported from her home in 1970s California to the antebellum South. Dana moves between worlds: one in which she is a free woman and another where she is part of a complicated familial history on a southern plantation, forced to interact with and save the life of Rufus, a conflicted white slaveholder and one of her ancestors. Frightening, compelling, and richly detailed, KINDRED takes an imagined yet unstinting look at our complicated social history.
Adapted as a graphic novel by celebrated academics Damian Duffy and John Jennings with the full co-operation of the Butler estate, Kindred explores the violence, sexuality, loss of humanity, and twisted relationships engendered by slavery, in a format that introduces the work to a new generation of readers.

Octavia Estelle Butler (1947–2006), often referred to as the « grand dame of science fiction, » was born in Pasadena, California, on June 22, 1947. She received an Associate of Arts degree in 1968 from Pasadena Community College, and also attended California State University in Los Angeles and the University of California, Los Angeles. Butler was the first science-fiction writer to win a MacArthur Fellowship (« genius » grant). She is widely considered the best science-fiction writer of her generation and is beloved in feminist literary circles, and her many works are widely included in women’s studies syllabi. She won the PEN Lifetime Achievement Award and the Nebula and Hugo Awards, among others.

John Jennings is Associate Professor of Visual Studies at SUNY-Buffalo and has written several works on African-American comics creators. His research is concerned with the topics of representation and authenticity, visual culture, visual literacy, social justice, and design pedagogy. He is an accomplished designer, curator, illustrator, cartoonist, and award-winning graphic novelist. His work overlaps into various disciplines including American Studies, African American Studies, Design History, Media Studies, Sociology, Women and Gender Studies, and Literature.

Damian Duffy, cartoonist, writer, and comics letterer, is a PhD student in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and a founder of the Eye Trauma Comix collective ( His first published graphic novel, The Hole: Consumer Culture, created with artist John Jennings, was released by Front 40 Press in 2008. Along with Jennings, Duffy has curated several comics art shows, including Other Heroes: African American Comics Creators, Characters, and Archetypes and Out of Sequence: Underrepresented Voices in American Comics, and published the art book Black Comix: African American Independent Comics Art & Culture. Duffy has also published academic essays in comics form about curation, new media, diversity, and critical pedagogy.

CASTLE HANGNAIL de Ursula Vernon, bientôt un film Disney!

Le site internet Deadline vient d’annoncer en exclusivité que Bill Kunstler écrira pour Disney l’adaptation de ce roman middle grade de l’auteure des séries « Dragonbreath » et « Hamster Princess ».

En France, les droits de CASTLE HANGNAIL sont encore disponibles :

From the creator of Dragonbreath comes a tale of witches, minions, and one fantastic castle, just right for fans of Roald Dahl and Tom Angleberger

by Ursula Vernon
Dial Books
, April 2015

When Molly shows up on Castle Hangnail’s doorstep to fill the vacancy for a wicked witch, the castle’s minions are understandably dubious. After all, she is twelve years old, barely five feet tall, and quite polite. (The minions are used to tall, demanding evil sorceresses with razor-sharp cheekbones.) But the castle desperately needs a master or else the Board of Magic will decommission it, leaving all the minions without the home they love. So when Molly assures them she is quite wicked indeed (So wicked! REALLY wicked!) and begins completing the tasks required by the Board of Magic for approval, everyone feels hopeful. Unfortunately, it turns out that Molly has quite a few secrets, including the biggest one of all: that she isn’t who she says she is.

This quirky, richly illustrated novel is filled with humor, magic, and an unforgettable all-star cast of castle characters.

Harper Business publiera le premier livre de Satya Nadella

L’imprint d’HarperCollins a acquis les droits de HIT REFRESH, premier ouvrage du directeur général de Microsoft.

HIT REFRESH se développera sur trois lignes : le parcours personnel de Satya Nadella, le changement qui est actuellement en train de se mettre en place chez Microsoft, et l’avenir qui se dessine alors que les « machines intelligentes » prennent de plus en plus de place dans notre vie quotidienne.

HIT REFRESH sera publié à l’automne 2017.

M. Nadella a déclaré :

“This book is about change, it is not a ‘how to succeed’ book, nor is it a memoir—it’s premature for that. Ultimately, I am writing for Microsoft team members, customers, and partners in hopes that these stories of transformation will be useful to them as they navigate their own path.”

PIQUE – Beyond The Book

Le 25 juin, Abrams Books a lancé une nouvelle plateforme adressée au public Young Adult.

PIQUE – Beyond The Book est une communauté en ligne pour les auteurs, les lecteurs et les fans des écrivains publiés par Amulet, un imprint d’Abrams Books. On y retrouvera des interviews, des essais, l’évolution des couvertures, les meilleurs tweets de la semaine, les liens aux recensions et bien plus encore!

Susan Van Metre, éditrice en chef d’Amulet Books a déclaré :

“For us, good young adult novels are a stepping off point to a greater engagement with the world.  YA readers are deeply curious and opinionated, and we wanted to create a space where they can find out more about the books and authors who are shaping their worldview and share their thoughts. And, of course, because we are Abrams, it has to be a beautiful space that reflects our strong sense of art and design.”

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Paolo Virzì réalisera l’adaptation cinématographique de THE LEISURE SEEKER

Le réalisateur italien, dont le dernier film « Folles de Joie » est actuellement à l’affiche, adaptera le roman de Michael Zadoorian, publié en France par Fleuve Éditions, sous le titre « Le Cherche-Bonheur ».

Le site internet Hollywood Reporter a annoncé que les rôles principaux de ce road movie seront joués par Helen Mirren (THE QUEEN) et Donald Sutherland (HUNGER GAMES, THE FORSAKEN).