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DRAWING BLOOD de Molly Crabapple, un livre qui fait du bruit aux Etats-Unis

Les mémoires de l’artiste Molly Crabapple, qui couvrent les années 2000 entre le 11 septembre et le mouvement Occupy, ont été publiées le 1er décembre par Harper et font déjà l’unanimité de la presse américaine !

DRAWING BLOOD a reçu une excellente critique dans The Guardian, une autre dans le New York Times, ainsi qu’un bel article dans le New York Times Style Magazine.

An unforgettable memoir of the years between 9/11 and the Occupy movement—in New York City and around the world—by the renowned underground artist and journalist

by Molly Crabapple
Harper, December 2015

Art was my dearest friend.

To draw was trouble and safety, adventure and freedom.

In that four-cornered kingdom of paper, I lived as I pleased.

This is the story of a girl and her sketchbook

In language that is fresh, visceral, and deeply moving—and illustrations that are irreverent and gorgeous—here is a memoir that will change the way you think about art, sex, politics, and survival in our times.
From a young age, Molly Crabapple had the eye of an artist and the spirit of a radical. After a restless childhood on New York’s Long Island, she left America to see Europe and the Near East, a young artist plunging into unfamiliar cultures, notebook always in hand, drawing what she observed.
Returning to New York City after 9/11 to study art, she posed nude for sketch artists and sketchy photographers, danced burlesque, and modeled for the world famous Suicide Girls. Frustrated with the academy and the conventional art world, she eventually landed a post as house artist at Simon Hammerstein’s legendary nightclub The Box, the epicenter of decadent Manhattan nightlife before the financial crisis of 2008. There she had a ringside seat for the pitched battle between the bankers of Wall Street and the entertainers who walked among them—a scandalous, drug-fueled circus of mutual exploitation that she captured in her tart and knowing illustrations. Then, after the crash, a wave of protest movements—from student demonstrations in London to Occupy Wall Street in her own backyard—led Molly to turn her talents to a new form of witness journalism, reporting from places such as Guantanamo, Syria, Rikers Island, and the labor camps of Abu Dhabi. Using both words and artwork to shed light on the darker corners of American empire, she has swiftly become one of the most original and galvanizing voices on the cultural stage.

Now, with the same blend of honesty, fierce insight, and indelible imagery that is her signature, Molly offers her own story: an unforgettable memoir of artistic exploration, political awakening, and personal transformation.

Molly Crabapple is an artist and writer in New York. She is a contributing editor for Vice, and has written for publications including the New York Times, Paris Review, and Vanity Fair. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.


In the spirit of HAYAO MIYAZAKI and PERCY JACKSON, a new middle-grade adventure series with high stakes and wonderful heart

by Margaret Dilloway ; illus. by Choog Yoon
Disney Hyperion
, April 2016

Xander Miyamoto would rather do almost anything than listen to his sixth grade teacher, Mr. Stedman, drone on about weather disasters happening around the globe. If Xander could do stuff he’s good at instead, like draw comics and create computer programs, and if Lovey would stop harassing him for being half Asian, he might not be counting the minutes until the dismissal bell. When spring break begins at last, Xander plans to spend it playing computer games with his best friend, Peyton. Xander’s father briefly distracts him with a comic book about some samurai warrior that pops out of a peach pit. Xander tosses it aside, but Peyton finds it more interesting.
Little does either boy know that the comic is a warning. They are about to be thrust into the biggest adventure of their lives-a journey wilder than any Xander has ever imagined, full of weird monsters even worse than Lovey. To win at this deadly serious game they will have to rely on their wits, courage, faith, and especially, each other. Maybe Xander should have listened to Mr Stedman about the weather after all. . . .

Margaret Dilloway is the author of three adult novels. Her novels often explore (among other things) what it means to be Japanese-American.

JABberwocky Literary Agency et Abrams Books : deux nouvelles représentations pour notre agence !

Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que nous représentons désormais l’agence littéraire JABberwocky et l’éditeur Abrams Books en France.

2015-10-09_102022The JABberwocky Literary Agency s’occupe principalement de l’univers Science Fiction & Fantasy et d’Historical Romance. Parmi leurs auteurs principaux : Brandon Sanderson, Charlayne Harris, John Hemry, Peter V. Brett, Michael J. Sullivan ou encore Tanya Huff.

Abrams Books publie des livres pour la jeunesse et des livres illustrés pour adultes.


Joe Salinas, un nouveau Dr House ?

Joe Salinas, jeune neurologue et chercheur à Harvard, est atteint d’un phénomène neurologique très rare : la Synesthésie Tactile-Miroir. Il partage les émotions et les sensations des gens qui l’entourent. Un article du Pacific Standard vient de raconter son histoire, et ses mémoires, qui ont suscité beaucoup d’intérêt lors de la dernière Foire de Francfort, seront publiées par HarperOne en 2017. Le manuscrit est prévu en juillet 2016.

Joe Salinas développe également une série pour la télévision basée sur ses expériences, en collaboration avec le créateur d’« Urgences » et sur le  modèle de la  série culte : « Dr House ».

Neurology as the key to achieving higher and more sustainable levels of empathy and consciousness

by Joel Salinas, MD, MBA
HarperOne, April 2017

Dr. Joel Salinas, MD, MBA, is a clinical and research fellow in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General. He also has mirror-touch synesthesia, a neurological trait that causes him to experience other people’s emotions and physical sensations. Joel often refers to his condition as « compulsory mindfulness » and a « heightened emphatic ability.” Joel is a remarkable man, with a remarkable story, and he shares his story with intelligence, patience, and grace.

The book will be a detailed memoir about his condition, intertwined with prescriptive lessons on empathy and mindfulness based on his personal experiences with mirror-touch synesthesia, as well as his ongoing neurological research. There is a distinct strain of scientific spiritualism in Joel’s work, a grounded wisdom about what it means to be human. Coupled with his neurological research, Joel’s experiences with mirror-touch synesthesia put him in a unique position to explain to a wide audience the mechanics of empathy and consciousness, literally how to be more present with ourselves and with others. Put another way, neurology as the key to achieving higher and more sustainable levels of empathy and consciousness.