Archives de catégorie : London 2022 Nonfiction


Live the Life You Want, Not the Life You Get
by Jennifer Cohen
Hachette Go, December 2022
(via Kaplan/Defiore Rights)

Jennifer Cohen is where she is today because one day, she learned how to be bold. When you become bold, good things start to happen. Then great things start to happen. You break free from what’s holding you back, you aren’t afraid to fail, and you learn from every shot you take—even when you miss the target, especially when you miss the target. And you definitely bust out of the “it’s good enough trap”.
When you become bold, you ask for what you want—and you get it. Why settle for taking what you can get, rather than going after the things you truly want? Instead, Jennifer has a better idea. Do what she did: Live the Life You Want, Not the Life You Get.
Be bold. Identify what you really want—and ask for it.
Be bold. Change your mindset and fail your way to success.
Be bold. Chase what you want, don’t take what you can get.

Jennifer Cohen is a bestselling author of three books in the fitness and wellness space, including Strong Is The New Skinny, with a world-famous clientele that includes Hollywood celebrities, Olympic athletes, and others. She’s a trendspotting entrepreneur who has sold companies for millions of dollars; a sought-after brand strategist and influencer; host of a top-rated podcast she created with more than 3 million downloads and counting; and an in-demand motivational speaker for a range of companies as well as business schools, with a TEDx talk that has more than 2 million views on YouTube, and another 2 million-plus on the TED website.

DEPORTED de Caitlin Dickerson

From an award-winning investigative reporter currently at The Atlantic and formerly of the New York Times, the definitive book to address the American deportation system.

DEPORTED: The Hidden Toll of American Expulsion
by Caitlin Dickerson
Random House, Autumn 2024
(via The Gernert Company)

Deportation is a system that pervades every aspect of American life, yet remains largely invisible. In popular discourse, it is treated as a discrete event affecting one person at a single time; in fact, the devastating ripple effect of deportation has a closer analogue in the destabilization felt by millions of Black American households when their sons and fathers are swept into our mass incarceration system. The households of deported immigrants, as well as those who live with the daily fear of expulsion, have been grappling with a similar reality on a massive and underrecognized scale.
Based on her many years of reporting on our immigration system, DEPORTED will be the definitive book to address the complexity and complicity of the American deportation system. Following the people caught in the middle of the system, it is a multi-generational story that spans cities, suburbs, and farmland and knits together an entire continent. Dickerson will reveal how the “deportation machine” has grown largely unchecked into both a multibillion dollar industry and a powerful lobbying force behind harsher policies designed to further increase profits. The narrative centers on the millions of “essential workers” we rely on every day to to pick and serve our food, to clean and build our houses, to care for our children and our elders. At its heart, DEPORTED asks: how did we come to subjugate an entire population living alongside us to a permanent lower class? What harms have resulted, and how can we begin to repair them?

Caitlin Dickerson is a staff writer at the Atlantic where she covers immigration and the American experience. She joined the Atlantic after five years at the New York Times, where she broke news about changes in deportation and detention policy and its consequences. She also served as a frequent guest and guest-host for “The Daily.” Dickerson is the winner of a Peabody and Edward R Murrow Award and three-time finalist for the Livingston Award. She lives in Brooklyn.

OUT OF YOUR MIND de Jorge Cham & Dwayne Godwin

An introductory journal into the human brain—if your inner voice had a PhD in brain science, made jokes, and drew cartoons. A fun, illustrated journey into the brain by acclaimed authors and scientists Jorge Cham and Dwayne Godwin.

OUT OF YOUR MIND: The Biggest Mysteries of the Human Brain
by Jorge Cham & Dwayne Godwin
Pantheon, Fall 2023
(via The Gernert Company)

Why do you love? Why do you lie? What makes you happy? Every single thought you have comes from one place: your brain. It is simultaneously the most complex structure we have ever encountered, and it’s the very same structure we use to study it. But what makes it tick? How does its intricate wiring affect our everyday lives? How much of it have we decoded, and how much remains an impenetrable mystery? Join popular online cartoonist Jorge Cham (PHD Comics; We Have No Idea; Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe) and Neuroscientist Dwayne Godwin (Wake Forest University; Scientific American) on a deep dive into the fascinating world of human brain studies. With casual, clear and jargon-free explanations, compelling stories, and hilarious comics, Jorge and Dwayne will explore interesting questions like, « Where is you in the brain? » « Do we have free will? » « What is consciousness? » and « What makes us happy? » while illuminating everything we know (and DON’T know) about the brain.

Jorge Cham is the creator of the popular online comic Piled Higher and Deeper, also known as PHD Comics. He earned his PhD in robotics at Stanford.
Dwayne Godwin is a Professor in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy and the Dean of the Wake Forest University Graduate School for Biomedical Sciences.


On the trail of the secrets of life. An inspiring story that kindles inner peace, renewed hope, and refreshing joy of life in each of us.

(Conversations with a Tree)
by Matthias Strolz
Kailash/PRH Verlagsgruppe, March 2022

When he realises he is able to converse with his favourite tree, Matthias Strolz sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him through the essential questions of life that affect us deeply and make us human, eventually leading him to his personal « inner place ». His intensive, entertaining, and profound conversations with the magical tree revolve around birth and death, time and space, God and religion, politics and the state, money and power, job and success, pain and joy, and happiness and love. Knowledge and inner truths will come to fruition through the universal connectedness of everything in existence.

An inspiring dialogue on the philosophical questions of life
• For all who are in a phase of change and searching for new paths in life
• For fans of John Strelecky, Paulo Coelho, and Tessa Randau

Matthias Strolz is an impact and startup entrepreneur, bestselling author, publicist, keynote speaker, people mover, free spirit, and coach. He studied political science, international economics, and systemic organisational development in Austria and internationally. Developing potential has been something close to his heart ever since his teenage years. As a coach and consultant, he advises individuals, non-profit organisations, and companies in strategy and development processes. In May 2020 his bestseller « Strength and Inspiration for These Times » ( appeared, a book filled with inspirations for a proactive lifestyle and the good life.

MEHR PLATZ IM GEHIRN de Boris Nikolai Konrad

Marie Kondo for the brain!

(More Room in the Brain)
by Boris Nikolai Konrad
Ariston/PRH Verlagsgruppe, April 2022

The human brain is quite remarkable and is most often compared very favorably with high-performance computers. How is it then that we still have the feeling constantly forgetting things, being late to appointments, and having a hopelessly crowded head? Boris Nikolai Konrad helps us regain control of our cerebral processes. This neuroscientist first illustrates the amazing ways the brain functions. He then explains how we can improve how we use our brains. With his techniques we can learn to experience full relaxation without yoga, to remember every name with ease – and to finally eliminate the chaos in our head.

Neuroscience, the trend topic: understanding how the human brain works, and how to get more out of your own brain
• Explained by the World Memory Champion
• With numerous exercises

Boris Nikolai Konrad, born in 1984, is a neuroscientist, has been World Memory champion several times, has set up four Guinness Book records and is internationally in demand for television shows. He already started working as a memory trainer and lecturer in 2006. He has also devoted himself to this field as a scientist and is involved in research into extraordinarily good performances of memory, at present at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.