Archives de catégorie : Science Fiction


Anyone can track down a priceless artefact that’s been lost for hundreds of years. Finding one that’s been hidden on a parallel Earth… now that’s a neat trick! Indiana Jones meets the Men in Black and all hell breaks out.

by Eva St. John
Self-published, 2020 – 2023
(via the Zeno Agency)

Embark on an exhilarating journey with the best-selling Quantum Curators Series by Eva St. John. Experience the thrill of interdimensional treasure hunts in five riveting novels, with protagonists Neith Salah and Julius Strathclyde. From unearthing the enigmatic ‘Fabergé Egg’ to decoding cosmic conundrums, every tale is a unique blend of high-stakes adventure and compelling science fiction. But as they step between two Earths, they must also outwit the rogue curators from within, intent on seizing these treasures for dark purposes. The Quantum Curators series is a potent mix of action, intrigue, and quantum mysteries that’s sure to captivate sci-fi enthusiasts.


When Neith Salah – a quantum curator charged with traveling to our parallel Earth to rescue precious artefacts – is ordered to save a priceless Fabergé Egg, she figures it’s just another job. The only problem: she’s not sure what the egg looks like. Or where it is. Or when it is.

Enter Julius Strathclyde, a mild-mannered Cambridge professor whose closest brush with death-defying treasure hunts is finding lost coins down the back of the sofa. Not the usual “save the world” type, but when Julius’ best friend is murdered while searching for the egg, Neith realizes that this mild-mannered professor is the only person who can help her solve the riddles that will lead her to the egg.

She just has to keep him alive long enough to do it.

He’s got the fountain pens. She’s got the guns. They’ll just have to hope that’s enough to keep them ahead of the Russian Mafia, unknown assassins, and perhaps even other quantum curators who want the egg for their own dark purposes… and may not be picky about who they have to kill to get it.

Number one bestselling author Eva St. John invites you to join Neith and Julius on a fast-paced adventure that will take you from Russia and Poland to London and Cambridge, from our world to theirs, and beyond. If you love adventure, humour, and puzzles – with just a pinch of time-traveling thrills mixed in for luck – you’ll love The Quantum Curators and the Fabergé Egg.

Eva St. John was born in Norwich before being whisked away to Ireland and then back to the UK. After realizing that a degree might actually require some form of employment, she jumped into the work of a librarian and fell in love with books. A joy that had begun with her mother’s travelling library. From Wales, Eva moved to Cornwall and opened a bookshop. Always chasing the books, she eventually decided to start writing them. She also writes romance under another name.


Life outside the domes is not possible. At least that’s what Insiders are told. A debut fantasy perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner.

by Michelle Kenney
HQ/HarperCollins UK, 2017-
(via Northbank Talent Management)

Book 1: BOOK OF FIRE (August 2017)

Twins Eli and Talia shouldn’t exist. They’re Outsiders.
Their home is a secret. Their lives are a secret. Arafel is a secret.
An unexpected forest raid forces Talia into a desperate mission to rescue her family while protecting the sacred Book of Arafel from those who would use it as a weapon. As Talia and her life long friend Max enter the dome, she makes some unexpected discoveries, and allies, in the form of rugged Insider August, that will change the course of her life forever.

She’ll stop at nothing to save her family but will she sacrifice her heart in the process?

Book 2: CITY OF DUST (October 2018)

The fight is never over.
Life in Arafel is no longer safe. Not since August’s disappearance, and whispers of a ghost controlling Pantheon.
Meanwhile, Talia stands torn between secretive twin, Eli, and best friend, Max.

Betrayal forces Talia to leave the sanctuary of her forest home as she pursues the stolen Book of Arafel. A book which could destroy the freedom of all those she loves if it falls into the wrong hands. And when she enters the ancient ruined city of Isca, she fights to protect the vulnerable from the iron grip of the Pantheon, while learning to fight for the man she loves.

But with the shadow of the Black Aquila looming ever closer, will she put the freedom of others above her own, or will she follow her heart?

Book 3: STORM OF ASH (December 2019)

As Talia treks back through the treacherous North Mountains, she knows only three things:

Pantheon has stolen nearly everyone she loves;
Her blood is the only control over the Voynich’s oldest secret;
And Cassius won’t stop hunting Arafel until every last outsider is destroyed.

Will Talia finally face her legacy and defeat Cassius before it is too late?


Michelle Kenney is a firm believer in magic, and that ancient doorways to other worlds can still be found if we look hard enough. She is also a hopeless scribbleaholic and, when left to her own devices, likes nothing better than to dream up new fantasy worlds in the back of a dog-eared notebook. Doctors say they’re unlikely to find a cure any time soon. She holds a LLB (hons) degree, an APD in Public Relations and is an Accredited Practitioner with the CIPR (with whom she’s won awards for Magazine & PR work). But she’s definitely happiest curled up against a rainy window, with her nose in a book.


Book 1 in an action-packed dystopian adventure series set in the near- future post-melt Arctic.

(Terra Electrica, Book 1)
by Antonia Maxwell
Neem Tree Press, July 2024
(via Randle Editorial & Literary Consultancy)

The last ice cap has melted, and the world is on the brink of collapse. A deadly alien force—the Terra Electrica—has been unleashed. It feeds on electricity. It is infecting humanity.

In this chaotic, rapidly changing reality, 12-year-old Mani has lost her family and community to the Terra Electrica. Armed only with some ancestral wisdom and a powerful, ancient wooden mask she was never meant to inherit so soon, she suddenly finds herself responsible for the fate of the world.

Can Mani piece everything together and harness her newfound powers in time to save humanity?

Antonia Maxwell is a writer and editor based in North Essex and Cambridge, UK. With a degree in Modern Languages and a longstanding career as a book editor, she has a lifelong curiosity for language and words, and a growing fascination in the power of story – the way it shapes our lives and frames our experience.


Perfect for fans of Tom Clancy and Nicholas Irving’s Reaper books, ROGUE SEQUENCE is pulse-pounding technothriller about an imprisoned soldier who has a chance at freedom but the price to pay is greater than he could have ever imagined.

by Zac Topping
Forge, June 2024
(via JABberwocky Literary Agency)

It’s 2091 and independent contract companies around the world are producing genetically modified soldiers…to be sold to the highest bidders.

Ander Rade is a super-soldier, a genetically engineered living weapon, and has been dutifully following orders since he gave himself to Xyphos Industries’ Gene-Mod Program several years ago. But when a mission goes sideways, he’s captured, imprisoned, and forced into brutally violent fighting pits for the better part of the next decade…until agents from the Genetic Compliance Department of the United American Provinces appear in the visiting room.

Things have changed since Rade was captured. Shortly after his incarceration, the World Unity Council banned human genetic engineering and deemed all modified individuals a threat to society. Overnight, an entire subculture of people became outlaws simply for existing. But instead of leaving Rade locked behind bars, the GCD agents have come with an offer: Freedom in exchange for his help tracking down one of his former teammates from that ill-fated mission all those years ago.

It’s an offer Rade can’t refuse, but he soon realizes that the situation is far more volatile than anyone had anticipated, and is forced to take matters into his own hands as he tries to figure out whose side he’s really on, and why?

Zac Topping grew up in Eastern Connecticut and discovered a passion for writing early in life. He is a veteran of the United States Army and has served two tours in Iraq, and is the author of the critically acclaimed novel, Wake of War. He lives with his wife and dog in a quiet farm town and currently works as a career firefighter.

MOONBOUND de Robin Sloan

Robin Sloan expands the Penumbraverse to new reaches of time and space in a rollicking far-future adventure.

by Robin Sloan
MCD/FSG, June 2024
(via The Gernert Company)

In MOONBOUND, Robin Sloan has written a novel with the full scope and ambitious imagination of the very books that lit the engines of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore: an epic quest as only Sloan could conceive it, mixing science fiction, fantasy, good old-fashioned literary storytelling, and unrivaled enthusiasm for what’s next.

It is eleven thousand years from now . . . A lot has happened, and yet a lot is still very familiar. Ariel is a boy in a small town under a wizard’s rule. Like many adventurers before him, Ariel is called to explore a world full of unimaginable glories and challenges: unknown enemies, a mission to save the world, a girl. Here, as they say, be dragons. But none of this happens before Ariel comes across an artifact from an earlier civilization, a sentient, record-keeping artificial intelligence that carries with it the perspective of the whole of human history―and becomes both Ariel’s greatest ally and the narrator of our story.

MOONBOUND is an adventure into the richest depths of Story itself. It is a deeply satisfying epic of ancient scale, blasted through the imaginative prism one of our most forward-thinking writers. And this is only the beginning.

Robin Sloan grew up in Michigan and now splits his time between San Francisco and the internet. He is the author of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore and Sourdough.