Archives de catégorie : Self Help / Mind, Body & Spirit

ADULT BRACES de Lindy West

ADULT BRACES will provide exercises, thought experiments, and prescriptions that will help her reader map the fears that prevent her from becoming the attentive, active navigator of her own life.

A Self-Help Book from a Self-in-Progress, or, How You Can Go from Being a Mess to Being a Way Happier Mess
by Lindy West
Hachette US, 2024
(via David Black Literary)

Through SHRILL, the book and then the Hulu series, Lindy West became an inspiration. To this day she is stopped on the street and told she is a beacon of empowerment by women who felt they couldn’t conform to the categories deemed acceptable—thin, straight, compliant—and felt bad about it. To them she modeled someone who had achieved self-actualization.
But what if casting off society’s pre-conceived notions was only the first part of the journey? What if it all the progress that culminated in SHRILL—the actualized self—turned out not to be a destination but an overnight stay on the way to somewhere else even more fulfilling?
Modeled on the sturdy breed of self-esteem-builders like the Sinceros, Mansons, Hollises, and even
The Artist’s Way (which Lindy loves), ADULT BRACES uses Lindy’s own, post-SHRILL emotional implosion to chart her way back to an evolving, non-static happiness, and to the realization that the roads to self-actualization are infinite, unpredictable, and endlessly gratifying—and long as you don’t pull over.
ADULT BRACES takes Lindy back to SHRILL yet leaps ahead to something entirely new. She is providing a guide out of indolence and fear. For her, as has been made quite public, it led to a complete reinvention of her marriage. It doesn’t have to be precisely that for every reader, but that is the bold standard she sets. Whatever the particulars, she wants to help readers find what she has, a map to more love, more sex, more trust, more openness. And the courage to keep driving.

Lindy West is a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times and a contributor to This American Life. She is the bestselling author of the essay collection The Witches Are Coming as well as Shrill, a memoir, which she adapted into a comedy for Hulu starring Aidy Bryant. She lives in Seattle. 


Dr. Falk builds on Nobel prize winning behavioral economics Richard Thaler and Cass Sustein’s bestselling juggernaut, Nudge, which argues that subtle interventions in our environment (nudges) can make new and desired behaviors easier to adopt by working with our default ways of thinking. You want someone to eat healthier? Move the fruit to eye level. You want employees to use less paper? Make everyone share one printer. While this Nudge theory of persuasion can be effective in many ways, it can also feel like a benevolent manipulation or puppetry. Dr. Falk presents a revolutionary way to think about personal change and persuasion by tapping into ones own values system–but not the way you might think.

The Neuroscience of Becoming More Purposeful and Persuasive
by Dr. Emily Falk
W.W. Norton, Winter 2024
(via Park & Fine Literary and Media)

Bringing the fresh perspective of a neuroscientist to a conversation long dominated by behavioral economists and social psychologists, Dr. Falk’s research is focused on a straight-forward question: What is actually happening in the brain when people make decisions? The answer is the value calculation, which has surprisingly little to do with what we typically think of as “values,” such as religion, political views, family tradition, or even our own stated goals. Dr. Falk reveals how our brains use the value calculation to balance a messy array of information to reach decisions in real time by playing a moment-to-moment, behind the scenes game of “would you rather” with a very simple set of inputs: self-relevance, social relevance, and what is front of mind in the moment. Understanding the science behind this value calculation, and how we can tip the scales in favor of the behaviors and values we want to prioritize, can allow us to make better decisions for ourselves – and make us more persuasive with others.
As millions of people are re-thinking their careers, re-examining their relationships, and prioritizing self-care, there has never been a more important time for a book to help readers make more meaningful decisions and connections. Most of us have default answers for both the big and small questions in our lives, but WOULD YOU RATHER will teach you how to reconsider what you
really want to place front and center in your value system, and how to realign your choices in ways that will help you interrupt default thinking, recommit to your most positive habits, and open you up to new paths, new friendships, new perspectives, and new discoveries.

Dr. Emily Falk is a Professor of Communication, Psychology, Marketing and Operations, Information and Decisions, at the University of Pennsylvania, and a Distinguished Fellow of the Annenberg Public Policy Center. A leading expert in the science of attitude and behavior change, Dr. Falk has been recognized with numerous awards in her field, including a DARPA Young Faculty Award, the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, and a Fulbright grant. Her work has been widely covered in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, BBC, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, Scientific American and others.

FOOD THERAPY de Pixie Turner

Diets don’t just fail to make us healthy. They take up unnecessary space in our minds and prevent us from living life to the fullest. By understanding why we eat, and bringing awareness to our food, we can rebuild the damage caused by diets and eat freely, without guilt, and set ourselves on a course to lifelong health. FOOD THERAPY will literally change your mind about eating well.

Understand and Repair Your Relationship with What You Eat
by Pixie Turner
Piatkus/Little, Brown UK, January 2023
(via Northbank Talent Management)

In FOOD THERAPY, Pixie Turner presents a fresh new approach to rehabilitating our relationship with food. Instead of focusing on rules, reduction and restriction, this practical book will help you uncover the roots and psychology of your relationship with food – how your experiences and feelings affect what you eat – and introduce you to a lifelong practice that will free you from a destructive relationship with food and dieting.
Healthy eating begins in the mind. As a registered nutritionist and qualified ACT therapist, Pixie has a wealth of experience with clients who come to her for help with disordered eating and body image problems. This book will help you understand why diets don’t work, and will empower you to rebuild your relationship with food by using psychological tools to identify your unique problematic points, and counter those with healthy eating habits. Including:

– How to reset and understand your relationship with hunger and feeling full
– Overcoming shame and defence mechanisms
– Fostering self-compassion to help you recover from setbacks
– Guidance on making better choices and creating a more positive environment

Pixie Turner is a registered nutritionist (RNutr) and science communicator, and she also has qualifications in psychotherapy, which makes her uniquely positioned to write this book. Alongside her degrees in biochemistry and nutrition and her qualifications in psychotherapy, she has over 130,000 followers on her ‘Pixie Nutrition’ social media accounts. Her science communication work extends across mainstream media, social media, and her popular podcast In Bad Taste. Pixie has been featured as a nutrition expert on the BBC, Sky and Channel 5, and in publications such as Red magazine, the Evening Standard, Grazia, the Telegraph and more. She is the author of three books: The Wellness Rebel (2018), The No Need to Diet Book (2019) and The Insta-Food Diet (August 2020), all published by Head of Zeus.

8 RULES OF LOVE de Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty, thought leader and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller THINK LIKE A MONK, offers a revelatory guide to every stage of love, drawing on ancient wisdom and new science.

by Jay Shetty
Simon & Schuster, January 2023
(via Levine Greenberg Rostan)

As he did with THINK LIKE A MONK, Shetty offers advice from his unique background and experience, combining ancient wisdom with modern social science. In a world awash in guides to romance, 8 RULES OF LOVE is a genuinely fresh take. It doesn’t include pickup lines or give advice on how to change yourself or your partner. Instead, it is about embracing your preferences and hopes, so you don’t waste time on people who aren’t good for you. It’s about learning how to display your values, and letting go of any anger, greed, ego, self-doubt, and confusion that clouds your heart and interferes with your ability to love.
Shetty lays out specific, actionable steps to help you develop the skills to practice and nurture love. He tackles the entire relationship cycle, from first dates to moving in together to marriage to kids to breaking up and starting over. And he shows how to avoid falling for false promises and unfulfilling partners, helping readers recognize when it’s time to let love go. 8 RULES OF LOVE results in an inspiring and empowering read.

Nobody sits us down and teaches us how to love, so we’re often thrown into relationships with nothing but romance movies and pop culture to help us muddle through. I want to help you deal with the challenges and imperfections we encounter on the journey to love. I want you to create a love that grows every day, expanding and evolving rather than achieved and complete. We can’t know where and when we’ll find love, but we can prepare for it and practice what we’ve learned when we find it. Love is about learning to love ourselves in order to love others. I hope this book helps you do just that.”

Jay Shetty is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, award-winning storyteller, podcast host, and former monk, dedicated to helping people train their mind for peace and purpose every day. In 2017, Forbes named him to their 30 Under 30 List for his game-changing impact in media. His viral videos have been viewed more than 10 billion times and he is followed by over 50 million people across social media. In 2019, Jay created On Purpose, now the world’s #1 Health and Wellness podcast. He’s been a keynote speaker around the world, invited to Google, Microsoft, Netflix and American Express, among many others. Over two million people have attended his Online School, and his Genius Coaching community provides weekly programming on health and wellness to thousands of members in over 100 countries.

BEYOND DISTRACTION de Shaila Catherine

Learn how to overcome distraction in meditation practice and develop clarity in your relationships, work, and activities with this new guide from a beloved meditation teacher.

Five Practical Ways to Focus the Mind
by Shaila Catherine
Wisdom Publications, May 2022

The mind can be a potent tool, used to guide extraordinary achievements, inspire good works, and incline your spiritual path toward peace and awakening. But the mind can also produce thoughts that lead to suffering. For many people, thoughts run rampant and seem to oppress or control their lives. Even the Buddha tells us that before his enlightenment, he sometimes found his mind preoccupied by thoughts connected with sensual desire, ill will, and harm. But he figured out how to respond to thoughts skillfully and developed a step-by-step approach to calm the restless mind.
Now, Insight Meditation teacher Shaila Catherine offers an accessible approach to training the mind that is guided by the Buddha’s pragmatic instructions on removing distracting thoughts. Drawing on two scriptures in the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, Shaila shows you how to overcome habitual modes of thinking, develop deeper concentration, and discover the insights into emptiness that are vital for a liberating spiritual path.
Following the Buddha’s pragmatic approach, Shaila guides you through five steps for overcoming distraction and focusing the mind. Each chapter includes exercises and reflections to help you cultivate the five steps to deeper concentration. You’ll learn about your mind and develop your ability to direct your attention more skillfully in meditation and daily activities. And ultimately, you’ll discover for yourself how these five steps boil down to one key realization: In the moment you recognize that a thought is just a thought, you will find yourself on the path to a life of remarkable freedom.

Shaila Catherine has been leading meditation retreats worldwide since 1996, emphasizing deep concentration, jhana, and the path of liberating insight. Shaila is the founder of Bodhi Courses, an online Dhamma classroom, and Insight Meditation South Bay, a Buddhist meditation center in Silicon Valley in California. She has practiced meditation since 1980, studied with founders of Western insight meditation centers, and accumulated more than nine years of silent retreat experience. Shaila spent most of the 1990s practicing with eminent masters in India, Thailand, and Nepal. From 2006 to 2014, she practiced under the guidance of Pa-Auk Sayadaw and twice completed his rigorous training in jhana and vipassana. Shaila loves deep meditation, and appreciates a variety of approaches to exploring, developing, and liberating the mind. Shaila is the author of Focused and Fearless: A Meditator’s Guide to States of Deep Joy, Calm, and Clarity and Wisdom Wide and Deep: A Practical Handbook for Mastering Jhana and Vipassana.