Archives par étiquette : Verlagsgruppe Penguin Random House Bertelsmann

LONG COVID de Martin Korte

Covid’s serious neurological after-effects: causes, treatments, and your chance of recovery, by one of Germany’s best-known brain researchers, specializing in how inflammatory processes influence brain performance. Based on the latest research findings

by Prof. Dr. Martin Korte
DVA, October 2022

Exhaustion, breathlessness, loss of taste, brain fog, problems concentrating: about ten percent of Covid patients report these and other similar symptoms, months after first catching the virus. It doesn’t matter if their original symptoms were mild, and even the young and usually fit and healthy are affected. Not only that, but the latest studies show that Covid can accelerate brain ageing, meaning that the number of people suffering from dementia could rise sharply in the next few years. This alarming discovery suggests that long Covid really is the new endemic disease, and doctors and scientists have issued warnings about the long-term consequences for both individual patients and society at large.
In his new book, Martin Korte, who is researching long Covid at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research and Braunschweig Technical University, reveals how viral infections can damage our brains and cause lifelong conditions affecting people of all ages. He also explains how we can minimise the risk of long Covid, what treatments are available, and what we can do to regain our physical and mental fitness.

Martin Korte is one of Germany’s foremost neuroscientists. He is Professor of Neurobiology at Braunschweig Technical University and head of the Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration research group at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig. He specialises in the cellular basis of learning and memory, and the interaction between the immune and nervous systems in the context of Alzheimer’s. He and his research group were among the first to show that viral respiratory diseases can cause the immune system to overreact, causing long-term damage to the brain. He is currently involved in research into long Covid. Korte is a much sought-after expert, and will be familiar to many from his frequent talks and TV appearances.

BEUTEZEIT de Norris Von Schirach

An impressively topical novel about a post-Soviet society sinking into a swamp of corruption and terror. Through the lens of his hero Anton, von Schirach tells how the global conflicts between Russia, China and the West over mineral resources, power and influence are fought out with the hardest of sticks – and how the individual is ground down in the process, should he not follow the commercial codes of the new era.

(Prey Time)
by Norris Von Schirach
Penguin Verlag, September 2022

When Vladimir Putin becomes president in January 2000, Anton, a rich commodities trader, flees Moscow. Behind him lie eight breathtaking years in post-Soviet predatory capitalism, ahead of him yawning boredom in the well-off milieu of New York. But even at forty, Anton is still an incorrigible romantic in search of the next thrill. Then a headhunter makes him an enticing offer. Anton is to build up a steel company in Kazakhstan, which is so rich in mineral resources, with money from anonymous sources. The German embarks on the adventure and learns painfully how local clans and insatiable elites ruthlessly defend the loot they have amassed after the fall of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Anton finds allies and makes a momentous pact.

Norris von Schirach, born in Munich in 1963, worked in London and New York after graduating from high school and completing a commercial apprenticeship. After his studies, he lived in Moscow from 1993 to 2003. There he experienced the euphoria and frustration of the Yeltsin years, when the border between organized crime and state institutions dissolved while large parts of the population became impoverished. Norris von Schirach has a son and now lives in Romania after extended stays in Kazakhstan and Australia.


Why we want to do the right thing, but do the wrong thing instead – and how to become a better person.

(Why It Is So Hard to Be Good)
by Armin Falk
Siedler Verlag, May 2022

Would you save a life for 100 euros? The answer has to be yes – doesn’t everyone want to do the right thing? But Armin Falk, Germany’s leading behavioural economist, shows that we often do bad things despite wanting to be good, and are far from being as good as we like to think.
Why is it that we don’t do the right thing day in and day out: help others, give to those in need, protect our climate or care for the well-being of animals? Using many concrete examples and the insights he has gained from years of research, the Leibniz Prize-winner reveals under what circumstances people are likely to act morally – or immorally – and the role that personality, gender, education and culture play. Once we have understood this, we’ll find it easier to change – not only ourselves, but the very fabric of our economy and society.

Armin Falk, born in 1968, is the director of the Institute for Behavioural Economics and Inequality (BRIQ) and of the Laboratory for Experimental Economic Research, as well as Professor of economics at the University of Bonn. He is one of the world’s most highly regarded economic scientists. His work has won him the 2009 Leibniz Prize (the ‘German Nobel’) and a 2013 Advanced Grant from the European Research Council, the world’s highest prize for economists.


On the trail of the secrets of life. An inspiring story that kindles inner peace, renewed hope, and refreshing joy of life in each of us.

(Conversations with a Tree)
by Matthias Strolz
Kailash/PRH Verlagsgruppe, March 2022

When he realises he is able to converse with his favourite tree, Matthias Strolz sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him through the essential questions of life that affect us deeply and make us human, eventually leading him to his personal « inner place ». His intensive, entertaining, and profound conversations with the magical tree revolve around birth and death, time and space, God and religion, politics and the state, money and power, job and success, pain and joy, and happiness and love. Knowledge and inner truths will come to fruition through the universal connectedness of everything in existence.

An inspiring dialogue on the philosophical questions of life
• For all who are in a phase of change and searching for new paths in life
• For fans of John Strelecky, Paulo Coelho, and Tessa Randau

Matthias Strolz is an impact and startup entrepreneur, bestselling author, publicist, keynote speaker, people mover, free spirit, and coach. He studied political science, international economics, and systemic organisational development in Austria and internationally. Developing potential has been something close to his heart ever since his teenage years. As a coach and consultant, he advises individuals, non-profit organisations, and companies in strategy and development processes. In May 2020 his bestseller « Strength and Inspiration for These Times » ( appeared, a book filled with inspirations for a proactive lifestyle and the good life.

MEHR PLATZ IM GEHIRN de Boris Nikolai Konrad

Marie Kondo for the brain!

(More Room in the Brain)
by Boris Nikolai Konrad
Ariston/PRH Verlagsgruppe, April 2022

The human brain is quite remarkable and is most often compared very favorably with high-performance computers. How is it then that we still have the feeling constantly forgetting things, being late to appointments, and having a hopelessly crowded head? Boris Nikolai Konrad helps us regain control of our cerebral processes. This neuroscientist first illustrates the amazing ways the brain functions. He then explains how we can improve how we use our brains. With his techniques we can learn to experience full relaxation without yoga, to remember every name with ease – and to finally eliminate the chaos in our head.

Neuroscience, the trend topic: understanding how the human brain works, and how to get more out of your own brain
• Explained by the World Memory Champion
• With numerous exercises

Boris Nikolai Konrad, born in 1984, is a neuroscientist, has been World Memory champion several times, has set up four Guinness Book records and is internationally in demand for television shows. He already started working as a memory trainer and lecturer in 2006. He has also devoted himself to this field as a scientist and is involved in research into extraordinarily good performances of memory, at present at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.