Archives par étiquette : Verlagsgruppe Penguin Random House Bertelsmann

DIGITALE BALANCE de Christoph Koch

Less smartphone – more life!

(Digital Balance)
by Christoph Koch
Heyne/PRH Germany, March 2021

The smartphone. How could a small device have become so life-defining so quickly? Can we change this situation without having to do without too many things? Christoph Koch says, yes, we can. For many years he has been dealing with the topics of internet abstinence and online addiction. With scientifically supported findings, he explains what is behind all this. Why are apps so addicting? What is happening in the brain? Why is almost no one resistant to it? Which business models are based on this? And what do experts say? Koch’s 30-day challenge shows why it is worth reducing online consumption and how one can benefit both physically and mentally through a more aware interaction with digital media. Motivating, entertaining, easy to implement – a guide for creating a digital balance.

Christoph Koch, born in 1974, is a journalist for many respected news-papers and periodicals. Some years ago his book I Am Offline: Life without a Smartphone was many weeks on the Spiegel bestseller list. Since then he has given countless lectures on the topic of internet abstinence and online addiction, and holds interviews in radio, print, and television. Considered a digitalisation expert, he speaks at conferences and is welcome guest in podium discussions. He has received various awards for his journalistic work.

IMMER DER NASE NACH de Christine Löber & Hanna Grabbe

The popular science book about the ears, nose and throat.

(Follow Your Nose)
by Dr. Christine Löber & Hanna Grabbe
Mosaik/PRH Germany, March 2021

The nose sits in the middle of the face, yet most people know surprisingly little about it. Yet our ENT department manages a large part of our perception – apart from breathing. Next to the eyes, the nose, ears and throat form our most important connection to the outside world. Dr. Christine Löber explains in best pop science manner how smelling works, where the voice comes from and why cotton swabs have no place in the ear. She makes us impressively aware of the influence the ENT area has on our psyche. And she gives tips on how to keep the throat, nose and ears healthy. The great knowledge book about the throat, nose and ears.

Dr. med. Christine Löber is a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine with her own practice in Hamburg. In her work, she attaches importance to taking a holistic view of people and, among other things, advocates for a people-oriented healthcare system within the framework of the #Twankenhaus movement.
Hanna Grabbe is a media scientist and graduate of the Berlin School of Journalism. She worked for several years as a specialist editor for the health industry at the Financial Times Deutschland. Today she is an editor at Die Zeit.

DIE NATUR AUF DER FLUCHT de Benjamin von Brackel

Nature as climate refugee – The largest global migration of species since the ice age.

(Nature on the Run)
by Benjamin von Brackel
Heyne/PRH Germany, April 2021

There is something afoot in the world of animals and plants, something which has so far caught too little attention. Wherever they can, animals and plants are moving towards the earth’s poles to flee from rising temperatures and drought in their natural habitats. Tropical zones lose their inhabitants, beavers are settling in Alaska, gigantic shoals of fish disappear just to reappear in front of foreign coastlines. Sea creatures move an average of 72 kilometres a year, land creatures an average of 17 kilometres. In this exciting and vivid book, Benjamin von Brackel describes a phenomenon which demonstrates nature’s impressive adaptability as well as the dramatic consequences of climate change – not the least for humankind, for the migration of species won’t leave us unaffected.

Benjamin von Brackel, born in 1982, graduated from the German School for Journalism in Munich and studied politics in Erlangen and Berlin. Today, he is one of the most renowned environmental journalists in Germany. He works as freelance journalist for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit and Natur focussing on climate change. He co-founded the online magazine klimareporter° and was awarded the German Environmental Media Prize in 2016.

DUNKELKAMMER de Bernhard Aichner

He only appears where people die. He’s closer to death than to anything or anyone else.

(Dark Room)
by Bernhard Aichner
btb/PRH Germany, March 2021

Winter in Innsbruck. A homeless man seeks refuge in a long abandoned house in the woods. In the bedroom, he finds a dead body. It has been lying there for twenty years. It’s just what the press photographer David Bronski has been waiting for. He and his colleague, the journalist Svenja Spielmann, are tasked with reporting from the scene – but what he won’t tell anyone is what connects him to this spectacular case.
Ever since he can remember, Bronski has taken photographs of misfortune. His eye is trained on the darkness in our world. He goes where people die. He immortalises everything that’s bad, and is fascinated by the silence of death. It’s like an addiction. Bronski is closer to death than to anything or anyone else, and lives only for his secret passion: analogue photography. The dark room is his safe haven – here, he creates his works of art, portraits of dead people. Scarred by a terrible event in his past, this is his attempt to rediscover meaning in life.

Bernhard Aichner, born in 1972, works as an author and photographer and writes novels, audio plays and stage plays. He trained as a journalist at the second largest Austrian daily newspaper, where he grew particularly fascinated by police photographs of accidents, murders and natural disasters. Aichner has been awarded several literary prizes and scholarships for his work, including among others the 2015 Crime Cologne Award and the 2017 Friedrich Glauser Prize. His books are bestsellers and translated into numerous languages.


When the search for home turns into a search for yourself…

(The Colour of the North Wind)
by Klara Jahn
Heyne/PRH Germany, March 2021

Ellen has always felt like a visitor in her own life. Except once, when she was young and briefly lived on the Halligen islands with her mother. She never wanted to leave, but had no say in the matter. Now she returns to these oddly familiar marshes – and to Liske, who once was like a sister to her. As they grow closer, old conflicts are stirred up again; but Ellen refuses to give up. Because she knows that this is her true home. For readers of Delia Owens’ Where the Crawdads Sing.

Klara Jahn is the pseudonym of a famous bestselling author. She is a historian, and loves telling big stories – and to dive deep into the history and people of her locations, guided by her love for nature and fascination with rugged landscapes. DIE FARBE DES NORDWINDS is her first book for Heyne in which she takes on northern Germany, whose austere beauty has enthralled her for years.