Archives par étiquette : Verlagsgruppe Penguin Random House Bertelsmann


True friendship in the midst of the Second World War.

(Tell Alex Not to Wait for Me)
by Irene Diwiak
C. Bertelsmann/PRH Germany, February 2023

Munich, 1941. Students Hans and Alex don’t seem to have much in common – until, one day, they both duck out of military training to discuss art and literature instead of practice standing to attention. From that day on, they are close friends, and Hans is a welcome guest at Alex’s « discussion parties ». But war is their constant companion, and the urge to speak out against it grows ever stronger within both of them. Their plans are risky, especially when Hans’s younger sister, who mustn’t at any cost find out about their intentions – moves to Munich…
Diwiak tells the true story of a unique friendship, a story of the White Rose resistance group that for once doesn’t deal with its end, but with its fascinating beginning – moving, intelligent and accessible.

Irene Diwiak, born in in Graz, Austria, in 1991, has won several awards for her literary works and plays, and her 2017 debut « Liebwies » was shortlisted for the Austrian Book Prize (First Novel Award). Her second novel, Malvita, appeared in 2020.

SORRY: Ich habe es nur für dich getan de Bianca Iosivoni

Love can sweep you away – but what if it drags you into its darkest abysses? Perfect for readers of Colleen Hoover and fans of the Netflix series You.

Ich habe es nur für dich getan
(I’m Sorry: I Did It All For You)
by Bianca Iosivoni
Penguin Germany, March 2023

San Francisco. Robyn, a young and ambitious journalist, is shocked when the police show up on her doorstep. Her ex-boyfriend Julian has been reported missing. At a single stroke, the past comes flooding back: the longing, the pain, the disappointment… Robyn thought she had put it all behind her. She’s deeply worried about Julian. What could have happened? Robyn seeks help from her best friend, Cooper – though she has long felt much more for him than that. When the police suspect Cooper of having something to do with Julian’s disappearance, she doesn’t know what to believe, or what to feel. Who can she trust? Can she even trust herself?
An irresistible mix of powerful emotions, psychological suspense and addictive twists.

Over the years, Bianca Iosivoni has won thousands of fans with her new adult and fantasy bestsellers. She loves heady love stories with all their highs and lows, as well as thrills and twists – and combines both in her books for Penguin. SORRY will give you goosebumps and butterflies with its gripping blend of toxic feelings and psychological suspense.

DER WISENT de Konrad Bogusław Bach

A gripping tale, by turns tragicomic and mythical.

(The Bison)
by Konrad Bogusław Bach
‎ Blessing Verlag/PRH Germany, August 2022

Heniek and Andrzeij live in a small town in Poland. One is a mechanic, the other a carpenter, and both are about to retire. They have never had the urge to see the world, but one day they leave their home town of Gajerudki and head west down the A2, the « Motorway to Freedom ». They’re trying to track down Beatka, who has left Heniek after 36 years of marriage to start a new life in the Netherlands. They’ve taken the Mercedes they were meant to fix for a customer, and when they don’t have enough money to fill it with proper fuel, they use cooking oil instead. After an accident involving a herd of deer, the two friends continue their journey on foot. Along the way, they find out things they never knew about each other, including some dark secrets – and when they encounter a European bison, they face a reckoning with their past.

Konrad Bogusław Bach was born in Nakło nad Notecią, Poland, in 1984, and grew up in Hanover. He studied theatre and Catholic theology, classical philosophy and screenwriting in Berlin, Krakow and Rome. In 2020, he completed his PhD on « Laughter on Stage », and now teaches at a secondary school in Frankfurt an der Oder. He has received a grant from the city of Nuremberg for his writing, and taken part in the Munich Screenwriting Workshop as well as the Jürgen Ponto Foundation’s creative writing workshop. His 2015 short film « Magdalenas Akte » has won several prizes. He is married with three children, and lives in Gubin on the Polish–German border. DER WISENT is his first novel.


The secret life of foxes: Clever, playful and caring – what these shrewd survival artists can teach us. Surprising and inspiring.

[The Wisdom of Foxes]
by Dag Frommhold & Daniel Peller
‎ Ludwig/Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe, September 2022

Red fur, amber eyes, a bushy tail: foxes are incredibly beautiful animals. We also think of them as intelligent, shrewd and playful. Yet foxes are not just smart: they have an extraordinary gift for empathy and are excellent communicators. They have a capacity for altruism and self-sacrifice, foster close emotional relationships, and are affectionate partners and loving parents. Foxes prove that you can achieve more through constructive debate than aggression, that smarts and flexibility can get us what we want, and that selflessness benefits everyone in the end.
In DIE WEISHEIT DER FÜCHSE, fox experts Dag Frommhold and Daniel Peller tell astonishing stories showing just how fascinating foxes are – not only are they much more like us than we think, but we can learn a lot from these unsung heroes.

Dag Frommhold has loved foxes ever since he was a child. As an author, co-founder of wildlife conservation initiatives and spokesperson for various wildlife and nature conservation organisations, he has spent many years championing foxes and their fellow vulpines.
When a serious illness forced him to give up his job, Daniel Peller decided to dedicate his life to foxes. After more than twenty years of observing them, corresponding with international fox specialists and closely working with wildlife shelters, he is now a bona fide fox expert. In 2017, he founded the organisation « Fox Aid », running its online aid network, and campaigning for wildlife conservation.

BÖSE BÄUME de Markus Bennemann

The evil life of trees: they kill, steal and commit arson – the truth about our beloved woodland friends.

[Bad Trees]
by Markus Bennemann
Goldmann/Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe, November 2022

No wonder we love trees so much. Even just a short stroll through a park or woodland helps us breathe easier and replenish our energy resources, and looking up into the leafy canopy above your head can help clear your mind. But beeches, yews, etc. also have a darker side: they commit all sorts of nefarious deeds, and are willing to poison, mutilate and kill to gain the advantage over their neighbours. In BÖSE BÄUME, the science editor Markus Bennemann – who loves nothing more than taking a stroll in the woods – uncovers the unpleasant truth about their darker side. He tells readers about the tropical strangler fig, which insidiously chokes its victims; about the domestic walnut, which turns out to be a nasty poisoner; and about eucalyptus trees, who are actually pyromaniacs – and many other such unpalatable fellows in the world of trees.

Markus Bennemann couldn’t decide whether to major in literature or biology. In the end, he chose literature, and now writes books about… well, biology. He is the author of several adult non-fiction and children’s books, which have been translated into numerous languages.