Archives de catégorie : Crime & Thrillers

THE SHADOWS de Stacy Willingham

A psychological thriller executed to perfection with darkly nuanced textures, rich characterization and an instantly-arresting voice combined with the sort of wonderfully twisty commercial plotting that so energized The Silent Patient and The Woman in the Window.

by Stacy Willingham
Macmillan, February 2022

THE SHADOWS is the story of Chloe Davis, a psychologist coming up on the 20th anniversary of the event that destroyed her family: the day when, as a 12 year old, she found a critical piece of evidence that proved her father was a serial killer, and which would lead to his being convicted for the murders of six teenage girls. And while the freight of those events has followed her like a shadow ever since, it’s also the thing she has spent her entire adult life fighting and overcoming. Now 32, Chloe seems to have won. She has built a thriving practice as a psychologist in Baton Rouge, (using her own childhood trauma to help other young, troubled girls), fostered a rich community of friends, has even managed to work through her trust issues, and is engaged to be married to a loving and supportive partner. But behind those hopeful outlines of a normal, happy life lurk paranoia, unhealthy choices, and the steady ticking of dread that, at any moment, Chloe’s carefully-constructed equilibrium might come crashing down around her… And on the eve of that 20th anniversary, it does…

Stacy Willingham is 29. She studied journalism at the University of Georgia and holds an MFA from the Savannah College of Art & Design.

Netflix annonce deux nouvelles productions tirées de romans d’Harlan Coben

La série TV tirée de The Woods d’Harlan Coben sera diffusée sur Netflix le 12 juin prochain. Elle a été réalisée par Leszek Dawid et Bartosz Konopka, qui ont transposé l’histoire en Pologne. Marqué par la disparition de sa sœur dans des circonstances étranges, le procureur Paweł Kopiński a fait son deuil tant bien que mal. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, le corps d’un adolescent disparu la même nuit refait surface et tous les doutes de Paweł ressurgissent : et si sa sœur n’était pas morte ?

The Woods est paru en français aux éditions Belfond en 2008 sous le titre Dans les bois (traduction de Roxane Azimi).

Netflix a par ailleurs annoncé la préparation d’un film tiré de Six Years (Six ans déjà, Belfond, 2014) qui sera écrit, réalisé et produit par David Ayer. La date de sortie reste à confirmer. Pour plus de détails sur le projet d’adaptation, voir l’article de Deadline.

Le titre du roman fait référence au nombre d’années qui se sont écoulées depuis que Jake Fisher a vu Natalie, l’amour de sa vie, épouser un autre homme. Le cœur brisé, il s’est lancé dans sa carrière de professeur d’université, tout en tenant sa promesse de la laisser tranquille. Lorsqu’il apprend que le mari de Natalie est mort, Jake se rend malgré tout aux obsèques et découvre que l’épouse du défunt n’est pas celle dont il était tombé amoureux. Emporté dans sa quête de vérité, Jake se retrouve au cœur d’une incroyable et meurtrière machination dont il pourrait bien être la prochaine victime.

CATFISHING ON CATNET remporte le prix Edgar Award for Young Adult Fiction 2020

Le prix Edgar Award dans la catégorie Young Adult a été attribué à Naomi Kritzer pour son roman CATFISHING ON CATNET. Ce prix prestigieux est décerné chaque année à un roman policier par l’organisme Mystery Writers of America.

Le livre a également obtenu le Minnesota Book Award for Young Adult Literature. L’auteure avait déjà été la lauréate des prix Hugo Award et Locus Award en 2015 avec sa nouvelle “Cat Pictures Please”, également sélectionnée pour le Nebula Award.

CATFISHING ON CATNET   est paru en novembre 2019 chez Tor Teen aux Etats-Unis. La suite, CHAOS ON CATNET, paraîtra en 2021. Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

SHELTER de Catherine Jinks

A new nail-biting thriller by award-winning Australian author Catherine Jinks.

by Catherine Jinks

Text Publishing, October 2020

Meg lives alone: a little place in the bush outside town. A perfect place to hide. That’s one of the reasons she offers to shelter Nerine, who’s escaping a violent ex. The other is that Meg knows what it’s like to live with an abusive partner. When Nerine arrives she’s jumpy and her two little girls are frightened. It tells Meg all she needs to know about where they’ve come from, so she’s not that surprised when Nerine asks her to get hold of a gun. But she knows it’s unnecessary. They’re safe now. Then she starts to wonder about some little things. A disturbed flyscreen. A tune playing on her windchimes. Has Nerine’s ex tracked them down? Has Meg’s husband turned up to torment her some more? By the time she finds out it’ll be too late to do anything but run for her life. SHELTER is for fans of Jane Harper, Dervla McTiernan and Garry Disher.

Catherine Jinks’ books for adults, young adults and children have been published in a dozen countries and have won numerous awards, including a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award and the CBCA Book of the Year Award (four times). In 2001 she was presented with a Centenary Medal for her contribution to Australian Children’s Literature. She lives in the Blue Mountains.

EVERY LAST FEAR de Alex Finlay

Told through multiple points-of-view and alternating between past and present, EVERY LAST FEAR is not only a page-turning intrigue, but also a poignant story about a family managing heartbreak and tragedy, and living through a kind of fame they never wanted to have.

by Alex Finlay
Minotaur, early 2021

When FBI agents arrive at his dorm room, New York University student Matt Pine learns the terrible news: his parents and younger siblings, on vacation in Mexico, have been found dead in their rental home. It’s a horrible blow to Matt, who is already trying to cope with life in the shadow of his older brother’s infamy: seven years ago, Danny Pine was convicted of the murder of a teenage girl in their small Nebraska town, and he’s been in prison ever since. Recently, his case was profiled in a blockbuster documentary that swayed public opinion toward his innocence, but Matt has never believed in Danny’s innocence himself. Now, as the deaths in Mexico appear increasingly suspicious and connected to Danny’s prosecution, Matt must finally unearth the truth behind the crime that sent his brother to prison, and doing so leads him to a shocking conspiracy.

Alex Finlay is the pseudonym of an author who lives in Washington, D.C. Born in Opelika, Alabama, Alex spent his formative years traversing the globe, from a tropical island in the Pacific to a small village in the UK to a remote region in the Far East. But it was on a vacation in Tulum, Mexico that Alex was inspired to write Every Last Fear.