Archives de catégorie : Nonfiction

A CONVENIENT DEATH de Alana Goodman & Daniel Halper

A CONVENIENT DEATH takes readers inside the dark corners of the international power structure as it exposes the sordid tales that the rich and powerful people around the globe wish had stayed hidden.

The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein
by Alana Goodman & Daniel Halper
Sentinel/PRH, June 2020

On the morning of August 10, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein, jet-setting consigliere and friend to the rich and powerful, was found unresponsive in his prison cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan where he awaited his second trial for sexual predation and other crimes. He was rushed to a local hospital and one hour later pronounced dead. The coroner’s verdict? Suicide. But cracks in the official story emerged immediately. And the questions kept coming: Why did the surveillance cameras in front of his cell mysteriously stop working that night? Why was Epstein’s cellmate transferred out and never replaced? Why was a high-profile prisoner so suddenly taken off suicide watch and left unguarded for eight hours? How did Epstein get a bedsheet for hanging himself, when his having one was against jail protocol? Finally, was he murdered to protect the powerful people who feared what he might reveal? Many were happy to learn that Epstein would not have his day in open court. Across the world, a sinister web of powerful billionaires, celebrities and political players, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, had reason to sigh with relief at news of Epstein’s death. Having flown on his private planes and visited his many homes—the sites of so many illicit activities—they had much to lose if their transgressions were ever exposed. And now, Epstein was silenced for good. In A CONVENIENT DEATH, investigative reporters Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper search for the truth behind the scandal that shocked the nation. With unprecedented access to Epstein’s victims and lawyers, to medical professionals, Wall Street insiders and law enforcement officers, they reveal the dirty secrets and sinister ties that may have driven someone in Epstein’s circle to take matters into their own hands.

Alana Goodman is a senior investigative reporter at the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, she was a reporter at the Washington Examiner and the Daily Mail, where she broke the story of politician Anthony Weiner’s online relationship with a 15-year-old girl. Goodman was named one of Politico’s « 16 Breakout Media Stars. » She has appeared on the Fox News Channel, CNN, and C-SPAN.

Daniel Halper is the bestselling author of Clinton, Inc. Previously, he was Washington bureau chief for the New York Post and online editor for the Weekly Standard. Halper has appeared on the Fox News Channel, Fox Business, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, and numerous radio shows.


An exploration of how we speak and why, as well as a guide to help those who have been historically silenced—think women and people of color—own their voices, from a high profile speech and dialect coach and podcast host.

How to Use Your Voice to Get What You Want
by Samara Bay
Crown, February 2023

Anyone who has ever been told “You should speak up!” during a presentation at the office, a group project at school, or even a conversation among friends can attest to the misunderstanding at the heart of that demand. For those of us—women, people of color, immigrants, outsiders—who find it hard to speak up, the issue is not just about willpower. Many of us have internalized the same messages since birth: that because of the pitch of our voice, the accent we possess, or the slang we use, we will not be taken seriously. Power, we’re told, sounds like the mostly white, straight, wealthy men who wield it.
Samara Bay has made it her mission to change that, and with PERMISSION TO SPEAK she presents a fun and practical road map for making big cultural change while embracing our natural strengths. Bay is one of the most in-demand speech and dialect coaches in Hollywood, and here she draws on her extensive experience and the latest research in public speaking, linguistics, and social science to identify tools for unlocking the potential in each of our voices—whether you’re an entrepreneur, a new political candidate, a creative type, or a mom going back to work. Through writing that crackles and hums with her conviction that the voice is an endlessly manipulable instrument, she shows us that we can—with awareness and intention—become a catalyst for personal and societal revolution.
You’ll learn how to practice enough that you’re prepared but think on your feet so you can pivot in the moment; how to seem confident enough to be credible yet human enough to be believed; and how to have fun but speak with the gravitas your subject requires. Giving yourself permission means more than landing your message—it’s about finding all of the joy in speaking to your public.
With simple tools, big ideas, and a whole lot of heart, PERMISSION TO SPEAK offers a revolutionary take on public speaking and a new definition of what power sounds like. Namely, you.

Samara Bay is a content developer and Hollywood communication coach who helps creatives, businesspeople, scientists, and brands tell their story. She hosts the Permission to Speak podcast on iHeartRadio. Samara is also a moderator at Silicon Beach tech conferences, a member of the leadership council for the UN’s first ever summit on the role of the media in promoting social causes, a workshop teacher with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, and a dialect/speech coach to actors in Hollywood. Recent projects include: Netflix’s Red Notice with her client Gal Gadot and Amazon Prime’s Hunters, Season 2.

HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD de Robert Kolker sélectionné par Oprah Winfrey pour son Book Club !

La nouvelle vient d’être annoncée dans l’émission  “CBS This Morning” : la célèbre Oprah Winfrey a sélectionné comme prochain titre pour son Book Club le livre de Robert Kolker sur la schizophrénie, HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD :

HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD paraît aujourd’hui chez Doubleday aux Etats-Unis et figure déjà dans les sélections du mois d’avril de Goodreads (« April’s Most Anticipated New Books« ) et d’Apple (« Apple Best Book of April »).

“HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD vividly conveys not only the inner experience of schizophrenia but its effects on the families whose members are afflicted . . . With the skill of a great novelist, Mr. Kolker brings every member of the family to life.” —Richard J. McNally, Wall Street Journal 

Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

« The #1 Anxiety Tip To Help You Right Now », un article de Sarah Wilson

Dans cet article récemment publié sur le site de l’entreprise Thrive Global, créée par Ariana Huffington pour lutter contre le stress au travail, l’auteure Sarah Wilson conseille à ceux qui souffrent d’anxiété en cette période difficile de l’affronter pour la faire disparaître, plutôt que de la fuir.

« Instead of fearing the fear, we see it for what it is, and do it once, skipping the anxious-about-being-anxious spin cycle. »

Sarah Wilson est une journaliste, auteure et activiste australienne. Elle a notamment travaillé pour Cosmopolitan Australia et fondé le site Son livre First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety est paru chez Dey Street en 2018 et sortira en traduction française chez Eyrolles sous le titre Joli monstre courant 2020. Son prochain livre This One Wild Precious Life est prévu pour septembre 2020.


How can we be more mindful when the world is this f*cked up? HOW TO STAY HUMAN IN A F*CKED UP WORLD is the fresh, engaging answer to this important question.

Mindful Practices for Real Life
by Tim Desmond

HarperOne, June 2019

If you’ve tried mindfulness before and failed, we get it. Likely you were told to sit on a pillow in a dark room, meditate, or count your breaths. But mindfulness isn’t about separating ourselves from the problems in the world. Instead, it is about re-learning how to get out there, connect with the suffering of every living being and in so doing, embrace your own personal suffering to heal, transform, grow, and finally find peace. Tim Desmond—an esteemed Buddhist philosopher who has lectured on psychology at both Harvard and Yale and studied under Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh—has spent his life cultivating new ways to bridge the gap between the ancient tradition of mindfulness and modern life. With How to Stay Human in a F*cked Up World Desmond gets right to the heart of our collective pain with a life-changing mindfulness practice for surviving the sometimes-miserable world we live in, featuring strategies and guidance you can start using to feel more connected, joyful, and present today.

Timothy Ambrose Desmond is a Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Antioch University teaching professional psychology rooted in self-compassion. He has lectured at Yale School of Medicine, and taught mindfulness in all 50 states. After having grown up poor in Boston with a single alcoholic mother and having been homeless as a teenager, Desmond was exposed to the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, and eventually studied closely with Thich Nhat Hanh and his senior monastics at Plum Village. In 2011, Desmond co-founded Morning Sun Mindfulness Center, an intentional community and retreat center in Alstead, NH. When he isn’t teaching, advising, or on retreat, Desmond is organizing progressive political demonstrations, and was one of the core organizers of Occupy Wall Street.