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FEARLESS d’Ann Hagedorn

In the vein of Hidden Figures, FEARLESS is fascinating and moving look at a “hidden history” of women at the forefront of a movement of great and lasting impact.

The Hidden Story of The Women Who Powered America’s Anti-Slavery Movement
by Ann Hagedorn
Simon & Schuster, 2025
(via The Martell Agency)

© Pat Williamsen

From the author of Edgar Award finalist Sleeper Agent comes FEARLESS: The Hidden Story of The Women Who Powered America’s Anti-Slavery Movement, which recounts the heretofore unchronicled lives of seven activist women – Black and white, urban and rural, rich and poor and middle class — who formed the backbone of the Abolitionist movement in the decades leading up to the Civil War, networking and organizing across the country, forming anti-slavery societies, newspapers, conventions and lecture circuits, raising funds that were critical to the cause and daring to stand up for their beliefs amidst widespread condemnation.

Ann Hagedorn, an award-winning author and journalist, has been a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal and has written for other publications including The Washington Post. She has taught writing at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. She is the author of Sleeper Agent (2022); The Invisible Soldiers (Simon & Schuster); Savage Peace: Hope and Fear in America, 1919 (Simon & Schuster); Beyond the River: A True Story of the Underground Railroad (Simon & Schuster); Ransom: The Untold Story of Global Kidnapping (Holt) and Wild Ride: The Rise and Fall of Calumet Farm, Inc. America’s Premier Racing Dynasty (Holt).


In this new book, the author of the New York Times best-seller The Gratitude Diaries explores a new science-based mega-theme: the ineluctably profound mind-body connection, how the body, more often than not, provides our brain with key information, not the reverse and when the mind and body work as a seamless team, we feel a true sense of wellness and flow.

Discovering the New Science for Happiness, Gratitude, and Joy
by Janice Kaplan
Sourcebooks, 2024
(via The Martell Agency)

Photo: © Matt MercadoYOUR BODY IS SMARTER THAN YOUR MIND couldn’t be more relevant or important as we increasingly rely on technology to give our brains key information. Do we really need a smartwatch to tell us how we slept? Your body tells you that when you wake up, we’ve just stopped listening. Instead, we’ve come to see our bodies as something we need to take care of, so that our minds can function and manage life. But our feeling bodies are often smarter than our thinking minds. Of most importance, research across a wide range of fields in science, shows that when the body and mind work together, we experience a deep sense of pleasure and happiness.
In this new book, Janice will explore the myriad ways that our physical and psychological and spiritual beings are profoundly linked and collaborate in often surprising overlapping patterns in all human experience. YOUR BODY IS SMARTER THAN YOUR MIND will interweave intriguing new scientific research from experts around the globe in many disciplines — from psychologists to neuroscientists to environmentalists — with a powerful personal narrative, as Janice in her own life seeks hardcore scientific research which proves how much our minds rely on the actions and responses of our bodies. For example, the act of smiling can improve your mood. When you pass a dark alley and your body tenses and your heart starts pounding, your cardiovascular system is sending a message to your brain to be frightened, rather than the other way around.
The book will provide tips and strategies about how to rediscover this vital connection, so your mind and body can work, as they should, as a seamless team. A major strength of Janice’s approach is that, unlike an expert in a given field drilling down on one theory, one core premise, to the exclusion of all else, Janice will integrate the ground-breaking discoveries of multiple experts who study mind-body connectivity from many different angles. This makes the premise of the book far more powerful and wholly credible. And as is essential, Janice is expert at making complex research and information interesting, accessible, and relevant to a general reader.

Janice Kaplan has written more than a dozen popular books including the New York Times bestseller The Gratitude Diaries. She was editor-in-chief of Parade when it was the biggest magazine in America with 32 million copies circulating each week and began her career as a writer and producer at Good Morning America and went on to be the executive producer of more than 30 network television specials. She has appeared regularly on national TV shows including GMA, Today, and CBS This Morning and continues to be a frequent guest on podcasts and radio shows. Janice hosted the podcast “The Gratitude Diaries” for iHeartMedia, attracting a large audience for the 120 episodes. Since the publication of The Gratitude Diaries and her most recent book The Genius of Women, she gives dozens of talks each year and has become a popular keynote speaker at corporate and non-profit events. The Templeton Foundation is very enthusiastic about the concept and is prepared to get behind the book, as it did for The Gratitude Diaries.

FIVE DECEMBERS de James Kestrel lauréat du Edgar Award 2022 – Best Novel

FIVE DECEMBERS, publié en octobre 2021 par Hard Case Crime aux États-Unis, vient de remporter l’Edgar Award 2022 dans la catégorie Meilleur Roman. Les Edgar Allan Poe Awards sont décernés chaque année par l’association Mystery Writers of America à des titres de fiction et de non-fiction policières  ainsi qu’à des œuvres télévisées. (voir le site)

Le roman FIVE DECEMBERS commence à Hawaï dans les années 1940. Alors que les États-Unis s’apprêtent à entrer en guerre, l’inspecteur de police Joe McGrady est chargé d’une enquête sur homicide qui changera sa vie à jamais. La piste du meurtre le mènera de l’autre côté du Pacifique, tandis que la flotte japonaise se dirige déjà vers Pearl Harbor. Bien plus qu’un thriller captivant, ce livre magistral et bouleversant offre aussi un stupéfiant portrait de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et une histoire d’amour déchirante.

Le livre a également été sélectionné par le New York Times, Publishers Weekly et Booklist dans leurs listes des meilleurs romans 2021, et a reçu de nombreuses autres distinctions dont les excellentes critiques ci-dessous.

Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

« Hard-as-nails mystery/suspense/noir set against a backdrop of war in the Pacific. One hell of a good story. » – Stephen King

“War, imprisonment, torture, romance…The novel has an almost operatic symmetry, and Kestrel turns a beautiful phrase.” – The New York Times, Best Mystery Novels of 2021

“Lyrical, violent, intelligent, breathtaking: this is an unforgettable book.” – The Wall Street Journal

« This is hardboiled fiction at its best: an exceptional tale, filled with emotion, plenty of surprises, and enough violence to satisfy the most bloodthirsty reader. »  – Library Journal, Starred Review

« Vivid, richly detailed… This tale of love, courage, hardship, and devotion is unforgettable » – Publishers Weekly, Starred Review and Editor’s Choice

« Magnificent… a transcendent love story and a gripping thriller… it works superbly… plot strands come together exquisitely in a truly breathtaking finale that is unbearably violent one moment and tearfully tender the next… Give this special novel the word of mouth it so richly deserves. » – Booklist, Starred Review & Booklist’s Best Books of the Year

« It’s never easy to challenge the expectations of a beloved genre successfully, but Kestrel has done just that, growing an adventure story far beyond the expectations of a noir murder mystery. » – Los Angeles Review of Books


CHANGING CHILDREN’S LIVES WITH HYPNOSIS offers examples of using hypnosis with children to address physical and mental challenges. A timely collection of patients’ healing experiences, the story of how these events changed one physician’s approach to medicine, and the takeaway information parents and practitioners should consider as they deal with medical and psychological challenges in their children’s and patients’ lives.

A Journey to the Center
by Ran D. Anbar
Rowman & Littlefield, November 2021
(via The Martell Agency)

Every year millions of pediatric patients could benefit from hypnosis therapy to deal with and alleviate physical and psychological symptoms big and small. The benefits of hypnosis-facilitated therapy range from complete cures to small improvements. They extend beyond the physical and into the psychological and spiritual, building confidence, positivity and resilience. They include the empowerment of children with chronic health issues to feel more in control of their own minds, bodies and circumstances. They sometimes lead to the reduction or even elimination of medications. Hypnosis is painless, non-invasive, and cost-effective. It doesn’t preclude any other treatment, and drawbacks are virtually nonexistent.
In a world where the doctor’s primary role has become more and more one of a technician—pinpoint a problem, prescribe a solution, and move to the next patient—hypnosis brings connection and art back into the process. It relies on a relationship between practitioner and patient, encourages creativity and expression, and allows patients to take ownership of their experience with the support and encouragement of their doctors. Children deserve the opportunity to receive gentle, thoughtful, empowering, and effective treatment in whatever form it’s available. Hypnosis therapy offers all of those things, and it’s time for patients, parents, and medical practitioners to embrace it—even to demand it.
Through meaningful stories and expert explanation, this book takes readers through the process of hypnosis for children and its myriad benefits for overall wellness.

Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP, is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics and offers hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California, and Syracuse, New York. Dr. Anbar is a fellow, approved consultant, and past president of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Anbar is a leader in the field of clinical hypnosis, and his over twenty years of experience have allowed him to successfully treat over 7,000 children. He also served as a professor of pediatrics and medicine and the director of pediatric pulmonology at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, for 21 years. Dr. Anbar has been a guest editor and advisory editor for the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. His experience has offered him the opportunity to direct and co-direct more than 20 clinical workshops on the subject of pediatric hypnosis. He has trained more than a thousand healthcare providers in the use of hypnosis and lectured all over the world. In addition to his teaching and lecturing experiences, Dr. Anbar has been the principal investigator in 10 published case studies of pediatric hypnosis and has been involved in research trials of children with cystic fibrosis and other pulmonary disorders. He is a published author of more than 50 articles, abstracts, and book chapters on pediatric functional disorders and pediatric hypnosis.


THIRTEEN WAYS TO SMELL A TREE takes you on a journey to connect with trees through the sense most aligned to our emotions and memories.

by David George Haskell
‎ Octopus UK/Viking US, October 2021
(via The Martell Agency)

Thirteen essays are included that explore the evocative scents of trees, from the smell of a book just printed as you first open its pages, to the calming scent of Linden blossom, to the ingredients of a particularly good gin & tonic. In your hand: a highball glass, beaded with cool moisture. In your nose: the aromatic embodiment of globalized trade. The spikey, herbal odour of European juniper berries. A tang of lime juice from a tree descended from wild progenitors in the foothills of the Himalayas. Bitter quinine, from the bark of the South American cinchona tree, spritzed into your nostrils by the pop of sparkling tonic water. Take a sip, feel the aroma and taste of three continents converge.
Each essay also contains a practice the reader is invited to experience. For example, taking a tree inventory of our own home, appreciating just how many things around us came from trees. And if you’ve ever hugged a tree when no one was looking, try breathing in the scents of different trees that live near you, the smell of pine after the rain, the refreshing, mind-clearing scent of a eucalyptus leaf crushed in your hand.

British-born biologist, award-winning author and celebrated academic David George Haskell’s work integrates scientific, literary and contemplative studies of the natural world. Haskell holds degrees from the University of Oxford (BA) and from Cornell University (PhD). He is Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of the South, where he served as Chair of Biology. His scientific research on animal ecology, evolution and conservation has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the World Wildlife Fund among others. He serves on the boards and advisory committees of local and national land conservation groups. His previous books include The Songs of Trees: Stories from Nature’s Great Connectors and The Forest Unseen: A Year’s Watch in Nature.