Archives de l’auteur : WebmasterBenisti

THE VICIOUS CIRCLE de Katherine St. John

For fans of We Were Never Here and Nine Perfect Strangers, a twisty, escapist suspense about a woman who inherits a multimillion-dollar estate and travels to a mysterious wellness commune in the Mexican jungle where she discovers dark, and potentially violent, secrets.

by Katherine St. John
‎ William Morrow, Fall/Winter 2022
(via Levine Greenberg Rostan)

On a river deep in the Mexican jungle stands the colossal villa Xanadu, a retreat center that’s home to The Mandala, an ardent spiritual group devoted to self-help guru Paul Bentzen and his enigmatic wife Kali. But when, mysteriously, Paul suddenly dies, his entire estate—including Xanadu—is left to his estranged niece Sveta, a former model living in New York City.
Shocked and confused, Sveta travels to Mexico to pay her respects. At first, the retreat center seems like a secluded paradise with its tumbling gardens, beautiful people, transcendent vibe, and mesmerizing de-facto leader Kali. But soon the mystical façade wears thin, revealing a group of brainwashed members drunk on false promises of an impossible utopia and a disturbing, dangerous belief system—and leader—guiding them.
As the sinister forces surrounding Sveta become apparent, she realizes, too late, she can’t escape. Frantic and terrified, she discovers her only hope for survival is to put her confidence in the very person she trusts the least.

Katherine St. John is a native of Mississippi, graduate of the University of Southern California, and author of the critically acclaimed novels The Lion’s Den and The Siren.


From the New York Times bestselling author of Extraterrestrial comes a mind-expanding new book explaining why becoming an interstellar species is imperative for humanity’s survival and detailing a game plan for how we can settle among the stars.

The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future in the Stars
by Avi Loeb
‎ Mariner Books, August 2023
(via Dystel, Goderich & Bourret)

In the New York Times bestseller Extraterrestrial, Avi Loeb, the longest serving Chair of Harvard’s Astronomy Department, presented a theory that shook the scientific community: our solar system, Loeb claimed, had likely been visited by a piece of advanced alien technology from a distant star. This provocative and persuasive argument opened millions of minds internationally to the vast possibilities of our universe and the existence of intelligent life beyond Earth. But a crucial question remained: now that we are aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life, what do we do next? How do we prepare ourselves for interaction with interstellar extraterrestrial civilization? How can our species become interstellar?
Now Loeb tackles these questions in a revelatory, powerful call to arms that reimagines the idea of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Dismantling our science-fiction fueled visions of a human and alien life encounter, INTERSTELLAR provides a realistic and practical blueprint for how such an interaction might actually occur, resetting our cultural understanding and expectation of what it means to identify an extraterrestrial object. From awe-inspiring searches for extraterrestrial technology, to the heated debate of the existence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, Loeb provides a thrilling, front-row view of the monumental progress in science and technology currently preparing us for contact. He also lays out the profound implications of becoming—or not becoming—interstellar; in an urgent, eloquent appeal for more proactive engagement with the world beyond ours, he powerfully contends why we must seek out other life forms, and in the process, choose who and what we are within the universe.
Combining cutting edge science, physics, and philosophy, INTERSTELLAR revolutionizes the approach to our search for extraterrestrial life and our preparation for its discovery. In this eye-opening, necessary look at our future, Avi Loeb artfully and expertly raises some of the most important questions facing us as humans, and proves, once again, that scientific curiosity is the key to our survival

Abraham (Avi) Loeb is the Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science at Harvard University and bestselling author of Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth (on lists of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, L’Express and more). He received a PhD in Physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, led the first international project supported by the Strategic Defense Initiative, and was subsequently a longterm member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. Loeb wrote 8 books and more than 800 papers on a wide range of topics, including black holes, the first stars, and the future of the Universe. He was the longest serving Chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy, Founding Director of Harvard’s Black Hole Initiative, and is Director of the Institute for Theory and Computation within the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, the American Physical Society, and the International Academy of Astronautics. Loeb is a former chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies and a current member of the Advisory Board for « Einstein: Visualize the Impossible » of the Hebrew University. He also chairs the Advisory Committee for the Breakthrough Starshot Initiative and serves as the Science Theory Director for all Initiatives of the Breakthrough Prize Foundation. In 2012, TIME magazine selected Loeb as one of the 25 most influential people in space. Smithsonian Magazine printed a 12-page feature on Loeb and his work in their October 2021 issue.

Andrew Knoll, l’auteur de A BRIEF HISTORY OF EARTH, remporte le prix Crafoord en géosciences

L’Académie royale des sciences de Suède vient de décerner le prestigieux prix Crafoord 2022 dans la catégorie Géosciences à Andrew Knoll « pour les contributions fondamentales qu’il a apportées à notre compréhension des trois premiers milliards d’années de la vie sur Terre et des interactions du vivant avec l’environnement physique au fil du temps. » Ce prix, qui vise chaque année à promouvoir certaines disciplines scientifiques à travers le monde depuis 1982, est considéré comme un complément, voire dans certains cas un prix annonciateur, du Nobel. Il est accompagné d’une récompense de six millions de couronnes suédoises, soit plus de cinq cent mille euros.

Pour plus d’informations, voir le communiqué de presse sur le site officiel.

Andrew Knoll est professeur à Harvard dans les départements de Biologie organismique et évolutive et des Sciences de la terre et des planètes. Il a notamment travaillé sur les microfossiles et développé des méthodes innovantes pour mettre en lumière leur évolution biochimique. En outre, il est l’un des chercheurs ayant présenté une explication probable à la troisième extinction de masse, qui s’est produite il y a 252 millions d’années – elle aurait été due à des éruptions volcaniques en Sibérie ayant provoqué l’émission d’énormes quantités de dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère et entraîné une augmentation de la température moyenne sur Terre. Depuis vingt ans, Andrew Knoll fait également partie de l’équipe de recherche qui aide la NASA à analyser les images et autre données géologiques provenant de Mars.

Son livre A BRIEF HISTORY OF EARTH est paru en avril 2021 chez Custom House aux États-Unis. Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

Liste des cessions étrangères :
Chine (Ginkgo)
Corée (Dasan)
Espagne (Ediciones Pasado&Presente)
Estonie (Julius Press)
Grèce (Psichogios)
Hongrie (Open Books)
Italie (HarperItalia)
Japon (Bunkyosha)
Pays-Bas (Thomas Rap/Bezige Bij)
Pologne (Copernicus Center Press)
Portugal (Saida D’Emergencia)
Roumanie (Litera)
Russie (Portal Publishing)
Slovaquie (Albatros Slovakia)
Thaïlande (Amarin)
Turquie (Ayrıntı)

COMPASSIONATE LEADERSHIP de Rasmus Hougaard & Jaqueline Carter

Leadership is hard. How can you balance compassion for your people with effectiveness in getting the job done?

How to do Hard Things in a Human Way
by Rasmus Hougaard & Jaqueline Carter
Harvard Business Review Press, December 2021
(via Levine Greenberg Rostan)

A global pandemic, economic volatility, natural disasters, civil and political unrest. From New York to Barcelona to Hong Kong, it can feel as if the world as we know it is coming apart. Through it all, our human spirit is being tested. Now more than ever, it’s imperative for leaders to demonstrate compassion. But in hard times like these, leaders need to make hard decisions—deliver negative feedback, make difficult choices that disappoint people, and in some cases lay people off. How do you do the hard things that come with the responsibility of leadership while remaining a good human being and bringing out the best in others? Most people think we have to make a binary choice between being a good human being and being a tough, effective leader. But this is a false dichotomy. Being human and doing what needs to be done are not mutually exclusive. In truth, doing hard things and making difficult decisions is often the most compassionate thing to do.
As founder and CEO of Potential Project, Rasmus Hougaard and his longtime coauthor, Jacqueline Carter, show in this powerful, practical book, you must always balance caring for your people with leadership wisdom and effectiveness. Using data from thousands of leaders, employees, and companies in nearly a hundred countries, the authors find that when leaders bring the right balance of compassion and wisdom to the job, they foster much higher levels of employee engagement, performance, loyalty, and well-being in their people.
With rich examples from Netflix, IKEA, Unilever, and many other global companies, as well as practical tools and advice for leaders and managers at any level, COMPASSIONATE LEADERSHIP is your indispensable guide to doing the hard work of leadership in a human way.

Rasmus Hougaard is the founder and CEO of leadership development and consulting firm Potential Project. He is a sought-after keynote speaker and coach of C-suite executives at top global companies. In 2019 he was shortlisted for the Thinkers50 Leadership Award, recognizing « thinkers who shed powerful and original new light onto this perennial and still vital subject. » He writes for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Business Insider and is the coauthor, with Jacqueline Carter, of The Mind of the Leader: How to Lead Yourself, Your People, and Your Organization for Extraordinary Results.
Jacqueline Carter is a partner and North American Director for Potential Project. She has over twenty years of experience helping leaders and organizations manage change and achieve results. She is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Leader to Leader. She is the coauthor, with Rasmus Hougaard, of The Mind of the Leader.

DIANA, WILLIAM & HARRY de James Patterson & Chris Mooney

James Patterson tells the most heartbreaking story of our time, as only he can—Diana’s life as a princess and a mother—timed to the twenty-fifth anniversary of her death.

by James Patterson & Chris Mooney
Little, Brown, August 2022
(via Kaplan/DeFiore Rights)

At age thirteen, she became Lady Diana Spencer. At twenty, Princess of Wales. At twenty-one, she earned her most important title: Mother. As she fell in love, first with Prince Charles and then with her sons, William and Harry, the world fell in love with the young royal family—Diana most of all. With one son destined to be King of England, and one to find his own way, she taught them dual lessons about real life and royal tradition. « William and Harry will be properly prepared, » Diana once promised. « I am making sure of this. » Even after the shield of her love is tragically torn away, she remains their greatest protector—and the world’s enduring inspiration.

James Patterson is the world’s bestselling author. The creator of Alex Cross, he has produced more enduring fictional heroes than any other novelist alive. He lives in Florida with his family.
Chris Mooney is the international bestselling author of fourteen thrillers. The Mystery Writers of America nominated Remembering Sarah for an Edgar Award. He teaches creative writing at Harvard.