Archives de catégorie : Cookbooks, Food & Drinks

Dominique Ansel primé avec le James Beard Award !

La James Beard Foundation, institution culinaire américaine d’excellence, a décerné le prix 2014 « Outstanding Pastry Chef » à Dominique Ansel, le pâtissier français le plus apprécié des Américains, mondialement connu pour avoir créé les Cronut. En février, Le Monde lui avait dédié un bel article.

Inutile d’ajouter que son prochain ouvrage, prévu pour le prochain octobre, est l’un des livres de cuisine les plus attendus de 2014:

Creator of the CronutTM , the Cookie Shot, and proprietor of New York’s #1 rated bakery

Unforgettable Desserts from the World’s Most Celebrated Bakery
Photographs by Thomas Schauer
Simon & Schuster – 28 October 2014

« The most fêted pastry chef in the world. »  -The Daily Mail UK

Coming this autumn from Simon & Schuster is Dominique Ansel’s very first cookbook in which he blends his unique and widely-acclaimed philosophy with eye-popping photography and recipes that will enable bakers of many levels to make some of his incredible creations at home. He will share the recipe for The CronutTM – Dominique’s unbelievable marriage of a croissant and a donut that drives people to line up for hours outside of his Soho bakery every morning, has spurred dozens of copy cats, and has been covered by the international media, including but not limited to the UK, France, Japan, Spain, Italy, Germany and many more.  Last month Dominique introduced the Cookie Shot – a cookie baked in the form of a glass that is served with a shot of milk inside  – that has become his latest, queue-forming creation.

Un gâteau d’exception contre votre carte de visite !

Pour annoncer le prochain livre du grand pâtissier français Dominique Ansel, the Gernert Company a concocté une initiative très gourmande :

To raise awareness about the incredible cookbook in the works by French pastry chef Dominique Ansel, Rebecca Gardner will be bringing with her to LIBF actual samples of one Dominique’s creations.  

In exchange for a business card, the first 75 people who come to table 31K in the LIBF Agents Center on Wednesday, April 9th between 10:00am and 4:00pm will get a delightful goodie to take away.

To be clear, it will not be Dominique’s most famous creation – The CronutTM – but it will be something delicious that can be enjoyed on the spot or can be easily transported home.  

Une dégustation à ne pas manquer !


Unforgettable Desserts from the World’s Most Celebrated Bakery

Photographs by Thomas Schauer

Simon & Schuster – 28 October 2014

Creator of the CronutTM , the Cookie Shot, and proprietor of New York’s #1 rated bakery, 

Dominique Ansel and his pastry creations have been commented on 

in more than forty countries and a wide range of major media outlets.

« The most fêted pastry chef in the world. »  -The Daily Mail UK

Coming this autumn from Simon & Schuster is Dominique Ansel’s very first cookbook in which he blends his unique and widely-acclaimed philosophy with eye-popping photography and recipes that will enable bakers of many levels to make some of his incredible creations at home. He will share the recipe for The CronutTM – Dominique’s unbelievable marriage of a croissant and a donut that drives people to line up for hours outside of his Soho bakery every morning, has spurred dozens of copy cats, and has been covered by the international media, including but not limited to the UK, France, Japan, Spain, Italy, Germany and many more.  Last month Dominique introduced the Cookie Shot – a cookie baked in the form of a glass that is served with a shot of milk inside (photo and link to further news below) – that has become his latest, queue-forming creation.


  • 208 pages
  • 31 recipes
  • Four color illustrations and photos throughout on nearly every page
  • 8-3/8″ x 10-7/8″
  • Hardcover and eBook
  • US price – $35.00

A full manuscript, photography samples and a comprehensive recipe list will be ready for review in May but in the meantime, you can get a sense of Dominique’s style and work here:

An incredible and quickly growing young talent in the food world, this should be considered by any serious cookery list.

Le compte Instagram de Mimi Thorisson est à ne pas manquer, selon Vanity Fair

Mise à jour du 2 juillet 2014 : droits achetés par Hachette Pratique

Chaque semaine, recommande un compte Instagram à suivre à tout prix. Cette semaine, le compte « à ne pas manquer » est celui de Mimi Thorisson, présentatrice de ‘La Table de Mimi’ sur Cuisine +, la chaîne thématique de Canal +, et blogueuse à succès.

5156N7hLlRLLe 28 octobre 2014, Clarkson Potter publiera son premier livre de cuisine. Les images somptueuses prises par son mari photographe et les recettes simples, sans être simplistes, de Mimi sauront séduire les amoureux du terroir français et de la cuisine en général. Un ouvrage qui fera également découvrir un magnifique château perdu dans la campagne française.

Mimi Thorisson et son mari ont quitté Paris pour s’installer avec leurs six enfants dans un château du Médoc. Là-bas, les succulents produits du terroir associés à un cadre bucolique ont révélé sa fantaisie aux fourneaux, et son journal culinaire « Manger », blog en langue anglaise qui fait référence sur la toile, est ainsi né.

Le plus beau livre de cuisine de 2014 ?