Archives de catégorie : Nonfiction


On the trail of the secrets of life. An inspiring story that kindles inner peace, renewed hope, and refreshing joy of life in each of us.

(Conversations with a Tree)
by Matthias Strolz
Kailash/PRH Verlagsgruppe, March 2022

When he realises he is able to converse with his favourite tree, Matthias Strolz sets out on a journey of discovery that takes him through the essential questions of life that affect us deeply and make us human, eventually leading him to his personal « inner place ». His intensive, entertaining, and profound conversations with the magical tree revolve around birth and death, time and space, God and religion, politics and the state, money and power, job and success, pain and joy, and happiness and love. Knowledge and inner truths will come to fruition through the universal connectedness of everything in existence.

An inspiring dialogue on the philosophical questions of life
• For all who are in a phase of change and searching for new paths in life
• For fans of John Strelecky, Paulo Coelho, and Tessa Randau

Matthias Strolz is an impact and startup entrepreneur, bestselling author, publicist, keynote speaker, people mover, free spirit, and coach. He studied political science, international economics, and systemic organisational development in Austria and internationally. Developing potential has been something close to his heart ever since his teenage years. As a coach and consultant, he advises individuals, non-profit organisations, and companies in strategy and development processes. In May 2020 his bestseller « Strength and Inspiration for These Times » ( appeared, a book filled with inspirations for a proactive lifestyle and the good life.

MEHR PLATZ IM GEHIRN de Boris Nikolai Konrad

Marie Kondo for the brain!

(More Room in the Brain)
by Boris Nikolai Konrad
Ariston/PRH Verlagsgruppe, April 2022

The human brain is quite remarkable and is most often compared very favorably with high-performance computers. How is it then that we still have the feeling constantly forgetting things, being late to appointments, and having a hopelessly crowded head? Boris Nikolai Konrad helps us regain control of our cerebral processes. This neuroscientist first illustrates the amazing ways the brain functions. He then explains how we can improve how we use our brains. With his techniques we can learn to experience full relaxation without yoga, to remember every name with ease – and to finally eliminate the chaos in our head.

Neuroscience, the trend topic: understanding how the human brain works, and how to get more out of your own brain
• Explained by the World Memory Champion
• With numerous exercises

Boris Nikolai Konrad, born in 1984, is a neuroscientist, has been World Memory champion several times, has set up four Guinness Book records and is internationally in demand for television shows. He already started working as a memory trainer and lecturer in 2006. He has also devoted himself to this field as a scientist and is involved in research into extraordinarily good performances of memory, at present at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

VOM ENDE DER ENDLICHKEIT de Moritz Riesewieck & Hans Block

Will our digital souls live on after our physical death?

(The End of Finiteness)
by Moritz Riesewieck & Hans Block
Goldmann/PRH Verlagsgruppe, April 2022

Can the personality of a deceased person be recreated and eventually transferred to a digital revenant? Will we be able to talk to the dead in the future? What sounds like a science fiction plot is already being worked on: Start-ups are working on a digital form of immortality, raising great hopes among people who have lost their partners, family members and friends.
Moritz Riesewieck and Hans Block accompany the first customers meeting their digital clones and hear the voices of the deceased speak to the mourners. They get exclusive insights into the technologies that are supposed to make digital resurrection possible. On their journeys into the digital afterlife, the authors discover the rebirth of an ancient concept of humanity in a new guise: the renaissance of the soul.

Moritz Riesewieck, born in 1985, is a theatre and film director and author. He obtained a degree in economics before studying directing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin.
Hans Block, born in 1985, is a director and the author of several radio plays. He has degrees in percussion from the University of the Arts and in directing from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin.


A heart-warming companion through grief and pain following the death of a beloved pet.

(Goodbye, Faithful Friend)
by Elli H. Radinger
Ludwig/PRH Verlagsgruppe, March 2022

When her Labrador Shira died and Elli Radinger spoke publicly about her grief, thousands got in touch with the well-known wolf and dog expert to tell her about their own old, sick or deceased pets, as well as their deep sadness, desperation, loneliness and helplessness – because those around us often don’t understand our pain. Radinger wants to help those who are affected by this, and give them the strength they need during this difficult time, whether they are caring for a dying dog, or grieving for one that has already passed away. Saying goodbye to your faithful friend doesn’t have to be just the end of something – it can also be a gift, and even bring forth something new.
Radinger shows us how to be strong and confident, as we bravely submit to our beloved dog’s farewell gift, and what we can learn from our pet’s final moments. A moving book for all those who want to help themselves and their pets to say goodbye, and a heart-warming companion through the grief and pain that follow the death of a pet – a book that will help you face life afterwards with renewed hope and confidence.

Elli H. Radinger, born in 1951, gave up her law career to devote herself entirely to her true passions: writing and wolves. Her books Die Weisheit der Wölfe, Die Weisheit alter Hunde and Das Geschenk der Wildnis are bestsellers and have been translated into numerous languages.

1922: WunderJahr der Worte de Norbert Hummelt

The birth of modernity: a journey through a trailblazing literary year in a turbulent world.

1922: WunderJahr der Worte
(1922: An Annus Mirabilis for Words)
by Norbert Hummelt
Luchterhand Literaturverlag/PRH Verlagsgruppe, February 2022

It’s an eventful year: a new Pope is elected in Rome, Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamun, Albert Einstein receives the Nobel Prize, and the assassination of Germany’s foreign secretary Walther Rathenau foreshadows the rise of Adolf Hitler.
At the same time, 1922 is a year of unprecedented creative energy – Kandinsky is appointed to the Bauhaus in Dessau, Louis Armstrong makes jazz history in Chicago, and literary works by James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Rainer Marie Rilke, Katherine Mansfield and T.S. Eliot that will change the course of world literature usher in the birth of modernity. In Paris, London, Trieste, Valais and Margate, Norbert Hummelt accompanies these authors through a groundbreaking literary year, capturing Europe’s highly charged atmosphere along the way.

Norbert Hummelt, born in 1962, works as a freelancing author in Berlin. In 2021, he received the Rainer Malkowski Prize for his life’s oeuvre. Further awards for his poems include the Rolf Dieter Brinkmann Prize, the Mondsee Lyric Prize, the Hermann Lenz Scholarship and Lower Rhine Literature Prize. He has been teaching at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig since 2002.