Archives de catégorie : Psychology

RADICAL CURIOSITY de Seth Goldenberg

A bold manifesto arguing that the most complex challenges we face today—as individuals, businesses, and a society—require us to ask deeper questions, not seek easier answers.

Questioning Commonly Held Beliefs to Imagine Flourishing Futures
by Seth Goldenberg
Crown, August 2022

In a world with an endless hunger for innovation, why is it so hard to create audacious change? According to thought leader Seth Goldenberg, the answer to this question stems from how we, as a society, view questions themselves.
, Goldenberg argues that because we value knowing above learning and prioritize doing over thinking, curiosity has become an endangered species. Only by rediscovering the power of questions can we hope to rewrite the commonly held “legacy” narratives that no longer serve us and to remake our organizations, our politics, and our lives.
 With this empowering book, Goldenberg introduces the practice of Radical Curiosity through the lens of seven narratives that are going through significant transformation: Learning, Cohesion, Time, Youth, Aliveness, Nature, and Value. Along the way, he unpacks principles intended to spark our own questioning, including:

Education is too big to fail, but maybe it should.
• Time travel isn’t reserved for DeLoreans.
• Let us now praise rural communities.
• Survival economics have made imagination a luxury good.

Blending philosophy, business strategy, cultural criticism, and fascinating case studies, RADICAL CURIOSITY is a new way of solving our most complex problems—one focused not on technology or science but on the power of human inquiry. By asking us to relearn how we learn, reengage in dialogue, revive our youthful sense of wonder, and rethink what we value, it reignites the curiosity needed to imagine and build a better world.

Seth Goldenberg is a designer, curator, and entrepreneur who harnesses the power of questioning to catalyze innovation and cultural change. He is the founder and CEO of Curiosity & Co., a one-of-a-kind bookstore, experience laboratory, and design-ventures studio, and the creator of the Ideas Salons, invitational thought-leader retreats that tackle the essential questions of our time. Goldenberg has led high-profile projects with clients such as Apple, American Express, the Oprah Winfrey Network, and the governor of Rhode Island. He also founded Dialog:City, the civic arts festival for the 2008 Democratic National Convention. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Wired, and Fast Company. He lives on the island of Jamestown, Rhode Island.

TINY T TRAUMAS de Meg Arroll

A guide to “tiny t” trauma and how to overcome it so that we can thrive, not merely survive. Based on 20 years of professional research and practice, this book will change the way we look at, understand and deal with trauma, and the common problems that unresolved tiny t creates such as anxiety, perfectionism and low mood. Includes techniques and exercises for dealing with tiny t.

Take Control of Your Past, Present and Your Future and Live the Life You Deserve
by Dr. Meg Arroll
HarperCollins UK, publication date TBD
(via Dorie Simmonds Agency)

Do you feel just a bit crap, most of the time? We’re not talking major depression here but rather that constant underlying feeling of being underwater, struggling beneath the surface of life. It’s because of your tiny t – the small, everyday traumas that you’ve endured all your life which have led you to living on autopilot, slightly numb to the world. This book will show you how to come alive once again – and flourish, rather than languish, in a life less lived.
Mental health is now finally being recognised as having as important a part to play in our overall sense of well-being and understanding the role of tiny ts in our lives is crucial for mental well-being. Tiny t trauma happens to everyone, so the book is for anyone that feels they’re sleepwalking through life – or banging their head against life’s brick wall. This book will bring value to readers as it finally tells people why they feel so underwhelmed and under-fulfilled when nothing in particular is ‘wrong’. This is the hinterland in between mental wellness and illness, where you’re not quite symptomatic enough to receive a diagnosis or mental health care, but certainly aren’t flourishing or bossing life – all caused by small yet cumulative everyday traumas.
There are an inexhaustible tiny t traumas and everyone has their completely unique constellation of experiences and circumstances, so it can be difficult to express them clearly – it’s that tip of your tongue phenomenon where you know something’s not ok, but because we usually talk about mental health in terms of the Big T traumas such as abuse or critical early life trauma, we’re struggling for the words to even understand it. Tiny t is almost intangible and there’s a huge gap in the evidence base because of the way we conceptualise trauma – we look at the big, the bad and the ugly, not so much at the subtle, insidious and everyday that affects us all

Meg Arroll (PhD, CPsychol, CSci, AFBPsS, FHEA, MISCPAccred) started her career in academia, focusing on medically unexplained conditions that leave people feeling lost, neglected and at sea in a world of symptoms, stigma and pain. This passion for finding answers to questions that no doctors seem able to treat came from her own personal experience – which gives her that rare combination of subjective personal experience and objective professional skills. Her aim is to guide people through their journeys, so that they have the confidence to move forward independently.


From acclaimed psychiatrist Dr. Ellen Vora comes a groundbreaking understanding of how anxiety manifests in the body and mind—and what we can do to overcome it.

Understanding and Overcoming the Body’s Fear Response
by Ellen Vora
‎Harper Wave, March 2022
(via Park & Fine)

Anxiety affects more than forty million Americans—a number that continues to climb in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. While conventional medicine tends to view anxiety as a “neck-up” problem—that is, one of brain chemistry and psychology—the truth is that the origins of anxiety are rooted in the body.
In THE ANATOMY OF ANXIETY, holistic psychiatrist Dr. Ellen Vora offers nothing less than a paradigm shift in our understanding of anxiety and mental health, suggesting that anxiety is not simply a brain disorder but a whole-body condition. In her clinical work, Dr. Vora has found time and again that the symptoms of anxiety can often be traced to imbalances in the body. The emotional and physical discomfort we experience—sleeplessness, brain fog, stomach pain, jitters—is a result of the body’s stress response. This physiological state can be triggered by challenging experiences as well as seemingly innocuous factors, such as diet and use of technology.
The good news is that this body-based anxiety, or, as Dr. Vora terms it, “false anxiety,” is easily treated. Once the body’s needs are addressed, Dr. Vora reframes any remaining symptoms not as a disorder but rather as an urgent plea from within. This “true anxiety” is a signal that something else is out of balance—in our lives, in our relationships, in the world. True anxiety serves as our inner compass, helping us recalibrate when we’re feeling lost.
Practical, informative, and deeply hopeful, THE ANATOMY OF ANXIETY is the first book to fully explain the origins of anxiety and offer a detailed road map for healing and growth.

Ellen Vora, MD, is a holistic psychiatrist, acupuncturist, and yoga teacher. She takes a functional medicine approach to mental health—considering the whole person and addressing imbalance at the root. Dr. Vora received her B.A. from Yale University and her M.D. from Columbia University, and she is board-certified in psychiatry and integrative holistic medicine. She lives in New York City with her husband and daughter.

RISING TOGETHER de Sally Helgesen

Building off the methodology of Sally Helgesen’s bestselling How Women Rise, this new book will be geared toward readers at every stage and level in their careers – men and women – who recognize that building effective relationships in the workplace is essential to their future advancement.

How Women and Men Can Build the Next, Best Workplace
by Sally Helgesen
‎Hachette Go, Summer 2022
(via Levine Greenberg Rostan)

RISING TOGETHER will offer practical advice to help men and women move past impediments and establish relationships built on authenticity and trust. Finding a way to do this has become urgent in the wake of the pandemic. Working virtually has made questions of visibility, perception and assessment both more vital and more complex, while also undermining time-honored ways of building networks and alliances. These challenges will not disappear when we emerge from this period because the trend toward virtual work was already underway; the disruptions of 2020 simply accelerated it. Rising Together addresses the human questions on how we move forward.
RISING TOGETHER will be divided into two parts. Part One, Eight Common Triggers, identifies the triggers most likely to sabotage relationships between men and women in ways that can undermine their careers, their teams and ultimately their organizations. These widespread yet mostly unacknowledged triggers include differences in how men and women approach ambition, competence, perceptions, fairness, communications, networks, attraction and humor. Part Two, A Template for Change, lays out key practices that support our ability to build trusting and fruitful relationships in the workplace. These include the highly specific inclusive behaviors, a method for informally enlisting allies to support the practice of new behaviors, and a means for demonstrating authenticity while trying new approaches.
Sally’s most recent book,
How Women Rise, co-authored with Marshall Goldsmith, identifies the habits and behaviors most likely to hold women back from reaching their full potential. It has become a widely used manual for employee resource groups, training programs, company book clubs, coaches and leaders eager to increase the number of women in senior positions, as well as for women seeking to understand what gets in their way. RISING TOGETHER will bring the practical and highly tactical approach that made the book successful to a broader audience of men and women seeking to make the best of their talents and their alliances. RISING TOGETHER will be geared toward readers at every stage and level in their careers who recognize that building effective relationships in the workplace is essential to their future advancement. The book is also intended to serve as an indispensable resource for HR, diversity, learning and training professionals tasked with addressing the misunderstandings, resentments and derailments caused by the eight triggers.

Sally Helgesen, cited in Forbes as the world’s premier expert on women’s leadership, is an internationally best-selling author, speaker and leadership coach. She has been ranked number 6 among the world’s top 30 leadership thinkers by Global Gurus, honored by the coaching consortium MEECO for her transformational influence on organizational cultures and chosen as the Thinkers 50/100 Coaches world’s top coach for women leaders. Sally’s most recent book, How Women Rise, co-authored with legendary executive coach Marshall Goldsmith, examines the behaviors most likely to get in the way of successful women. It became the top-seller in its field within a week of publication and rights have been sold in 13 languages.

AWAKE WHERE YOU ARE de Martin Aylward

The body is of course integral to meditation, but there are only a few books that focus this specifically on the body and the meditative experience. AWAKE WHERE YOU ARE addresses that need, and additionally integrates psychological concepts, which provides a more familiar entry point for people less familiar with Buddhism.

by Martin Aylward
Wisdom Publications, November 2021

Pulled around by desires and distractions, we’re so easily disconnected from ourselves. Life is happening right in front of us, and within us—but still, we manage to miss so much of it. AWAKE WHERE YOU ARE provides the antidote, inviting us to go deep into our own bodies, to inhabit our sensory experience carefully; to learn the art of living from the inside out, and in the process to find ease, clarity, and an authentic, unshakeable freedom.
The practices in the book literally bring us back into our skin, where we can reconnect with a more rich, meaningful, and peaceful life. Aylward writes with sophisticated subtlety, as well as the heart-opening simplicity and clarity born of deep experience. This book is more than a meditation guide—it’s a guide to living an embodied life.

In the introduction to Awake Where You Are, Martin Aylward tells the reader that this is not another book about ‘how to meditate,’ and that is very true. He writes with honesty, insight, and experience to offer us a guidebook to awareness of the body, connection to the body, and deep acceptance no matter the state of that body.” – Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Change

This beautiful and subtle book illuminates and grounds us in the truth that meditation and the practice of loving awareness are an ‘in-the-body’ experience.” – Frank Ostaseski, author of The Five Invitations

After experiencing strong intimations of the spiritual as a teenager, Martin Aylward traveled to India at the age of nineteen to explore meditation. He spent most of the next five years in monasteries, ashrams, and meditation centers in India and Thailand, including two years in a hermitage in the Himalayas with one of his teachers. As well as having the good fortune to learn from and practice with many different teachers, both Asian and Western, Martin has spent much time in solitude with his real guru, Nature—and his teaching often emphasizes contact with Nature as a resource for Awakening. In 1995 he co-founded the Tapovan Dharma Community in the French Pyrenees with his wife Gail. Gradually, the number of visitors increased beyond the capacity of the place, and in 2005—just ten years after opening—they relocated to Le Moulin (Moulin de Chaves), a former Zen monastery in the Dordogne, Southwest France, where Martin and Gail continue to live with their two children. In addition to guiding Dharma practice at Le Moulin as resident teacher, Martin has been invited to teach Dharma around the world since 1999.