Archives de catégorie : Sexuality


An actionable, approachable workbook for Better Sex through Mindfulness that allows readers to apply the book’s groundbreaking research to cultivate desire in everyday life.

A Guide to Cultivating Desire
by Lori Brotto
Greystone, October 2022

In her trailblazing book Better Sex Through Mindfulness, clinical psychologist Dr. Lori Brotto revealed how mindfulness can be used to treat sexual difficulties such as lack of desire, pain, and trauma. An instant favorite among sex therapists and clinicians as well as readers, the book featured a foreword by Emily Nagoski and was recommended by Dan Savage and by Dr. Jen Gunter in The New York Times. In this functional workbook, readers can apply Dr. Brotto’s award-winning research in a simple, structured setting for optimal results.
Designed primarily for women, with instructions and inquiries for developing a mindfulness practice with or without a sexual partner, this guidebook also includes information for men and gender diverse people. Dr. Brotto infuses her workbook with compassion and hope, inspiring gentleness and curiosity on this path towards more fulfilling and pleasurable sex for all.

Lori A. Brotto, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and sex researcher. She is a member of various sexuality organizations and an associate editor for Archives of Sexual Behavior. Brotto has been featured in the New York Times, The Walrus, Chatelaine, Dan Savage’s Savage Lovecast, and many other outlets. She lives in Vancouver, BC.


Sex columnist Maria Yagoda’s LAID AND CONFUSED is a blend of personal narrative, research, and cultural analysis exploring why the most sex-positive generation in history is still having mediocre-to-actively-bad sex, and how the so-called « sex recession » can make space for us to discover what we truly want and what actually satisfies us.

Why We Still Tolerate Bad Sex and How to Stop
by Maria Yagoda

St. Martin’s Press, May 2023
(via Dystel Goderich & Bourret)

Far more alarming than the “sex recession,” the phenomenon of young people having less sex than generations before them, is that we are in the middle of a bad sex epidemic that all generations are suffering from, and no one is talking about it. In the age of swiping apps and sliding into DMs, there’s still so much bad sex. Even for Maria Yagoda, a professional sex writer who gives well-researched advice on maximizing pleasure, communicating with partners, and feeling sexually confident, most sex lands somewhere between passable and “huh.” In LAID AND CONFUSED: Why We Still Tolerate Bad Sex and How to Stop, Yagoda proposes that the way out of this pickle is to embrace less sex, because less sex leads to better sex. Saying no to unsatisfying sex allows us to say yes to ourselves, to make space to discover what we truly want and what actually satisfies us. And therein lies the magic. With the blend of wit, vulnerability, and expertise that has built her an avid following, Yagoda sketches a better path forward, offering research-based insights to empower readers to say yes to less sex, reconnect with themselves, and, ultimately, craft the deeply pleasurable sex lives they deserve.

Maria Yagoda is a reporter, editor, and essayist specializing in food, sex, and culture. Her popular Vice sex column, Sex Machina, explored the intersection of sex and technology and was translated into French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, People, Glamour, Time, Vice, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Hairpin, BuzzFeed, and more. She lives in Brooklyn with her chihuahua Bucatina.


An informative, funny, feminist history of the clitoris.

by Sarah Chadwick
Armin Lear, February 2021
(chez Laura Dail – voir catalogue)

The clitoris is the final taboo in the world of gender equality. For centuries, science thought women were inside-out men, and anxiety about female sexuality framed attitudes and perpetuated inaccurate information. The reality of women’s sexuality was ignored, repressed, or defamed. THE SWEETNESS OF VENUS takes a rigorous romp through science, religion, philosophy, and psychology, to unravel the history of the clitoris, and then uses this context to explore the language, literature, and art around it. Much of the clitoris’s story has been defined by those who discovered and mapped her. However, even after the true anatomy of the clitoris was finally fully mapped with 3D imaging in 2005, it still hardly gets a mention in America’s bestselling teen sex education book for girls, and no mention at all in the parallel book for boys. Equality when it comes to sex has not been achieved, yet.

Sarah Chadwick began writing her first book after a family move from the UK to Chicago in 2016. “I had always wanted to write, but once I had the idea for The Sweetness of Venus it was as if my chequered career came together – my love of reading, teaching, research, studying, libraries, high and low culture and writing seemed to coalesce with this project. While I was excited about the journey to America, I had given up a teaching career and PhD scholarship with the Perdita Project at Warwick University, but as these doors closed, I knew this one had always been ajar so I decided it was time to open it.” Sarah also runs the gritty, feminist @its.personalgirls Instagram page.