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ON BELONGING de Kim Samuel

In an age of social isolation, what does it mean to belong?

Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation
by Kim Samuel
Abrams Press, September 2022

Humanity is at an inflection point. Stress, disconnection, and increasing environmental degradation have people yearning for more than just material progress, personal freedom, or political stability. We are searching for deeper connection. We are longing to belong.
ON BELONGING is an exploration of the crisis of social isolation and of the fundamental human need to belong. It considers belonging across four core dimensions: in our relationships with other people, in our rootedness in nature, in our ability to influence political and economic decision-making, and in our finding of meaning and purpose in our lives, with lessons on how to create communities centered on human connection.
A trailblazing advocate and thought leader on questions of social connectedness, Kim Samuel introduces readers to leaders around the world who are doing the work to cultivate belonging. Whether through sports, medicine, music, business, culture, or advocacy, the people and programs in this book offer us meaningful lessons on building a world where we all feel at home.

Kim Samuel dives deeply into one of the most complex issues of twenty-first-century human existence, the results of which can be discovered in this compelling book. ON BELONGING draws narratives from profound life experiences, timeless literature, and cutting-edge academic research. The key to finding potential solutions to so many of the social, ecological, economic, and political challenges we face will be revealed within these pages. Find inspiration and even hope right here!”―Annie Lennox, singer-songwriter and global feminist activist

Kim Samuel is an activist, educator, and movement builder. She is the founder of the Samuel Centre for Social Connected-ness and an academic lecturer at institu-tions including Oxford, Harvard, and McGill Universities. Samuel was recently named the first-ever Fulbright Canada ambassador for diversity and social connectedness. She lives in Toronto.,204,203,200_.jpg


Why we want to do the right thing, but do the wrong thing instead – and how to become a better person.

(Why It Is So Hard to Be Good)
by Armin Falk
Siedler Verlag, May 2022

Would you save a life for 100 euros? The answer has to be yes – doesn’t everyone want to do the right thing? But Armin Falk, Germany’s leading behavioural economist, shows that we often do bad things despite wanting to be good, and are far from being as good as we like to think.
Why is it that we don’t do the right thing day in and day out: help others, give to those in need, protect our climate or care for the well-being of animals? Using many concrete examples and the insights he has gained from years of research, the Leibniz Prize-winner reveals under what circumstances people are likely to act morally – or immorally – and the role that personality, gender, education and culture play. Once we have understood this, we’ll find it easier to change – not only ourselves, but the very fabric of our economy and society.

Armin Falk, born in 1968, is the director of the Institute for Behavioural Economics and Inequality (BRIQ) and of the Laboratory for Experimental Economic Research, as well as Professor of economics at the University of Bonn. He is one of the world’s most highly regarded economic scientists. His work has won him the 2009 Leibniz Prize (the ‘German Nobel’) and a 2013 Advanced Grant from the European Research Council, the world’s highest prize for economists.

La série de romans jeunesse Paola Santiago bientôt adaptée en série tv

La plateforme Disney+ a lancé le développement de Paola Santiago and the River of Tears, une série tv originale basée sur le roman jeunesse de Tehlor Kay Mejia, en partenariat avec UnbeliEVAble Entertainment, la société de production d’Eva Longoria, et 20th Television. Aucune date n’a été annoncée pour le moment. (Lire l’article de Deadline)

Le livre, publié en août 2020 chez Rick Riordan Presents/Disney-Hyperion aux États-Unis, est le premier volet d’une série middle-grade d’aventure et d’horreur qui s’inspire du folklore mexicain. Il met en scène une jeune fille qui s’est toujours appuyée sur les sciences exactes pour comprendre le monde qui l’entoure, jusqu’au jour où elle doit s’aventurer au pays des cauchemars pour retrouver son amie. Le troisième tome est prévu pour août 2022.

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ISLAND QUEEN de Vanessa Riley bientôt adapté en série tv par la réalisatrice de Bridgerton

Les droits d’adaptation tv du roman ISLAND QUEEN de Vanessa Riley ont été vendus à Longboat Pictures, société de production fondée par la britannique Julie Anne Robinson, qui a réalisé le pilote de la série Bridgerton et travaillé sur de nombreuses autres séries tv telles que Masters of Sex, Nurse Jackie, Orange Is the New Black, Grace and Frankie, Parks and Recreation, The Good Place… L’actrice de Bridgerton Adjoa Andoh fera également partie du projet en tant que productrice exécutive. Aucune date n’a été annoncée pour le moment. (Lire l’article de Deadline)

Le roman historique, publié en juillet 2021 chez William Morrow aux États-Unis, est basé sur l’histoire vraie de Dorothy Kirwan Thomas, une esclave du début du XIXe siècle qui a acheté sa liberté pour devenir l’une des propriétaires terriennes les plus riches et les plus puissantes des Antilles coloniales.

Riveting and transformative, evocative and immersive…by turns vibrant and bold and wise, discovering Dorothy’s story is a singular pleasure.”—The New York Times

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Ridley Scott produira le film adapté du livre THE INFINITE MACHINE de Camila Russo

Scott Free, la société de production de Ridley Scott et de son frère Tony, a annoncé qu’elle produirait l’adaptation audiovisuelle du livre THE INFINITE MACHINE de Camila Russo. Le réalisateur et producteur Shyam Madiraju écrira le scénario du film et sera également derrière la caméra. (Lire l’article de Deadline)

Dans le livre THE INFINITE MACHINE: How an Army of Crypto-Hackers Is Building the Next Internet with Ethereum, paru en 2020 chez Harper Business aux États-Unis, la journaliste Camila Russo présente son enquête fascinante sur la blockchain (ou base de données partagée) Ethereum et sa crypto-monnaie, l’ether, deuxième crypto-actif le plus important au monde après le Bitcoin. L’auteure revient sur l’avènement des crypto-monnaies et s’interroge sur l’avenir d’internet tel que nous le connaissons.

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