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A heart-warming companion through grief and pain following the death of a beloved pet.

(Goodbye, Faithful Friend)
by Elli H. Radinger
Ludwig/PRH Verlagsgruppe, March 2022

When her Labrador Shira died and Elli Radinger spoke publicly about her grief, thousands got in touch with the well-known wolf and dog expert to tell her about their own old, sick or deceased pets, as well as their deep sadness, desperation, loneliness and helplessness – because those around us often don’t understand our pain. Radinger wants to help those who are affected by this, and give them the strength they need during this difficult time, whether they are caring for a dying dog, or grieving for one that has already passed away. Saying goodbye to your faithful friend doesn’t have to be just the end of something – it can also be a gift, and even bring forth something new.
Radinger shows us how to be strong and confident, as we bravely submit to our beloved dog’s farewell gift, and what we can learn from our pet’s final moments. A moving book for all those who want to help themselves and their pets to say goodbye, and a heart-warming companion through the grief and pain that follow the death of a pet – a book that will help you face life afterwards with renewed hope and confidence.

Elli H. Radinger, born in 1951, gave up her law career to devote herself entirely to her true passions: writing and wolves. Her books Die Weisheit der Wölfe, Die Weisheit alter Hunde and Das Geschenk der Wildnis are bestsellers and have been translated into numerous languages.

1922: WunderJahr der Worte de Norbert Hummelt

The birth of modernity: a journey through a trailblazing literary year in a turbulent world.

1922: WunderJahr der Worte
(1922: An Annus Mirabilis for Words)
by Norbert Hummelt
Luchterhand Literaturverlag/PRH Verlagsgruppe, February 2022

It’s an eventful year: a new Pope is elected in Rome, Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamun, Albert Einstein receives the Nobel Prize, and the assassination of Germany’s foreign secretary Walther Rathenau foreshadows the rise of Adolf Hitler.
At the same time, 1922 is a year of unprecedented creative energy – Kandinsky is appointed to the Bauhaus in Dessau, Louis Armstrong makes jazz history in Chicago, and literary works by James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Rainer Marie Rilke, Katherine Mansfield and T.S. Eliot that will change the course of world literature usher in the birth of modernity. In Paris, London, Trieste, Valais and Margate, Norbert Hummelt accompanies these authors through a groundbreaking literary year, capturing Europe’s highly charged atmosphere along the way.

Norbert Hummelt, born in 1962, works as a freelancing author in Berlin. In 2021, he received the Rainer Malkowski Prize for his life’s oeuvre. Further awards for his poems include the Rolf Dieter Brinkmann Prize, the Mondsee Lyric Prize, the Hermann Lenz Scholarship and Lower Rhine Literature Prize. He has been teaching at the German Literature Institute in Leipzig since 2002.


A strong young woman talks about life in the last remaining European dictatorship. Courage, pain and hope – the struggle for freedom in Belarus.

(Grown Up in Europe’s Last Dictatorship)
by Viktoryia Andrukovič
‎ Heyne/PRH Verlagsgruppe, May 2022

Viktoryia Andrukovič, the Belarusian human rights advocate and political activist, was born in 1994, the year that Lukashenko came to power. She knows her homeland only as a country under the yoke of an increasingly autocratic regime, and she spent her deprived and precarious adolescence there hoping for a better, freer future for her country. An opposition activist both before and after the 2020 presidential elections, she now works with Belarusian NGOs in exile.
In this book, she tells her story – the story of the generation of Belarusians who were born and grew up under the dictatorship, a story about fear, persecution and hope, and the story of the fight for a free Belarus, for human rights and democracy in the face of oppression and violence.

Viktoryia Andrukovič, born in 1994, is a Belarusian human rights activist. For many years, she has worked for Belarusian human rights organisations and NGOs promoting democracy, freedom and justice in her home country. She was involved in ZUBR, a platform established to monitor the presidential election process, has helped victims of police violence in Belarus, recorded human rights abuses for the Committee Investigating Torture in Belarus and engaged in protest movements. She currently helps various oppositional Belarusian NGOs in exile with their work.,204,203,200_.jpg


To the ends of the world in search of ourselves; Why we love travelling – and why it’s good for us.

(The Joys of Life on the Road)
by Christian Schüle
‎ Siedler/PRH Verlagsgruppe, April 2022

Travelling is simply wonderful – that joyful sensation of heading out into the big wide world to experience the wholly new, that feeling of freedom and openness to accidental encounters… and it’s not least the ideal chance to experience time, the world and yourself differently. Whether it’s the beauty of old pilgrims’ ways in Scandinavia or dark alleyways in Cairo, the effortlessness of the flip-flop-wearing guides to Guatemala’s Atitlán volcano, the dogs dozing idly in the Portuguese sun, nights in Blackpool or Tokyo …
In this book, Christian Schüle – philosopher, traveller, flâneur and hiker – combines his personal experiences exploring the world with reflections on why unfamiliarity and distance are the perfect way to find yourself. VOM GLÜCK, UNTERWEGS ZU SEIN is both a philosophical road trip, and a celebration of meaningful travel.

Christian Schüle, born in 1970, is a philosopher, freelance writer and publisher whose award-winning essays, articles and reportage have appeared among others in Die Zeit and Mare, and on Deutschlandfunk, Deutschlandradio and Radio Bavaria. Since 2015 he teaches Culture Studies at the University of the Arts in Berlin. He has published a series of much talked-about and noteworthy essays on topical subjects, including his collection « Deutschlandvermessung » and, most recently, « In der Kampfzone: Deutschland zwischen Panik, Größenwahn und Selbstverzwergung ».

FREIHEIT FÜR ALLE de Richard David Precht

How will we work in the future – and why should we work at all?

(Freedom For All)
by Richard David Precht
‎ Goldmann/PRH Verlagsgruppe, March 2022

It’s a given that, as far as work is concerned, nothing these days is a given. The Second Machine Age of self-teaching computers and robots will revolutionise not only the job market, but also redefine what ‘work’ is in the first place, and why we still do it. What happens when machines do so much of the work that economies no longer need to rely on human productivity? Without the old wage labour society of the First Machine Age, our conception of work as defined by the nineteenth century will become a mere appendix – useless and outdated. The big prize we aim for will no longer be full-time work, but self-realisation, and the raffle tickets will change accordingly: society will cease to think of employment as the be-all and end-all, and place greater value on high-quality jobs and workplace conditions.
Richard David Precht shows how changes in the world of work are also affecting our lives, our culture, our approach to education, and ultimately society itself – and the enormous challenges that lie ahead for politicians, who have to createnew policies in line with these changes, including restructuring our welfare systeminto a system based on universal basic income.

Richard David Precht, born in 1964, is a philosopher, journalist, and author, and one of the most distinctive intellectuals in German-speaking countries. He is an honorary professor of philosophy at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg and at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin. His books Wer bin ich – und wenn ja wie viele? (Who Am I and If So How Many?), Liebe: Ein unordentliches Gefühl (Love: A Disorderly Emotion) and Die Kunst, kein Egoist zu sein (The Art of Not Being an Egoist) are international bestsellers and have been translated into 40 languages. Since 2012 he has been the moderator of the philosophy program ‘Precht’ on the ZDF television network.