Archives de catégorie : History

BERLIN RECKONING de Alexander Wolff

From acclaimed journalist and former Sports Illustrated staff writer Alexander Wolff comes the fascinating story—part history, part memoir—of the author’s exiled grandfather and émigré father, who survived the turmoil of both World Wars and led fascinating lives as immigrants in America.

My German American Family’s Story of War, Flight, Exile and Emigration
by Alexander Wolff
Atlantic Monthly, Winter 2021

In 2017 acclaimed journalist Alexander Wolff moved to Berlin to ta explore the lives of his exile grandfather Kurt Wolff and émigré father Niko Wolff—two part-Jewish, German-born men who became American citizens. Kurt Wolff broke into the book business in 1909 as partner of Ernst Rowohlt in Leipzig; four years later, at age 26, he went out on his own, publishing Franz Kafka, Heinrich Mann, Franz Werfel, Joseph Roth, and other writers whose books would be burned by the Nazis. Just after the Reichstag fire in 1933, he and his wife Helen fled to France and Italy, and eight years later in New York they founded Pantheon Books, which went on to publish Gift from the Sea, Doctor Zhivago, and The Tin Drum. Kurt left behind a son from his first marriage, who served in the Wehrmacht before being captured by the Americans, emigrating to the U.S. only in 1948. This was Alexander’s father Niko. Drawing on family letters, diaries, reminiscences and photographs, many never before seen by anyone outside the family, Alexander weaves intimate detail of his father and grandfather into a tapestry of history. An absorbing journey that is part memoir and part historical narrative, BERLIN RECKONING is the saga of a far-flung family navigating wartime and its aftershocks. The book evokes the perils, triumphs, and setbacks at the heart of the refugee experience. And it paints a vivid portrait of the life and times of a titanic literary figure who went from having his books burned by the Nazis to winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Alexander Wolff spent 36 years on staff at Sports Illustrated. He is author or editor of nine books, including the New York Times bestseller Raw Recruits and Big Game, Small World, which was named a New York Times Notable Book. A former Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton, from which he graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in History, he lives with his family in Vermont.

BONES, BLOOD, BREATH de Susan Wise Bauer

In the tradition of Sapiens, bestselling author Susan Wise Bauer’s BONES, BLOOD, BREATH is a gripping and thought-provoking take on human history told through humanity’s evolving perceptions of illness

BONES, BLOOD, BREATH: How Sickness Shapes Our World
by Susan Wise Bauer
St. Martin’s Press, TBD
Manuscript available Fall 2021

In illness, Bauer provides a surprising new lens through which to consider all of human history—she argues that bodily sickness and our conception of it has shaped our culture, our philosophies, and our religions, and has directly and indirectly affected how we view others, how we view ourselves, and how we fashion our world. She argues that sickness is the great mirror that reflects back our most urgent and eternal questions: Why does calamity descend without warning? How can we explain it? And how do we fight back? Told in a propulsive narrative style that brings sweeping history to life through intimate individual stories—the feverish Mesopotamian sufferer; the plague victim who dies alone, the last in his village; the seventeenth-century teenager racked by smallpox; the Congolese grandmother watching her family die of Ebola—Bauer takes readers on a journey from humans’ earliest days when sickness was an unsolvable mystery, evidence that humans were powerless to the unseen forces of gods, to more modern times and the birth of germ theory, when secularism grew alongside our fear of contamination. A multidisciplinary human history like no other, BONES, BLOOD, BREATH is a big think book that tells a large-scale, vivid, chronological story, stretching around the world from ancient times until the present—it will change the way we understand who we are.

Susan Wise Bauer is a writer, historian, and educator. Known for combining meticulous research with gripping detail to offer her readers sweeping and engaging big-picture narratives, Susan is also an in-demand speaker and expert. She is the author of eighteen books, including the educational classic The Well-Trained Mind (with Jessie Wise), now in its fourth edition with over 250,000 copies sold. Her four-volume educational series The Story of the World has sold over 1.5 million copies since 2001. Bauer has a bachelor’s degree in English language and linguistics with a minor in Greek; a Master of Divinity in Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature; an M.A. in English language and literature; and a Ph.D. in American Studies, with a concentration in the history of American religion. Susan writes, reads, lectures and consults, and runs a family farm and bed-and-breakfast. With its broad, multi-disciplinary approach, and propulsive story-driven writing, BLOOD, BONES, BREATH is poised to be her breakout title.

THE WHITE HOUSE PLUMBERS, une série sur le Watergate bientôt sur HBO

Une mini-série HBO en cinq épisodes, adaptée de l’autobiographie d’Egil Krogh sur l’affaire du Watergate, INTEGRITY, vient d’être officiellement annoncée !

Egil Krogh, ancien membre de l’administration Nixon, offre dans INTEGRITY le récit époustouflant de l’enquête secrète menée au sein de la Maison-Blanche par une équipe surnommée « The Plumbers » ayant pour but d’étouffer le scandale du Watergate. La série sera centrée sur deux figures majeures de l’affaire, E. Howard Hunt (interprété par Woody Harrelson) et G. Gordon Liddy (Justin Theroux), les organisateurs du cambriolage du Watergate qui a eu pour conséquence de faire tomber le président Richard Nixon au lieu de le protéger.

INTEGRITY est paru chez PublicAffairs / Perseus Books en août 2007. Une nouvelle édition tie-in paraîtra sous le titre THE WHITE HOUSE PLUMBERS au printemps 2021. Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

WIE WIR MENSCHEN WURDEN de Madelaine Böhme, Rüdiger Braun et Florian Breier

Spectacular finds throw a new light on the history of human evolution

(How We Became Human)
by Madelaine Böhme, Rüdiger Braun, & Florian Breier
Heyne/Random House Germany, November 2019

A criminalistic search for clues of the origins of humanity

The cradle of humanity is in Africa – for a long time this was the incontrovertible truth. In recent years, however, ever more bones have been found that chronologically and geographically do not fit into the picture: archaeologists have found numerous fossils in Europe of early ancestors of present-day apes from which later the human line of evolution emerged. The latest of those findings: the Danuvius guggenmosi, an ape with arms suited to hanging in trees but human-like legs.
In the renowned Nature magazine, Madelaine Böhme and her team just published their research article on this new fossil ape and how it changes the previously applied models of the evolution of bipedalism. These approximately 11.6-million-year-old fossils suggest a form of locomotion that might push back the timeline for when walking on two feet evolved and extend the theory for a common ancestor of great apes and humans. In her book, Böhme and her team describe their paradigm-changing findings and bring to life the fascinating world of our earliest ancestors. A truly absorbing scientific crime story!

Madelaine Böhme, geo-scientist and palaeontologist, is professor of terrestrial palaeoclimatology at the University of Tübingen and founding director of the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment. She is one of the most esteemed palaeoclimatologists and palaeoenvironmental scientists examining human evolution with regard to changes in climate and environment.
Rüdiger Braun is a science journalist and contributes to Stern and Geo.
Florian Breier is a science journalist and works as a filmmaker and author for ZDF television, arte, SWR broadcasting and others.


Matt Damon et Ben Affleck se retrouvent de nouveau sur l’écriture d’un scénario Le Dernier Duel qui sera adapté sur grand écran par Ridley Scott

LE DERNIER DUEL de Eric Jager a été publié en 2010 aux Editions Flammarion: