Hope and concrete solutions for those who are currently dealing with a sociopath

OUTSMARTING THE SOCIOPATH NEXT DOOR: How to Protect Yourself Against a Ruthless Manipulator
by Martha Stout’s
Crown/Harmony Avril 2020

Stout’s 2005 bestseller The Sociopath Next Door (534,000 copies sold to date) showed readers how to identify a sociopath. In this new work, she takes a step further by examining the personal and global implications of sociopathy, providing hope and concrete solutions for those who are currently dealing with a sociopath.Bringing together the countless e-mails, phone calls, and letters that she has collected from readers since the publication of The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout mines these accounts for their inherent instruction and fascination, and makes the issue of conscience, or the lack thereof, riveting and relevant to a wide audience.

Organized around categories such as destructive narcissism, violent sociopaths, sociopathic coworkers, and the sociopath in your family, each chapter contains representative stories from « everyday people, » as well as Stout’s detailed explanation and commentary on how best to react in these situations to keep the sociopath at bay. Uniting these categories is Stout’s discussion of changing psychological theories of personality and sociopathy and the enduring triumph of conscience over those who operate without empathy or concern for others. With Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door, Stout aims to help readers navigate their interactions with the ruthless people in their personal lives and to inform society’s broader interest in character and conceptions of normality.

MARTHA STOUT, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in private practice, served on the faculty in psychology in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School for 25 years. She is the author of The Sociopath Next Door and The Myth of Sanity.

THE ECONOMISTS’ HOUR de Binyamin Appelbaum

An original history of ideas, and an unforgettable portrait of power,

The Rise of a Discipline, the Failures of Globalization, and the Road to Nationalism

by Binyamin Appelbaum
Little Brown, September 2019

The story is of how, in the decades that followed World War II, a single academic discipline—Economics, one long seen as a “soft,” imprecise, and inferior science, much to the resentment of its disciples—moved out of the realm of the classroom and peer-reviewed journals and in short order took hold of the levers of power and policy in government, first in the U.S., and then around the world. For the past 40 years or so, most of the world has been living in what amounts to a grand experiment, in which the theories of free-market orthodoxy—lower taxes, low inflation, deregulation, free trade, markets in all things—have been put into practice in the laboratory of our lives.

It turns out most of the subjects don’t much like the results. And that we don’t quite behave in the way the Nobel-winning models and equations predicted we would. The Economists’ Hour is coming to an end, and the world they’ve left us with feels less predictable than when it began.

Binyamin Appelbaum is a Washington correspondent for the New York Times, where he covers the Federal Reserve and other aspects of economic policy. Before joining the Times in 2010, he was a reporter at The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, and The Charlotte Observer, where he was part of a team of reporters nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in 2008 for reporting that uncovered the earliest signs of the subprime mortgage crisis. Binyamin Appelbaum tells the story of the people who sparked four decades of economic revolution.


A feminist comic book history of women’s rights, from the ancient world to modern times

Ten Speed November 2019

August 26, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted American women the right to vote. And while suffrage has been a critical win for women’s liberation around the world, the struggle for women’s rights has been ongoing for thousands of years, across many cultures, and encompassing an enormous variety of issues. Kendall examines women’s history from an intersectional approach that includes more than just women’s suffrage—her tone and inclusivity are forward thinking and on trend, which is deeply important to modern feminists.

AMAZONS, ABOLITIONISTS, AND ACTIVISTS is a fun, fascinating, and full-color exploration of that important history, tracing its roots from antiquity to show how 21st-century feminism developed. Along the way, you’ll meet a wide range of important historical figures and learn about many political movements across the world, including suffrage, abolition, labor, LGBT liberation, the waves of feminism, and more.

MIKKI KENDALL is a writer, historian, and diversity consultant who writes about intersectionality, policing, gender, sexual assault, and other current events. Kendall’s nonfiction can be found at Time.com, the Guardian, Washington Post, Ebony, Essence, Salon, XoJane, Bustle, Islamic Monthly, and a host of other outlets. Her media appearances include BBC, NPR, Al Jazeera, WVON, WBEZ, TWIB, and Showtime. Her comics work can be found in the Swords of Sorrow anthology, the Princeless charity anthology, and in the Columbus College of Art and Design anthology of 2016.

ANNA D’AMICO is a Cincinnati-born illustrator who loves all things tea, costuming, and history. She graduated from the Columbus College of Art and Design with a BFA in illustration in 2016, and has been creating comics, watercolor paintings, and digital illustrations ever since.

Une vision fascinante de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière

« La démocratie gagnera ou disparaîtra. »

Crown, imprint de  Random House, annonce la publication le 1 octobre 2019 de l’ouvrage de Rachel Maddow intitulé, BLOWOUT : Russie, Démocratie, Etat voyou et Industrie la plus riche et la plus destructrice de la planète.

Rachel Maddow, animatrice de télévision et commentatrice politique, a remporté un Emmy Award  pour son émission sur MSNBC.

BLOWOUT est une vision fascinante et sans concessions de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière, incroyablement lucrative et corrompue. Avec l’ humour noir qui la caractérise, Maddow nous emporte dans un voyage à travers le monde – d’Oklahoma City à la Sibérie en passant par la Guinée équatoriale – exposant la cupidité et l’incompétence des grandes puissances pétrolières et gazières.

Ce livre est un appel à cesser de subventionner l’industrie la plus riche de la planète, à lutter pour la transparence et à contrôler l’influence des dirigeants pétroliers. Les enjeux n’ont jamais été aussi élevés.

FAKE ACCOUNTS de Lauren Oyler

A whip smart, funny and biting literary debut about relationships in the age of social media and conspiracy trolls

by Lauren Oyler
Catapult, early 2021

FAKE ACCOUNTS opens in January 2017 as our unnamed narrator, a young woman in a post-election tailspin, decides there’s never been a better time to break into her boyfriend’s cell phone. She discovers Felix (if that’s his real name…) is secretly a quite popular online conspiracy theorist. That’s the first in a series of Russian doll-like revelations that send her reeling and inspire a move from New York to Berlin, where she becomes a small-scale compulsive liar—though in her defense, mainly with OkCupid dates. As our narrator approaches her relationships with the wary hopefulness of someone whose beloved pet recently bit her, a series of jaw-dropping deceptions follow suit. Thrumming underneath it all is the age-old question that has gained new urgency as the internet has inundated us with the thoughts and opinions of unprecedented numbers of other people: am I going crazy?
Combining the “voice of a generation” quality of Adelle Waldman and Sally Rooney with bursts of exquisite observational humor reminiscent of Otessa Mosfegh and Maria Semple, the result is an energetic exploration of social media, sex, feminism, online dating, astrology, fiction, and the « connection » they’ve all promised but failed to deliver.

Lauren Oyler’s essays on books, pop culture, and feminism have appeared in the New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, the Cut and elsewhere. She is the co-author of two books with Alyssa Mastromonaco, the former deputy chief of staff for President Obama: Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?, a New York Times bestseller, and So Here’s the Thing…, published on March 5, 2019. She grew up in Hurricane, West Virginia, and lives in Brooklyn. She spends as much time in Berlin as possible.