Archives par étiquette : Randle Editorial & Literary

THE THREE HARES TRILOGY de Scott Lauder & David Ross

Sara Livingstone’s school trip to the Beijing Palace Museum takes a terrifying turn when an encounter with the ancient Qingming Scroll thrusts her a thousand years into China’s past. With secrets in the shadows and danger around every corner, Sara relies on her wits and her Granny Tang’s stories to survive. As dark forces gather, she must take her place in a cosmic battle and find the courage to face an unworldly ancient magic.

by Scott Lauder & David Ross
‎ Neem Tree Press
(via Emily Randle Literary)

THE JADE DRAGONBALL (Book 1, September 2019)

Meet Sara Livingstone. A normal schoolgirl in Beijing who enjoys playing the clarinet and learning new words of the day like ‘sepulchral’ and ‘debacle’. Yes, totally normal… Except from when she’s starting to experience disturbing hallucinations when she sees pictures of a strange-looking man in the newspaper. And not just any strange-looking man, either… Specifically, the 17 year-old CEO of a big mining corporation based up in Northern China, carrying out illegal genetic testing in China and mining a rare mineral near the ecologically fragile beaches of San Salvador. The hallucinations are one thing – she can try to ignore them, kind of – but when she studies the Qingming scroll with her class on a field trip, and accidentally time travels to medieval China, she can’t ignore what’s happening to her any longer. Whether she wants to or not, Sara is being called by The Immortals to help them defeat an ancient and vengeful plot that threatens an end to humanity. As if that wasn’t hard enough, she has to find her two counterparts in this challenge, whoever and wherever they might be. It seems this mission is rather urgent.

THE GOLDEN MONKEY KEY (Book 2, May 2021)

Sanjeev’s dog Jigsaw is missing in the middle of winter in New Jersey. But this tragedy is dwarfed by what happens to him in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Has he really entered the 6th Century and become the slave to monks traveling the Silk Road to Byzantium – and might they just be murderers? Trouble is, even if he figures out how to get out of this, he’s got other problems: someone, or something, is coming after him. Part of the answer might be Sara, a girl who contacts him on the net and keeps talking about the Immortals. But who or what are The Three Hares and how can they stop the darkness about to engulf the world?

THE TERRACOTTA HORSE (Book 3, October 2022)

Salma Mansour is a black belt in taekwondo, a skill she will need to stay alive. One second, she’s in the British Museum, the next a thousand years away in a battle between the Saxons and Vikings. And she’s supposed to help? Things momentarily brighten when she encounters Sara and Sanjeev, who seem to understand. They don’t have much time to plan though; without warning, all three are transported to Xi’an, stronghold of Chan, a wealthy gang leader bent on immortality. Chan has kidnapped world famous geneticist Lin Dan and assembled fragments of an ancient magic. Chan will stop at nothing to fulfil his dream… even if it means releasing forces far beyond his control. The Three Hares must work together to defeat Chan and the power that controls him … or else.

Scott Lauder was born in Ayrshire, Scotland. Having taught in Greece, Japan, and England, he now lives with his wife and four cats in the UAE where he teaches English. His other books include The Right Thing, A Single Shot, and The Boy-King Tutankhamun.
David Scott Ross has traveled and taught throughout Asia since he first moved there in 1987. He currently teaches in upstate NY, where he lives with his wife and two sons. He is writing two other novels.
The authors met as English teachers in Japan. It’s through their shared love of languages, travel and world cultures that the idea for this global and mythological YA trilogy was born. Read more about them in a recent interview

THE SCIENCE OF BOYS d’Emily Seo, illustré par Gracey Zhang

A funny and unique upper middle-grade standalone about a goofy and awkward science enthusiast who, in a bid to fit in, puts her expertise to good use and writes a manual for understanding boys for the girls at her High School.

by Emily Seo
illustrated by Gracey Zhang
‎ Tradewind Books (Canada), September 2022
(via Emily Randle Literary)

When 12 year old science buff, Emma Sakamoto, starts her first day at High School, she just wants to fit in. Her Dad is struggling with his job and her Mum is still away, just when she needs her most. Aside from her best friend Olive, Emma always found it hard to make friends and has decided that this year – new Emma! New girl Poppy loves books, and Emma thinks maybe this could be a new pal, but Poppy seems completely uninterested. Until she needs Emma’s brains, that is. Poppy wants to attract the new heart-throb and, for an exchange of fashion advice, Emma pretends that in this department, she’s an expert… she knows science… so why can’t she write a manual about ‘The Science of Boys’ to help her new friend? The same principles can apply, right? One twist of the truth leads to a tornado of deceit and Emma must figure out what is truly important before ruining all the good things in her life…

Emily Seo is a Japanese-Canadian chemist who experiments with words and writing stories. Her first product is this book. She currently lives in Richmond, British Colombia with her husband and two young scientists.
Gracey Zhang is a freelance illustrator and animator. She has recently published her first picture book, Lala’s Words, with Scholastic. Born and raised in Vancouver, she now lives and draws in Brooklyn, New York.

CAN I STRAY de Jenna Adams

CAN I STRAY follows the story of Brooke’s age-gap relationship with Matt and the lasting impact it has on her life. It explores themes of consent, mental health, co-dependency and toxic relationships.

by Jenna Adams
‎ Neem Tree Press, October 2022
(via Randle Editorial & Literary)

Fourteen-year-old Brooke Tyler has spent her whole life waiting for a boy to choose her. Matt is about to go to university, scared to leave behind everything he knows. When both are cast as romantic leads in Romeo and Juliet, they fulfil the roles of forbidden lovers both on and off the stage. Brooke is sure that her fairy tale is coming true – and best of all, Matt is older.
Brooke considers secrets and lies a small price to pay for her first boyfriend, but the relationship is set to cost her the moment they have sex. When Brooke learns that Matt’s actions that night were illegal, her world shatters.
Years later, Brooke and Matt reunite as adults. Matt wants to undo all the damage he caused, but Brooke makes a choice which forces them both to question their relationship.
Told in three acts, this debut reveals a young woman’s journey for independence as she strays away from everything she has ever known to navigate her traumatic past.

Jenna Adams lives in London and writes from her third-floor flat which is covered in plants. She always has a book in her handbag, and runs a Twitter and Instagram where she posts about her favourite novels.

THE CLAN SERIES de Rennie McOwan

The timeless tales of adventure and intrigue starring eleven-year-old Gavin and the Stewart children set in the Ochil Hills of bonnie Scotland, first published in the 80s and now in their fifth edition. A classic family read that explores themes close to young readers all over the world – friendship, rewilding, appreciating the natural world, and adventure – as well as a hint of scout survival skills.

by Rennie McOwan
Rowan Tree Publishing, 2016-2020
(via Randle Editorial & Literary)

Book 1: LIGHT ON DUMYAT (2016) – Gavin, on holiday from London in the wild and remote Scottish countryside, meets the three Stewart children and is desperate to join their ‘Clan’. To do so he has to pass a series of tests. The three redoubtable Stewarts, Clare, Michael, and Mot, teach Gavin about the ancient ways of the Clans, how to survive outdoors. Together their summer of adventure turns darker as the children come face to face with a devious criminal gang.
Book 2: THE WHITE STAG ADVENTURE (2017) – Gavin and his friends Mot and Michael Stewart under the resourceful leadership of their sister, Clare are planning to spend their summer holiday turning a ruined castle into a den for themselves. Their activities are interrupted when they are caught up in a series of mysterious and frightening incidents…
Book 3: THE DAY THE MOUNTAIN MOVED (2019) – While on holiday in the Scottish Highlands, Gavin and his friends Clare, Michael, and Mot find a dusty trunk full of strange objects with magical powers. The objects take the children on a magical adventure to a time and place where magic is part of everyday life and the children encounter ancient Celtic goddesses, warriors and witches. However the children can only return to their own time if they complete all the treacherous tasks contained in an ancient rhyme.
Book 4: JEWELS ON THE MOVE (2020) – When Gavin, Clare, Michael, and Mot visit an ancient castle, they find themselves taken back in time to 17th century Scotland, where they become caught up in a desperate journey to rescue the priceless ‘Honours of Scotland’ – the Scottish Crown Jewels. With armed men at their heels and an injured girl slowing them down , it’s touch and go whether they will succeed, and even if they do, how will they get back to their own time?

Rennie McOwan has the great gift of telling an exciting story in a way that children love to hear. These lovely books will be cherished by generation after generation.” – best-selling author Alexander McCall Smith

Rennie McOwan was not only a famous journalist for newspapers such as The Scotsman, but also a keen outdoorsman and architect of the Freedom to Roam act in Scotland – protecting the right to explore the outdoors which is such a huge part of Scotland’s identity. This work won him the Outdoor Writers Guild Golden Eagle Award. Rennie dreamt up the adventures of Gavin and his friends to tell his children at bedtime and remind them of the wonders of the natural world. These stories soon became ‘The Clan Series’ and have not gone out of print for thirty years since.


Welcome to Mixton Bay and the sparkling, magical Courtney Little series from popular children’s author, Aleesah Darlison. ‘Courtney is a fabulous role model for young girls and very relatable. A very cool new series’. – Kids Book Review

by Aleesah Darlison
Big Sky Publishing (Australia), August 2021

Courtney Little never knew her grandmother but it seems Delia wants to make her presence felt. Dad isn’t saying why he left Mixton Bay years ago, and now strange things are happening in her grandmother’s old house. When Courtney finds a mystical ”Book of Spells” with her name on the box, and she meets Ink the talking cat, and Justice, the surfer boy with a secret of his own, her boring holiday starts to get a lot more interesting.
The Courtney Little series has received acclaim across publications such as CBCA Reading Time, News Limited Funday Section, Magpies Magazine, Oz_Lit and more.

Book 2 : HAUNTINGS & HEXES – pub. August 2021
Book 3: PLOTS & POTIONS – pub. February 2022

Aleesah Darlison is a multi-published, award-winning Australian children’s author. She has written over fifty books for children including picture books, chapter books, novels, and series. In January 2021, Aleesah received an Australia Day Award from the Sunshine Coast Council. Aleesah has also won numerous awards for her writing including the 2015 Environment Award for Children’s Literature (Our Class Tiger – Non-Fiction) and an Australian Society of Authors (ASA) Mentorship. Her picture book, Warambi, was a 2012 CBCA Notable Book and was shortlisted for the Eve Pownall Award and the Environment Award. Her picture book, Emerald: The Green Turtle’s Tale was shortlisted for the 2018 Speech Pathology Book of the Year Awards. Aleesah travels extensively, delivering talks and workshops to children and adults at preschools, schools, libraries, literary festivals, and writers’ centres. She also works as a writing mentor and tutor.