Archives de l’auteur : WebmasterBenisti

INTUITIVE FASTING de Will Cole, préface de Gwyneth Paltrow

Bestselling author of Ketotarian and The Inflammation Spectrum, outlines a unique plan that merges the science behind fasting with a holistic approach to eating that yields big results.

The Flexible Four-Week Intermittent Fasting Plan to Recharge Your Metabolism and Renew Your Health
by Will Cole
with a foreword by Gwyneth Paltrow
goop Press/Rodale, February 23, 2021 (voir catalogue)

For some, the idea of fasting by eating only one or two meals a day still sounds like an extreme and overly restrictive dieting tactic. But many of us already feel like victims to our daily eating schedule: three meals a day, plus snacks. Eat every few hours, we are told by the experts. This fixed eating schedule has become the norm. But the truth is this is an artificially constructed schedule that does not reflect our bodies’ natural and most optimal eating schedule. In fact, eating three meals a day causes metabolic inflexibility, which can easily lead to inflammation, weight gain, and disease. For millions of years, our bodies have actually functioned best by fasting. With his four-week fasting flexibility plan, Dr. Cole will help you reset your body, recharge your metabolism, renew your cells, and rebalance your hormones. He’ll illustrate the most effective ways to fast and eat to amplify the health benefits of intermittent fasting, balancing rest and repair with clean, nutrient dense, delicious foods. Along with 60-70 recipes, he also includes a maintenance plan, so you can adapt fasting and feeding windows to work with your lifestyle.

Dr. Will Cole, IFMCP, DC, is a leading functional medicine expert who consults people around the world via webcam and locally in Pittsburgh. He specializes in clinically investigating underlying factors of chronic disease and customizing a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. He is the bestselling author of Ketotarian and The Inflammation Spectrum. Dr. Cole is also the cohost of the goopfellas podcast and Keto Talk.


A fast-paced, juicy narrative nonfiction title in the vein of Michael Lewis or Ben Mezrich, BILLION DOLLAR LOSER is the inside story of WeWork and its CEO, Adam Neumann, which tells the remarkable saga of one of the most audacious, and improbable, rises and falls in American business history.

The Epic Rise and Spectacular Fall of Adam Neumann and WeWork
by Reeves Wiedeman
Little, Brown, October 2020
(chez The Gernert Company – voir catalogue)

In its earliest days, WeWork promised the impossible: to make the American work place cool. Adam Neumann, an immigrant determined to make his fortune in the United States, landed on the idea of repurposing surplus New York office space for the burgeoning freelance class. Over the course of ten years, WeWork attracted billions of dollars from some of the most sought-after investors in the world, while spending it to build a global real estate empire that he insisted was much more than that: an organization that aspired to nothing less than « elevating the world’s consciousness. » Moving between New York real estate, Silicon Valley venture capital, and the very specific force field of spirituality and ambition erected by Adam Neumann himself, Billion Dollar Loser lays bare the internal drama inside WeWork. Based on more than two hundred interviews, this book chronicles the breakneck speed at which WeWork’s CEO built and grew his company along with Neumann’s relationship to a world of investors, including Masayoshi Son of Softbank, who fueled its chaotic expansion into everything from apartment buildings to elementary schools. Culminating in a day-by-day account of the five weeks leading up to WeWork’s botched IPO and Neumann’s dramatic ouster, Wiedeman exposes the story of the company’s desperate attempt to secure the funding it needed in the final moments of a decade defined by excess. Billion Dollar Loser is the first book to indelibly capture the highly leveraged, all-blue-sky world of American business in President Trump’s first term, and also offers a sober reckoning with its fallout as a new era begins.

Reeves Wiedeman is a contributing editor at New York magazine, and has written for the New Yorker, the New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Harper’s, and other publications. He lives in Brooklyn but still calls Kansas City home.

HAWK MOUNTAIN de Conner Habib

A blood-soaked debut about love between men who don’t know how to express it: partners and friends, fathers and sons, bullies and scapegoats.

by Conner Habib

W. W. Norton, Fall 2021
(chez Neon Literary – voir catalogue)

Todd is playing at the beach with his six-year-old son, Anthony, when he sees a man approach them. It is Jack, the man who made his highschool years a living hell. Radiant, repentant, and overjoyed to have « run into » Todd, Jack suggests a meal (to catch up!) and perhaps a night or two’s stay at Todd’s house (to reconnect!). Todd politely agrees, smile frozen on his face, as a sick feeling begins to grow within him, churning into rot and releasing a repressed darkness. What follows is a tense, fast-paced story of obsession and the grotesque, as disturbing as it is emotionally riveting. A Patricia Highsmith novel for the demented age we’re living through, HAWK MOUNTAIN is a compelling look at how love and hate are indissoluble, intertwined until the last breath.

Conner Habib is the host of the popular podcast Against Everyone with Conner Habib and is a writer, lecturer, and a sex workers’ rights advocate. He lectures around the world about sexuality, spirituality, pornography, science, and art. His writing has appeared in such publications as The Stranger, Vice, Salon, Slate, and in several anthologies. For ten years, he was an award-winning gay adult performer.

UNDER THE SKY WE MAKE de Kimberly Nicholas

It’s warming. It’s us. We’re sure. It’s bad. But we can fix it.

by Kimberly Nicholas, PhD

Putnam, April 2021
(chez Neon Literary – voir catalogue)

After speaking to the international public for close to fifteen years about sustainability, climate scientist Dr. Nicholas realized that concerned people were getting the wrong message about the climate crisis. Yes, companies and governments are hugely responsible for the mess we’re in. But individuals CAN effect real, significant, and lasting change to solve this problem. Nicholas explores finding purpose in a warming world, combining her scientific expertise and her lived, personal experience in a way that seems fresh and deeply urgent: Agonizing over the climate costs of visiting loved ones overseas, how to find low-carbon love on Tinder, and even exploring her complicated family legacy involving supermarket turkeys. In her astonishing book UNDER THE SKY WE MAKE, Nicholas does for climate science what Michael Pollan did more than a decade ago for the food on our plate: offering a hopeful, clear-eyed, and somehow also hilarious guide to effecting real change, starting in our own lives. Saving ourselves from climate apocalypse will require radical shifts within each of us, to effect real change in our society and culture. But it can be done. It requires, Dr. Nicholas argues, belief in our own agency and value, alongside a deep understanding that no one will ever hand us power—we’re going to have to seize it for ourselves.

Dr. Kimberly Nicholas is Associate Professor of Sustainability Science at Lund, Sweden’s highest-ranked university. Born and raised on her family’s vineyard in Sonoma, California, she studied the effect of climate change on the California wine industry for her PhD in Environment and Resources at Stanford University. Since then, she has published over 50 articles on climate and sustainability in leading peer-reviewed journals, and her research has been featured in outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, USA Today, Buzzfeed and more. She has also been profiled in Elle and The Guardian, and gives appearances at around 50 lectures each year, such as the recent Climate Change Leadership summit.


From the author of the acclaimed Blood Water Paint, a new contemporary YA novel in prose and verse about a girl struggling with guilt and a desire for revenge after her sister’s rapist escapes with no prison time.

by Joy McCullough

Dutton Children’s, February 2021
(chez Dystel, Goderich & Bourret)

Em Morales’s older sister was raped by another student after a frat party. A jury eventually found the rapist guilty on all counts—a remarkable verdict that Em felt more than a little responsible for, since she was her sister’s strongest advocate on social media during the trial. Her passion and outspokenness helped dissuade the DA from settling for a plea deal. Em’s family would have real justice. But the victory is short-lived. In a matter of minutes, justice vanishes as the judge turns the Morales family’s world upside down again by sentencing the rapist to no prison time. While her family is stunned, Em is literally sick with rage and guilt. To make matters worse, a news clip of her saying that the sentence makes her want to learn « how to use a sword » goes viral. From this low point, Em must find a new reason to go on and help her family heal, and she finds it in the unlikely form of the story of a fifteenth-century French noblewoman, Marguerite de Bressieux, who is legendary as an avenging knight for rape victims. WE ARE THE ASHES, WE ARE THE FIRE is a searing and nuanced portrait of a young woman torn between a persistent desire for revenge and a burning need for hope

Joy McCullough writes books and plays from her home in the Seattle area, where she lives with her family. She studied theater at Northwestern University, fell in love with her husband atop a Guatemalan volcano, and now spends her days surrounded by books and kids and chocolate. Her debut novel, Blood Water Paint, was longlisted for National Book Award and was a finalist for the William C. Morris Debut Award.