Archives de catégorie : History


Christian Cooke and James Bloor (Dunkirk) ont été choisis aux côtés de David Thewlis pour figurer dans Barkskins, série dramatique scénarisée de National Geographic basée sur le roman  best-seller de  Annie Proulx, prix Pulitzer. La série est issue de Elwood Reid, Fox 21 TV Studios et National Geographic.

BARKSKINS a été publié en 2016 chez Scribner



A feminist comic book history of women’s rights, from the ancient world to modern times

Ten Speed November 2019

August 26, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted American women the right to vote. And while suffrage has been a critical win for women’s liberation around the world, the struggle for women’s rights has been ongoing for thousands of years, across many cultures, and encompassing an enormous variety of issues. Kendall examines women’s history from an intersectional approach that includes more than just women’s suffrage—her tone and inclusivity are forward thinking and on trend, which is deeply important to modern feminists.

AMAZONS, ABOLITIONISTS, AND ACTIVISTS is a fun, fascinating, and full-color exploration of that important history, tracing its roots from antiquity to show how 21st-century feminism developed. Along the way, you’ll meet a wide range of important historical figures and learn about many political movements across the world, including suffrage, abolition, labor, LGBT liberation, the waves of feminism, and more.

MIKKI KENDALL is a writer, historian, and diversity consultant who writes about intersectionality, policing, gender, sexual assault, and other current events. Kendall’s nonfiction can be found at, the Guardian, Washington Post, Ebony, Essence, Salon, XoJane, Bustle, Islamic Monthly, and a host of other outlets. Her media appearances include BBC, NPR, Al Jazeera, WVON, WBEZ, TWIB, and Showtime. Her comics work can be found in the Swords of Sorrow anthology, the Princeless charity anthology, and in the Columbus College of Art and Design anthology of 2016.

ANNA D’AMICO is a Cincinnati-born illustrator who loves all things tea, costuming, and history. She graduated from the Columbus College of Art and Design with a BFA in illustration in 2016, and has been creating comics, watercolor paintings, and digital illustrations ever since.

ALPHA GIRLS de Julian Guthrie

In the bestselling vein of “Hidden Figures”, ALPHA GIRLS is reporter Julian Guthrie’s powerful account of five women pioneers in the field of venture capital who bucked the system and found ways to survive and thrive in the cutthroat, high-stakes, male-dominated world of Silicon Valley

The Women Who Challenged Silicon Valley’s Male Culture and Pioneered the Future
by Julian Guthrie
Currency, May 2019

The closed-doors investment decisions made by venture capitalists have the power to fund new startups and shape our economy, our technology, and our world. They have enabled the very existence of many of the world’s most profitable companies. Known for their risk-taking and prescient investments, the VC community has reaped tens of billions of dollars and has become the envy of Wall Street. Yet thanks to the « bro-grammer culture » that rules the VC world, it is a cabal that is almost a foreign country for women. A mere 6 percent of general partners at VC firms are women; roughly 80 percent of VC firms have never had a woman general partner. But there are a few. Armed with unprecedented access to the secretive VC universe, Guthrie uncovers one of the great untold stories of the digital era. Against all odds, a small cadre of women–pioneers who Guthrie calls the « alpha girls »–have determinedly made their way despite harassment, second-class citizenship, and men stealing the credit and the rewards, to become powerhouses of the finance world.

Julian Guthrie spent 20 years writing for the San Francisco Chronicle, where she won numerous awards. Her writing has been nominated multiple times for the Pulitzer Prize. She is the author of three nonfiction books: “The Grace of Everyday Saints”, T”he Billionaire and the Mechanic”, and “How to Make a Spaceship”.


Après le succès de VILLA AIR-BEL, Rosemary Sullivan revient avec la biographie passionnante de la fille de l’un des dictateurs les plus connus de l’Histoire.

Rosemary Sullivan a eu accès à un grand nombre de sources inédites et a pu interviewer plusieurs témoins qui, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, avaient refusé de parler. Elle a travaillé avec la fille de Svetlana et les agents de la CIA qui avaient aidé Svetlana à s’enfuir aux Etats-Unis, et elle s’est également rendue à Moscou pour dévoiler les vérités cachées dans les archives KGB.

UPDATE: Une version abrégée est désormais disponible!

The incredible story of a woman fated to live her life in the shadow of one of history’s most monstrous dictators

by Rosemary Sullivan
Harper, June 2015

Svetlana Stalina, who died on November 22, 2011 at the age of 85, was the only daughter and last surviving child of Josef Stalin. Beyond her controversial defection to the United States in a cloak and dagger escape via India in 1967, Svetlana Stalina’s journey from the beloved daughter of a fierce autocrat to her death in small-town Wisconsin is an astonishing saga. Publicly she was the young darling of her people; privately she was controlled by a tyrannical father who dictated her every move, even sentencing a man she loved to ten years hard labor in Siberia. She burned her passport soon after her arrival in New York City and renounced both her father and the Soviet Union. She married four times and had three children. In 1984, she returned to the Soviet Union, this time renouncing the US, and then reappeared in America two years later, claiming she had been manipulated by her homeland. She spoke four languages and was politically shrewd, even warning in the late 1990s of the consequences of the rise to power of former KGB officer Vladimir Putin. Svetlana Stalina spent her later years as a nomad, shuttling between England, France, and the US, a woman shaped and torn apart by her father’s legacy.

 Foreign rights:

*Czech rights sold at auction to Albatros

*Danish rights sold at auction to Informations Forlag

*Dutch rights sold at auction to De Geus

*Estonian rights sold to Tanapaev

*Finnish rights sold to at auction to Otava

*Polish rights sold at auction to Znak

*Portuguese rights in Brazil sold at auction to Globo

Portuguese rights in Portugal sold to Temas e Debates, an imprint of Bertrand

*Slovak rights sold to Ikar

*Swedish rights sold at auction to Norstedts

*Russian rights sold to Astrel

*UK rights sold to Fourth Estate