Archives par étiquette : Verlagsgruppe Penguin Random House Bertelsmann

DER AUSFLUG de Dirk Kurbjuweit

A shocking journey into the heart of Germany’s darkness.

(The Trip)
by Dirk Kurbjuweit
‎ Penguin Germany/PRH Verlagsgruppe, February 2022

Childhood friends Amalia, Josef, Gero and Bodo are on a summer canoeing trip. However, the moment they arrive at their destination it’s clear that they aren’t welcome. Josef in particular, who is black, senses the locals’ discomfort in his presence. They evidently deeply dislike anything that looks remotely foreign. But should the friends let themselves be intimidated by a few backward provincials? Should they simply give in? Amalia, Josef, Gero and Bodo are determined to stay, and from that moment on there’s no turning back. Every step they take leads them closer to the abyss. They all know that this trip won’t end well, but none of them wants to admit it. Soon their summer adventure becomes a desperate effort to get out of this place alive.

Dirk Kurbjuweit, born in 1962, is one of the most versatile and productive authors of our time. Known to a broad readership as a reporter for Zeit and Spiegel, he has been a convincing narrator from an early age. Critics celebrated his works and several of his literary successes served as models for film adaptations and radio play adaptations. His books have been translated into numerous languages.

UNSER GLÜCK de Natalie Buchholz

What happens to us when our home becomes a financial bargaining chip?

(Our Good Fortune)
by Natalie Buchholz
‎ Penguin Germany/PRH Verlagsgruppe, February 2022

When the young parents Franziska and Coordt find a lovely – and affordable – flat in one of Munich’s best neighbourhoods, it’s the opportunity of a lifetime. But there’s a condition attached: it won’t be just them and their small boy living there. Tempted by the chance of owning their own home, and one they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford, they agree to a deal that will put their love to the test. Like a catalyst, the new flat accelerates and deepens existing cracks in their relationship, and their son, too, is aware of the increasing friction between them. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has turned out to be a trap. Will they find a way out?
Natalie Buchholz has created an irresistible story, written in clear, rhythmic prose. A novel set up like an experiment, showing the freedom that improved living conditions can bring – and the destructive power of financial pressure.

Natalie Buchholz, born in France in 1977, studied Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Practice at the University of Hildesheim and at the Université Aix-Marseille. In 2018, her debut novel The Red Swimming Pool was published. In 2020 she was awarded the Spiegelungen Prize for minimal prose.

Netflix diffusera bientôt un documentaire adapté de l’autobiographie de Jens Söring

Soering, une série documentaire de True Crime en cinq parties sur l’affaire Jens Söring et le meurtre des Haysom, sera diffusée courant 2022 sur Netflix. Elle est tirée du livre RÜCKKEHR INS LEBEN paru en septembre 2021 chez C. Bertelsmann/PRH Verlagsgruppe, dans lequel Jens Söring parle de sa lutte pour retrouver une vie normale après avoir passé plus de trois décennies en prison aux États-Unis dans les conditions les plus sévères.

Condamné à perpétuité pour le meurtre particulièrement brutal des parents de sa petite amie de l’époque, Elizabeth Haysom, ce fils de diplomate a été incarcéré dès 1986. À ce jour, les doutes concernant sa culpabilité persistent : d’après lui, croyant bénéficier de l’immunité diplomatique, il est passé aux aveux uniquement pour éviter à sa petite amie la peine de mort. Il avait 19 ans lorsqu’il est entré en prison, et a vécu derrière les barreaux pendant presque toute sa vie d’adulte. Après avoir été libéré sur parole en décembre 2019, il est retourné en Allemagne à l’âge de 53 ans.

D’après Netflix, la série s’intéresse à « l’un des drames judiciaires les plus passionnants de notre époque. Le producteur de documentaires Arne Birkenstock, plusieurs fois récompensé, a eu accès à Jens Söring en exclusivité et, avec les réalisateurs Lena Leonhardt et Andre Hörmann, ouvre de nouvelles perspectives sur cette affaire criminelle spectaculaire qui continue de captiver les gens dans le monde entier. »

Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

ORT OHNE WIEDERKEHR de Mihrigul Tursun & Andrea Claudia Hoffmann

The first book worldwide by a survivor of the Chinese concentration camps.

(A Place of No Return)
by Mihrigul Tursun & Andrea Claudia Hoffmann
Heyne/ Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe, February 2022

Human rights organisations and governments speak of a crime against humanity, a « cultural genocide ». Mihrigul Tursun has repeatedly been a victim of Chinese efforts to totally assimilate the Uyghur minority. She experienced the so-called « re-education camps » in their indescribable cruelty, the physical and psychological violence, first hand. In a way that remains unexplained to this day, her young son died while she was imprisoned. Today, despite the threat that has not disappeared even in exile, she has the courage to speak openly about what she experienced and to describe from her own experience what the Uyghur minority in China has to endure. A significant eyewitness account that brings the reader closer to the people behind the news from China.

Uyghur Mihrigul Tursun, born in 1989, was imprisoned several times in the Chinese « re-education camps » of Xinjiang. During her detention, one of her sons died in Chinese custody under unexplained circumstances. On 28 November 2018, Mihrigul Tursun gave her harrowing testimony before the US Congress (Congressional-Executive Commission on China). She described the inhumane conditions and torture methods in the camps. In December 2018, Tursun was awarded the Citizen Power Award.
Andrea C. Hoffmann works in the political editorial department of the news magazine Focus and teaches at various German universities. Her books have been translated into 17 languages worldwide.


Special moments, amazing encounters, fascinating animal facts.

(The Woodland Animal Whisperer)
by Wolfgang Schreil
Ludwig/Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe, August 2021

No one is as at home among wild woodland animals as Wolfgang Schreil: he gets up close and personal with red deer and lynxes, photographs a hunting stoat at ten paces, gets within touching distance of poisonous snakes, and stands among roe deer grazing peacefully by his side. How does he manage to get so unbelievably close to them, to share moments of connectedness that count among the happiest times of his life? For Wolfgang ‘Woid Woife’ Schreil, the woods represent a safe haven and place where we can be truly free. His gripping stories, his priceless knowledge of the animal world and his close-up animal photographs have made him a very special woodland ambassador. His immense passion for life and animals, his faith in the power of love, and his belief that nature’s greatest gifts are revealed to us if we are only patient, are an inspiration for each and every one of us who yearn to be mindful of what really matters.

German stone lifting champion, renowned environmentalist and animal expert – Wolfgang Schreil‘s CV contains many surprises. Yet his extraordinary connection to animals and woodlands has always been a constant in his life. His wisdom and contagious enthusiasm for forests and their inhabitants have inspired and delighted people everywhere; and he is as famous for his stunning close-up photographs of woodland animals as for his trademark green felt hat and hiking stick.