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Gaumont UK fait l’acquisition des droits du thriller DOG ROSE DIRT de Jen Williams

La filière britannique de Gaumont vient d’acheter les droits audiovisuels du thriller psychologique DOG ROSE DIRT de Jen Williams et prévoit de l’adapter en série télé.

Dans le livre, publié en juillet 2021 chez HarperCollins UK, la journaliste Heather Evans retourne dans sa maison d’enfance après le suicide inexpliqué de sa mère, et découvre que celle-ci entretenait depuis des années une correspondance troublante avec Michael Reave, un tueur en série emprisonné depuis plus de vingt ans. Lorsque le corps d’une femme est retrouvé décoré de fleurs, tout comme l’étaient ses victimes, Reave est la seule personne qui pourrait faire avancer l’enquête. Après des années de silence, il accepte de parler à Heather, et seulement à Heather.

‘Masterclass in suspense’ –The Times
‘Will have you up all night with the lights on’ –ELLE
‘Brilliant – filled with tension and twists’ –Sarah Pinborough
‘An unsettling, terrifying thriller’ –Abigail Dean

Les droits de langue française sont toujours disponibles.

Le Grand prix de littérature américaine 2021 attribué à Joyce Maynard

Où vivaient les gens heureux de Joyce Maynard, paru en août 2021 aux éditions Philippe Rey dans une traduction de Florence Lévy-Paolini, vient de remporter Le Grand prix de littérature américaine. Ce prix récompense chaque année un roman américain paru depuis le 1er janvier et se distinguant par ses qualités littéraires de premier plan.

Le jury a vu dans l’ouvrage « un livre d’une grande subtilité où Joyce Maynard explore magistralement la gamme des sentiments, à travers le portrait d’une femme des années 1970 à aujourd’hui. A la fois réflexion sur le couple et sur la famille, ce roman restitue avec finesse tout ce dont sont faites nos vies, face à un monde et une société en perpétuel mouvement. »

Le roman :

Lorsque Eleanor, jeune artiste à succès, achète une maison dans la campagne du New Hampshire, elle cherche à oublier un passé difficile. Sa rencontre avec le séduisant Cam lui ouvre un nouvel univers, animé par la venue de trois enfants : la secrète Alison, l’optimiste Ursula et le doux Toby.

Comblée, Eleanor vit l’accomplissement d’un rêve. Très tôt laissée à elle-même par des parents indifférents, elle semble prête à tous les sacrifices pour jses enfants. Cette vie au cœur de la nature, tissée de fantaisie et d’imagination, lui offre des joies inespérées. Et si entre Cam et Eleanor la passion n’est plus aussi vibrante, ils possèdent quelque chose de plus important : leur famille. Jusqu’au jour où survient un terrible accident…

Dans ce roman bouleversant qui emporte le lecteur des années 1970 à nos jours, Joyce Maynard relie les évolutions de ses personnages à celles de la société américaine – libération sexuelle, avortement, émancipation des femmes jusqu’à l’émergence du mouvement MeToo… Chaque saison apporte ses moments de doute ou de colère, de pardon et de découverte de soi.

RISING TOGETHER de Sally Helgesen

Building off the methodology of Sally Helgesen’s bestselling How Women Rise, this new book will be geared toward readers at every stage and level in their careers – men and women – who recognize that building effective relationships in the workplace is essential to their future advancement.

How Women and Men Can Build the Next, Best Workplace
by Sally Helgesen
‎Hachette Go, Summer 2022
(via Levine Greenberg Rostan)

RISING TOGETHER will offer practical advice to help men and women move past impediments and establish relationships built on authenticity and trust. Finding a way to do this has become urgent in the wake of the pandemic. Working virtually has made questions of visibility, perception and assessment both more vital and more complex, while also undermining time-honored ways of building networks and alliances. These challenges will not disappear when we emerge from this period because the trend toward virtual work was already underway; the disruptions of 2020 simply accelerated it. Rising Together addresses the human questions on how we move forward.
RISING TOGETHER will be divided into two parts. Part One, Eight Common Triggers, identifies the triggers most likely to sabotage relationships between men and women in ways that can undermine their careers, their teams and ultimately their organizations. These widespread yet mostly unacknowledged triggers include differences in how men and women approach ambition, competence, perceptions, fairness, communications, networks, attraction and humor. Part Two, A Template for Change, lays out key practices that support our ability to build trusting and fruitful relationships in the workplace. These include the highly specific inclusive behaviors, a method for informally enlisting allies to support the practice of new behaviors, and a means for demonstrating authenticity while trying new approaches.
Sally’s most recent book,
How Women Rise, co-authored with Marshall Goldsmith, identifies the habits and behaviors most likely to hold women back from reaching their full potential. It has become a widely used manual for employee resource groups, training programs, company book clubs, coaches and leaders eager to increase the number of women in senior positions, as well as for women seeking to understand what gets in their way. RISING TOGETHER will bring the practical and highly tactical approach that made the book successful to a broader audience of men and women seeking to make the best of their talents and their alliances. RISING TOGETHER will be geared toward readers at every stage and level in their careers who recognize that building effective relationships in the workplace is essential to their future advancement. The book is also intended to serve as an indispensable resource for HR, diversity, learning and training professionals tasked with addressing the misunderstandings, resentments and derailments caused by the eight triggers.

Sally Helgesen, cited in Forbes as the world’s premier expert on women’s leadership, is an internationally best-selling author, speaker and leadership coach. She has been ranked number 6 among the world’s top 30 leadership thinkers by Global Gurus, honored by the coaching consortium MEECO for her transformational influence on organizational cultures and chosen as the Thinkers 50/100 Coaches world’s top coach for women leaders. Sally’s most recent book, How Women Rise, co-authored with legendary executive coach Marshall Goldsmith, examines the behaviors most likely to get in the way of successful women. It became the top-seller in its field within a week of publication and rights have been sold in 13 languages.

FIRE SEASON de Leyna Krow

A feminist novel upending the archetypal « western » in the vein of The Sisters Brothers meets Inland, set in 1889 in Washington Territory on the heels of a great fire about an inadvertently dangerous psychic and the two conmen she meets on her path to redemption.

by Leyna Krow
‎Viking, Summer 2022
(via Levine Greenberg Rostan)

For the citizens of Spokane Falls, a fire that destroyed their frontier boomtown was no disaster; it was an opportunity. Set in 1889 in Washington Territory on the heels of this event, FIRE SEASON tells the story of three characters who seize big opportunities the fire brings, though in different ways and to different ends. Barton Heydale, manager of the city bank, uses the ensuing chaos to embark on schemes of fraud, forgery, and kidnapping. Quake Auchenbaucher, a conman, suddenly finds his career in manipulation jeopardized. And there’s Roslyn Beck, an alcoholic prostitute with the ability to see the future and with whom both men fall madly and dangerously in love. Unbeknownst to them, she has a deviant influence that, for better or worse, can change the world. As their paths collide, diverge, and collide again, these three come to terms with their own needs for power, greed, and control — leading one to total ruin, one to heartbreak, and one, ultimately, to redemption.
In the incandescent, genre-bending spirit of Eleanor Catton’s
The Luminaries, Karen Joy Fowler’s Sarah Canary, or Patrick deWitt’s The Sisters Brothers, with notes of Ottessa Moshfegh’s quick wit and wicked imagination, FIRE SEASON is playful, creepily magical, and historical, yes, but not in the traditional sense. The setting is a darkly whimsical approximation of what the Pacific Northwest was like at the end of the 19th century, and the characters may seem better suited to the modern literary fabulism of someone like Aimee Bender or Kelly Link than the wild west.

Leyna Krow’s first collection I’m Fine, But You Appear to Be Sinking (Featherproof Books, 2017) was a finalist for The Believer Book Award. Krow lives in Spokane, Washington with her husband and two children. She is at work on her second novel.

Photo credit: Young Kwak

QUANTUM BULLSH*T de Chris Ferrie

From bestselling author and physicist Chris Ferrie comes a book perfect for people with a sense of humor who f*cking love science.

by Chris Ferrie
Sourcebooks, June 2022

Quantum physics is weird and spooky and mystical and if you only understood it, you’d be rich and beautiful and have great sex, right? Wrong. Quantum physics is a wellunderstood science that professional bullshitters use to dupe unsuspecting victims with get-rich-quick scams and bogus self-help advice. This book is a no-nonsense explanation of what quantum physics is and is not, told in an accessible, humorous style with just the right amount of curse words. If you f*cking love science and want to be slightly less dumb than you were when you woke up this morning, this is the goddamn book for you.
Truly hilarious and witty content elevates this book from merely a joke or gift item to a very useful and enjoyable book to keep on your shelf longterm.

Chris Ferrie is an award-winning physicist and is the senior lecturer for quantum software and information at the University of Technology Sydney. He has a masters in applied mathematics, BMath in mathematical physics and a PhD in applied mathematics. He lives in Australia with his wife and children.