Archives de catégorie : Medecine

IMMER DER NASE NACH de Christine Löber & Hanna Grabbe

The popular science book about the ears, nose and throat.

(Follow Your Nose)
by Dr. Christine Löber & Hanna Grabbe
Mosaik/PRH Germany, March 2021

The nose sits in the middle of the face, yet most people know surprisingly little about it. Yet our ENT department manages a large part of our perception – apart from breathing. Next to the eyes, the nose, ears and throat form our most important connection to the outside world. Dr. Christine Löber explains in best pop science manner how smelling works, where the voice comes from and why cotton swabs have no place in the ear. She makes us impressively aware of the influence the ENT area has on our psyche. And she gives tips on how to keep the throat, nose and ears healthy. The great knowledge book about the throat, nose and ears.

Dr. med. Christine Löber is a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine with her own practice in Hamburg. In her work, she attaches importance to taking a holistic view of people and, among other things, advocates for a people-oriented healthcare system within the framework of the #Twankenhaus movement.
Hanna Grabbe is a media scientist and graduate of the Berlin School of Journalism. She worked for several years as a specialist editor for the health industry at the Financial Times Deutschland. Today she is an editor at Die Zeit.

THE PREMONITION: A Pandemic Story de Michael Lewis

With his trademark blend of trenchant observation and insightful analysis, in his first book, Liar’s Poker, Michael Lewis revealed the excesses of Wall Street; in The Big Short, he introduced us to the traders who bet against the market leading to the 2007-2008 financial crisis; in Moneyball he explained the statistical revolution in professional sports, and in his last book, The Fifth Risk, he took on the Trump administration. Now, in THE PREMONITION, he will expose the failure of that administration to handle the pandemic.

by Michael Lewis
Norton, May 2021

The news out of China was not good: there were signs that a new disease might be big―scary big, like a brushfire coming at you uphill. Authorities, medical and political, saw no reason to worry and little need for tests. Michael Lewis’s riveting nonfiction thriller pits a rogue band of visionaries, working under the radar, against the weight and disinterest of officialdom. It is a race against time, and the deadline is now… or yesterday.

Michael Lewis is the best-selling author of Liar’s Poker, Moneyball, The Blind Side, The Big Short, and The Undoing Project. He holds a bachelor’s degree in art history from Princeton and a master’s degree in economics from the London School of Economics. He lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife and three children.

HEALING SIBO de Shivan Sarna

A guide to recognizing and overcoming SIBO, with a 21-day plan to stop feeling bloated, start losing weight, and fix your gut.

Fix the Real Cause of IBS, Bloating, and Weight Issues in 21 Days
by Shivan Sarna

Avery, February 2021
(chez Park & Fine Literary & Media – voir catalogue)

Even as millions of Americans suspect they’re suffering from a gastrointestinal disorder, they may spend years in pain before they figure out just what’s going on with their gut. And while irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is commonly diagnosed, SIBO, a disorder with basically all the same symptoms, is not. So, what is SIBO? The acronym stands for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, a disorder in which bacteria that usually grow in other parts of the gut start to proliferate and take up residence in the small intestine. This causes a whole confluence of symptoms, ranging from bloating and cramps, to uncontrollable weight gain or weight loss, to even malnutrition when the bacteria eat up vital nutrients from our food. Even though several studies have shown that as many as 84 percent of patients with IBS also tested positive for SIBO, it remains understudied and underdiagnosed. After decades of dealing with debilitating symptoms with no relief, Shivan Sarna’s life changed when she was diagnosed with SIBO. As she eliminated her symptoms one by one through lifestyle changes and help from her physicians, she started to synthesize her personal experiences with Western and naturopathic medicine and dedicate herself to advocating for those suffering from SIBO, or those who think they could be.
Now, in this groundbreaking book, Shivan shares her step-by-step plan to treat and even cure SIBO, with information on what to eat and what to avoid, how to build a routine to manage your symptoms, and how to work with your doctor to find supplements and medications that promote healing. Shivan also includes her 21-day SIBO Specific Diet, which includes more than 40 recipes to put you on the path to recovery. Whether you’re SIBO-diagnosed or SIBO-suspicious, this empowering guide will change the way you approach and think about your gut and overall health.

Shivan Sarna is the founder of the SIBO SOS Summits and creator behind the docuseries Digestion SOS: Rescue and Relief for IBS, SIBO, and Leaky Gut. She has spent the last twenty years on TV as a host for the Home Shopping Network. Shivan lives in Florida with her husband, her cat named Bell, four koi fish, and her adopted mom, Linda.


An informative, funny, feminist history of the clitoris.

by Sarah Chadwick
Armin Lear, February 2021
(chez Laura Dail – voir catalogue)

The clitoris is the final taboo in the world of gender equality. For centuries, science thought women were inside-out men, and anxiety about female sexuality framed attitudes and perpetuated inaccurate information. The reality of women’s sexuality was ignored, repressed, or defamed. THE SWEETNESS OF VENUS takes a rigorous romp through science, religion, philosophy, and psychology, to unravel the history of the clitoris, and then uses this context to explore the language, literature, and art around it. Much of the clitoris’s story has been defined by those who discovered and mapped her. However, even after the true anatomy of the clitoris was finally fully mapped with 3D imaging in 2005, it still hardly gets a mention in America’s bestselling teen sex education book for girls, and no mention at all in the parallel book for boys. Equality when it comes to sex has not been achieved, yet.

Sarah Chadwick began writing her first book after a family move from the UK to Chicago in 2016. “I had always wanted to write, but once I had the idea for The Sweetness of Venus it was as if my chequered career came together – my love of reading, teaching, research, studying, libraries, high and low culture and writing seemed to coalesce with this project. While I was excited about the journey to America, I had given up a teaching career and PhD scholarship with the Perdita Project at Warwick University, but as these doors closed, I knew this one had always been ajar so I decided it was time to open it.” Sarah also runs the gritty, feminist @its.personalgirls Instagram page.

TEN PLAGUES de Dr. John Froude & Bob Berman

A very timely book that makes for not just a relevant comparison to our current moment, but also simply fascinating reading by a renowned epidemiologist.

An Untold Story of Human Pandemics and Why They Still Plague Us
by Dr. John Froude & Bob Berman
Benbella, January 2021

In 1918, in just under a year, 50 million people worldwide died from influenza. In the twentieth century alone, 400 million people died from smallpox, tuberculosis and AIDS. That’s sixteen times more than all the soldiers killed in every human war, combined. Pandemics historically occur at the rate of two new ones per century. And often times, the plagues we may have not yet seen will arise as AIDS did, with little or no warning. These catastrophes deserve serious attention. This book re-examines these global cataclysms in a new way, with DNA research and with technologies which allow us to consider the importance of plagues in human history, their effects, why we have them, how they arise, and how they have been misunderstood. It also explores our intimate relationship with the primary cause of plagues, the tiny creatures that kill us by the millions. TEN PLAGUES covers the origins, histories, and cultural impacts of yellow fever, smallpox, syphilis, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, and more. The story of each is interspersed with chapters that explore the science and the quirky, often astonishing facts behind these universal threats. The authors started writing before the onset of COVID-19, but the incredible timing makes this book a significant resource for readers trying to learn not just how things got this way, but also what history might be able to tell us about what the future holds.

John Froude, MD FRCP is board certified not just as a Doctor of Internal medicine but also as an expert in Infectious Diseases. He has taught lectures on epidemiology and medicine as an Assistant Professor at NYU and continues practicing in upstate New York.

Bob Berman is the bestselling author of several significant works like Earth-Shattering: Violent Supernovas, Galactic Explosions, Biological Mayhem, Nuclear Meltdowns, and Other Hazards to Live in Our Universe. He is also known for having co-written (with Robert Lanza) Biocentrism, Beyond Biocentrism, and The Grand Biocentric Design, among other published works.