Frankfurt 2019 – Non-fiction



Agence Eliane Benisti – Non Fiction Frankfurt 2019


Aaron Priest Agency – Rights Guide 2019

A big story about small things, Voyages tells the story of the first major exploration of the microbiome of the planet.

A Revolution In Our Understanding Of the Natural World
by Dr. J. Craig Venter & David Ewing Duncan
Harvard University Press, 2020

The journeys of the Sorcerer II—a 94-foot sailboat-turned research vessel—supply the narrative engine for this scientific revolution being spearheaded by Craig and his team. Traveling over 75,000 miles through nearly every sea and ocean, Sorcerer II’s mission has been and remains to hunt down and identify trillions of micro-organisms—less than 1% of which had been studied before Dr. Venter began in 2002. But this is not just a chronicle of one of the greatest ongoing journeys of science and discovery ever undertaken. It is a tale of adventure on the high seas, of international political intrigue, as well as a fresh, urgent look at how humans are impacting the careful balance of the bacteria that supports all life as we know it.

J. Craig Venter, PhD, is regarded as one of the leading scientists of the 21st century for his numerous invaluable contributions to genomic research. Dr. Venter is Founder, Chairman, and CEO of the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), a not-for-profit research organization with approximately 200 scientists and staff dedicated to human, microbial, plant, synthetic, and environmental genomic research, and the exploration of social and ethical issues in genomics. He is also the founder and CEO of Synthetic Genomics, Inc., and is the author of multiple nonfiction books. He lives in La Jolla, California.

David Ewing Duncan is an award-winning, bestselling author of nine books published in 21 languages, including Talking to Robots, Experimental Man, and The Calendar. David is the CEO and Curator of Arc Fusion, and a Health Strategist in Residence for IDEO.


Abrams – Rights Guide Frankfurt 2019

Women on Food unites the radical, diverging female voices of the food industry in this urgent, moving, and often humorous collection of essays, interviews, questionnaires, illustrations, quotes, and ephemera

Charlotte Druckman and 115 Writers, Chefs, Critics, Television Stars, and Eaters
by Charlotte Druckman
Abrams Press, October 2019

Edited by Charlotte Druckman and featuring esteemed food journalists and thinkers, including Soleil Ho, Nigella Lawson, Diana Henry, Carla Hall, Samin Nosrat, Rachael Ray, and many others, this compilation illuminates the notable and varied women who make up the food world. Exploring issues from the #MeToo movement, gender bias in division of labor and the workplace, and the underrepresentation of women of color in leadership, to cultural trends including food and travel shows, the intersection of fashion and food, and the evolution of food writing in the last few decades, Women on Food brings together food’s most vital female voices.

Charlotte Druckman is a journalist, food writer, and creator of Food52’s Tournament of Cookbooks (a.k.a. The Piglet). She is the author of Stir, Sizzle, Bake and Skirt Steak: Women Chefs on Standing the Heat & Staying in the Kitchen, and coauthor of Anita Lo’s Cooking Without Borders. Druckman resides in New York.

A comprehensive illustrated exploration of the fascinating science of color.

by Arielle Eckstut and Joann Eckstut
Abrams, March 2020

Arielle and Joann Eckstut, authors of The Secret Language of Color, offer a thorough, readable, and highly visual exploration of the science of color. Organized by 50 of the most essential questions about color across a variety of fields—physics, chemistry, biology, technology, and psychology—this book examines how and why we see color; how color relates to light; what the real primary colors are; how biology, language, and culture affect the colors that we see; and much more. Full of clear and elegant infographics, What Is Color? is a must-have for artists and designers, scientists, students, and decorators, and anyone else whose work or play involves color.

Arielle Eckstut is the author of 10 books including The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published. She is also the cofounder of the Book Doctors, which helps get writers’ works published, and LittleMissMatched, a girls’ lifestyle brand. Joann Eckstut is an award-winning interior designer as well as one of America’s top color consultants. For the past 15 years, she has sat on the elite Interior Design Committee of the Color Association of the United States.

A giftable illustrated guide to wearing socks, packed with history, upkeep and maintenance tips, and style advice

by John Jannuzzi, illustrated by Mike Lemanski
Abrams Image, May 2020

Socks, a bare necessity in anyone’s wardrobe, are often a one-and-done, wear-it-if-it’s-clean kind of garment. You put them on, pull them up, and go about the rest of your day. But there’s a lot more to a good sock than meets the eye, or the foot. Within the world of socks, there are a staggering number of options, from material to style to length to, of course, color and print. How to Wear Socks teaches you everything you need to know about socks. Written by fashion editor John Jannuzzi, the book includes a deep dive on the history, the basics, the key styles, and proper upkeep and maintenance. Once you have a solid foundation, Jannuzzi shows you exactly how to pair socks with different types of shoes. Whether they’re black, white, short, long, or patterned, there are rules. The book also includes fun sidebars on Famous Socks and style tips from sock connoisseurs. How to Wear Socks proves that this fashion necessity should no longer be an afterthought.

John Jannuzzi is a fashion editor and the editorial director of Bonobos. Jannuzzi lives in New York City.


Random House Germany – Non Fiction Autumn 2019
Random House Germany – Illustrated Practical Guides Autumn 2019
Random House Germany – Reference Autumn 2019

A fascinating, richly illustrated history of daily life in the Middle Ages

(A Year in the Middle Ages)
by Tillmann Bendikowski
C.Bertelsmann, September 2019

Popular interest in the Middle Ages has been unbroken for many years. It is the specific things of daily life that are particularly fascinating: How did the people live and die? How did they celebrate, what did they wear and what did they eat? What did they do in case of illness, how did they protect themselves from heat and cold? What did they believe in, what were they frightened of, and what gave them courage? In narrative form and using numerous colour illustrations the author describes the course of the year, divided into twelve (monthly) chapters, thus allowing readers to dive into life 1000 years ago and giving them an immediate feel for what it was like.

Tillmann Bendikowski, historian and journalist, is the head of the Medien-agentur Geschichte (History Media Agency) in Hamburg. He writes for the print media and radio and supervises the organisation of research projects and history exhibitions.

Amazing explanations, easy-to-follow exercises, instant results!

(Getting Out of the Relationship Burnout)
by Daniela Bernhardt
Ariston, September 2019

When feelings cool down, quarrels rule home life, partners can’t cope, can’t sleep, can’t speak with one another and prefer to be alone rather than with each other, then often the wrong diagnosis is quickly made: the relationship is over. The painful consequence: separation or a (frequently useless) couple therapy. Yet there are other ways out. Relationship therapist Daniela Bernhardt has already successfully treated hundreds of couples and demonstrates which alarm signals are typical of a relationship burnout, how it can be avoided, and what couples can do once they are in the middle of it all. With the help of tests, a host of examples and fascinating facts from the field of brain research Bernhardt reveals the successful strategy for how we can find the way to ourselves again, to our partner, and to mutual love.

Daniela Bernhardt has been working with burnout patients for 30 years – initially as a physiotherapist and osteopath. Since 2009 she has had a successful practice for holistic couple therapy and communication training in Berlin and is in regular demand in the media as an expert on matters con-cerning relationships.

Spectacular finds throw a new light on the history of human evolution

(How We Became Human)
by Madelaine Böhme, Rüdiger Braun, and Florian Breier
Heyne, November 2019

The cradle of humanity is in Africa – for a long time this was the incontrovertible truth. In recent years, however, ever more bones have been found that chronologically and geographically do not fit into the picture: archaeologists have found numerous fossils in Europe of early ancestors of present-day apes from which later the human line of evolution emerged. Using familiar and completely new jigsaw pieces, renowned palaeontologist Madelaine Böhme has reconstructed a very up-to-date picture of human evolution that breaks with many of the established theories. She describes the turning point of research and brings to life the fascinating world of our earliest ancestors. A truly absorbing science crime story!

Madelaine Böhme, geoscientist and palaeontologist, is professor of terrestrial palaeoclimatology at the University of Tübingen and founding director of the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment. She is one of the most esteemed palaeoclimatologists and palaeoenvironmental scientists examining human evolution with regard to changes in climate and environment. Rüdiger Braun is a science journalist and contributes to Stern and Geo. Florian Breier is a science journalist and works as a filmmaker and author for ZDF television, arte, SWR broadcasting and others.

Keeping cool on the job with the good mood sheep!

(Keep Your Cool – The Little Survival Manual)
by Claudia Croos-Müller
Kösel, September 2019

In her latest survival book, Claudia Croos-Müller demonstrates how tricky situations at work can affect your mental health and how physical exercise can bring immediate relief. She shows more than 20 simple exercises which within a very short time have a beneficial effect on the vegetative nervous system and trigger positive feelings. Exercises such as « tiger walk » and « looking on the coloured side » instead of « looking on the black side » – presented by the popular good mood sheep Oscar, Emily, Willy, and Marie – rapidly stabilise the nervous system, treat the brain to a break, and give you back security, optimism, and a new joy in life.

Dr. med. Claudia Croos-Müller is a neurologist, psychotherapist, and trauma therapist. She studied body language as well as concentrated physical-exercise therapy. She offers training and coaching on the subjects of body language, conflict resolution, and poise.

Discover a fascinating world with one of the internationally best known desert photographers

(About Deserts)
by Michael Martin
Ludwig, October 2019

Endless expanses, unique beauty, an unspoiled natural world – for 40 years adventurer and photographer Michael Martin has been exploring the earth’s deserts and keeps discovering new aspects of this fascinating environment. Breath-taking sand constructions and barren crater landscapes or the surprisingly wide range of human, animal and plant life are but a few of the many facets that make up the fascination of the desert. Are oases really just a few palm trees round a watering hole? Why do more people drown in the desert than die of thirst? And why do all the world’s monotheistic religions come from the desert? Michael Martin draws on his wealth of experience and knowledge and lets us plunge into a world full of miracles and secrets. In the stillness, loneliness and minimalism of this world he sees a counter concept to our overstimulated way of life. Amazing, eye-opening, at times incredible!

Michael Martin is a photo-grapher, lecturer, adven-turer and geography graduate. For more than 35 years he has been reporting on his journeys to the deserts of the earth and has become the world’s best-known desert photo-grapher. He has published 30 picture books that were translated into many languages, held more than 2,000 lectures and produced several television films. The focus of his work is not only on the arid deserts but also the polar and ice deserts of the Arctic and Antarctic.


Carol Mann Agency – Rights List Fall 2019

From the internationally bestselling author of Simplicity Parenting, which has sold in 16 countries (see page 15), Kim John Payne, this fresh take on bullying is essential for parents andteachers to understand what their kids are up against in order to help them navigate the social landmines of their world.

Twelve Stories That Teach Your Children to Break Free From Teasing, Bullying, and Subtle Exclusion
by Dr. Kim John Payne
Shambala, Spring 2021

The current Zero Tolerance approach employed by parents and schools to combat violent or aggressive behavior in children has proven ineffective. Dr. Payne and other parenting experts agree that this is because a Zero Tolerance approach essentially tries to bully children into not bullying. Zero tolerance means zero room for growth. The Bootstrap Guide To Breaking Free from Bullying is the antidote to our failing efforts to fix childhood aggression. Dr. Payne has created a new, individual child-based approach to deal with exclusion cultures at school, in sports, and at home, through a combination of peer mentoring and practiced parental guidance based on the very practical philosophy that “you can’t control what comes at you in life, but you absolutely can control where and how you meet it.” Dr. Payne has compiled a series of “lessons” that empower the targeted child and his or her parent(s) to break the bullying cycle. These lessons, co-written by author/journalist Luis Fernando Llosa, are based in thirty years of field research conducted by Dr. Payne, whose social inclusion programs have been implemented in thousands of schools worldwide. In addition to lessons, Dr. Payne includes fifteen youth-narrated stories, told in the voices of conscientious big brothers and sisters—ages sixteen to eighteen—who found ways to overcome various forms of exclusion, teasing and bullying during their middle school years.

There is nothing like Dr. Kim John Payne’s approach, which has served him well in his over 20 years of teaching. He already has 1,500 Social Intervention coaches in schools trained to buy and use this book in addition to his army of SIMPLICITY PARENTING coaches who work with parents around the world. He has been a private family counselor-therapist, and a school counselor for more than twenty years. Payne has worked extensively with the North American and U.K. Waldorf movements. He is currently project director of the Waldorf Collaborative Counseling Program at Antioch University New England, the director of a large research program on a drug-free approach to attention priority issues disorders, and a Partner of the Alliance for Childhood in Washington, D.C. He lives with his wife and two children in Harlemville, New York.


Caskie Mushens – Rights Guide Frankfurt 2019

A SAPIENS for the environment, THE BEST OF TIMES, THE WORST OF TIMES? is a book about our future,
and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Finding Optimism Under the Spectre of Collapse
by Paul Behrens
Indigo Press UK, full manuscript by November 2019

A riveting popular science book with alternating Pessimism, then Hope chapters on each aspect of our future—energy, food, climate, economics, population and progress—which guides readers through the two wildly different futures we are racing towards. The Pessimism chapters reveal the existential consequences of our current behavioural trends, without diluting the brutal truth to shelter readers. The Hope chapters shed light on the epic, vital and worthy effort demanded by a brighter future; considering what optimism really means, and how it could bring about a long-overdue reconciliation between our ethics and our actions. Paul Behrens uses tone, structure and content to perfectly and seamlessly blend science and entertainment to explore the big issues of the day. He challenges readers and the world to create a better future for us and Earth.

Paul Behrens is an Assistant Professor in Energy and Environmental Change at Leiden University, the Netherlands. He completed his PhD in physics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His work on climate change has appeared in leading scientific journals including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Nature Energy. His work on science communication has appeared in The New York Times, Scientific American, and has been featured on the BBC.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance meets Vita Sackville-West’.

by Marc Hamer
Harvill Secker, January 2021

Working through a year in the garden of a large country estate, a gardener explores the path that led him there. His days are spent with the magnolias and roses, moths and beetles and the distant lady who has employed him for the past thirty years. A broken biographical telling of the journey, mythology and poetry of an outcast boy who just wanted to be somebody’s flower, to an old man who has and is everything that he wants.

Marc Hamer grew up in the North of England. After spending over a year homeless as a young man, sleeping rough and wandering the countryside, he studied fine art in Manchester and Staffordshire and began to write poetry and short stories. He has worked in chicken shops, a steel works, the railway, art galleries, as a magazine editor and taught art and creative writing to young prisoners before becoming a gardener which he has enjoyed being now for many years. Marc has been published in a variety of journals. His memoir How to Catch a Mole was published in the UK by Harvill Secker in April 2019, and has been acquired by 12 other countries worldwide.

Laying out ten commandments, Ece Temelkuran outlines how to be, what to do, and how to challenge things in the 21st century.

10 Commandments For the 21st Century
by Ece Temelkuran
4th Estate UK, full manuscript by June 2020

For the past few decades politics has taught us that if you are not an optimist, then you must be a pessimist. However, the time for these dichotomies is over and it is time to say, ‘Let’s get real.’ After looking at how politics went off the rails in HOW TO LOSE A COUNTRY, Ece Temelkuran now focuses on what we do now and how we start to build a new political narrative. HOPE AND DIGNITY is about how we will start to build a new political narrative (as opposed to just talking about how we need to find one). It’s a book that approaches readers who think, ‘I want things to change but I don’t know how’ and says in return, ‘This is how we do it and this is how we should “be”’. Enough with “Winter is coming”. HOPE AND DIGNITY will say “So here’s how the Spring will come and this how we will do it”.

Ece Temelkuran is an award-winning Turkish novelist and political commentator, whose journalism has appeared in the Guardian, New York Times, New Statesman, Frankfurter Allgemeine and Der Spiegel. She won the Edinburgh International Book Festival First Book award for her novel Women Who Blow on Knots, and the Ambassador of New Europe Award. She has been twice recognised as Turkey’s most-read political columnist, and twice rated as one of the ten most influential people in social media (with three million twitter followers)


Context – Frankfurt 2019 Rights List

The fascinating story of the forgotten woman who pioneered forensic science.

The Untold Story of Frances Glessner Lee and the Invention of Modern Forensics
by Bruce Goldfarb
Sourcebooks, February 2020

18 TINY DEATHS is the compelling tale of Frances Glessner Lee and her revolutionary work in forensic science. Glessner Lee created the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, a collection of crime scene dioramas used to teach generations of homicide investigators. For most of human history, sudden and unexpected deaths of a suspicious nature, when they were investigated at all, were examined by lay persons without any formal training. People often got away with murder. Modern forensic investigation originates with Frances Glessner Lee – a pivotal figure in police science. 18 TINY DEATHS is Glessner Lee’s biography, but also explores the advancements in forensic science throughout her lifetime in the late nineteenth century and early to mid twentieth century.

Bruce Goldfarb is a reformed journalist, a trained forensic investigator, and assistant to the medical examiner at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the State of Maryland, which happens to be where the nutshells are housed. He has been working with the descendents of Frances Glessner Lee on this book.


Crown, Currency, Harmony & Rodale – Frankfurt 2019 Rights Guide
Crown: Clarkson Potter and Ten Speed Press – Frankfurt 2019 Rights Guide
Crown Religion: Convergent & WaterBrook Multnomah – Frankfurt 2019 Rights Guide

For readers of Jay Shetty, Tim Ferris, and Mark Manson, a tactical guide to that will help readers develop their mindset, create passion, and actuate their full potential.

by Tom Bilyeu
Rodale, September 2020

Passions aren’t found, they’re made. They begin as a spark of interest. Nurture that spark into an ember, and it will gradually become a fire with enough strength to consume a mountainside. Here’s what Tom Bilyeu wants you to know: anyone can start that fire. Anyone can become anyone. Whatever you want in life, the path to getting it is in committing to your passion. But you have to put in the work to excel. For every passionate person, there’s someone who’s willing to work harder than anyone else. There’s someone who does the backbreaking work and pushes past the breaking point. That person may as well be you, and Tom Bilyeu is writing his debut book to show you how. THE WORK draws on everything Tom has learned in his own journey from failing college to becoming a successful entrepreneur. He shares the tools and mindsets that aided him in launching Quest Nutrition, a unicorn startup that grew 57,000% in its first three years and was worth one billion dollars in less than five.

Tom Bilyeu is the cofounder of Quest Nutrition, a health and wellness brand that was named the second fastest growing private company in North America in 2014. With Tom as President and the start-up’s social media community builder, Quest achieved unicorn status, valued at over $1 billion within two years. In 2017, Tom left Quest to launch Impact Theory, a company designed to facilitate global change through mission-based businesses and empowering content.

This is the true follow-up to the classic The Female Brain. The new frontier of brain research is aging, and Dr. Brizendine has an intriguing new perspective on how the female brain fundamentally changes, for the better, on a cellular level, after menopause.

How the Female Brain Remakes Itself in the Second Half of Life
by Louann Brizendine
Harmony, October 2020

Since Dr. Brizendine wrote The Female Brain ten years ago, the response has been overwhelming. This New York Times bestseller has been translated into more than thirty languages, has sold nearly a million copies between editions, and has most recently inspired a romantic comedy. Now, Brizendine brings her unique ability to translate science into human terms to perimenopause, menopause, and beyond, offering an empowering vision of years in a women’s life that have too often been ignored. Brizendine’s training as a neuropsychiatrist affords her a unique view into women’s brains on a scientific level, and her work as a therapist gives her perspective on their psyches and personal dramas. Amounting to a sweeping look at life after 50, she dives deep into the microscopic workings of your mitochondria one moment and zooms out to the biggest picture—family, relationships, and identity—the next. She also offers surprising new research on specific ways women can fend off dementia, increase longevity, wellbeing, and sexuality, and find their best selves at this stage of life. Appealing to readers of The Wisdom of Menopause, she ultimately offers a new, positive understanding of aging and the gifts of a calmer, steadier brain after 50.

Dr. Louann Brizendine, MD is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She is founder and Director of the Women’s Mood and Hormone Clinic and the Teen Girl Mood and Hormone Clinic, and is the author of two books: The Female Brain, and The Male Brain. She currently resides with her husband and son in the San Francisco Bay Area.

A short, accessible book aimed at a broad business audience dissecting the nature of competitive advantage in the digital age.

by Ram Charan
Currency, November 2020

Bestselling author and CEO consultant Ram Charan, in a short, accessible book aimed at a broad business audience, dissects the nature of competitive advantage in the digital age, when companies born as digital companies, like Amazon and Google, have been disrupting whole industries, and strategic planning must give way to a more fluid, iterative thought process.

Ram Charan is the coauthor of the bestselling Execution and Confronting Reality, written with Larry Bossidy, and the author of Know How and ten other books. A former award-winning Harvard Business School professor, he is a noted expert on business strategy, execution, corporate boards and building a high performance organization. He has worked with the CEOs of some of the world’s most successful companies, including GE, Bank of America, Verizon, Coca-Cola, 3M, Merck, Aditya Birla Group and Tata Group.

AWAKENING incorporates new research on meditation and its benefits, as well as a 52-week program of guided meditations to help us increase our productivity, spontaneity, happiness, and income, while helping us to achieve new dimensions of stress-free living.

by Deepak Chopra
Harmony, October 2020

For the last 30 years, Deepak Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution in the West. Awakening is the culmination of his teachings over the years, a complete exploration of the physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual benefits that these profound practices can bring. Deepak will guide readers on how to cultivate a clear mind, heal suffering from the mind and body, and recover from « overdrive. » Ultimately, the reader will experience an awakening of the body, mind, and spirit, and begin to nurture a life led in a state of open, free, creative, and blissful awareness twenty-four hours a day.

Deepak Chopra, MD, is a world renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, the founder of the Chopra Foundation, and cofounder of and the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as “One of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.” In conjunction with his medical achievements, he is recognized as a prolific author of more than 85 books translated into over forty-three languages, with twenty-five New York Times bestsellers.

An unforgettable narrative of an Egyptian computer prodigy who, after getting her Ph.D. from Cambridge in computer science, is using her research to build emotional intelligence into our computers to transform how we communicate online.

A Scientist’s Quest to Reclaim Our Humanity by Bringing Emotional Intelligence to Technology
by Rana El-Kaliouby
Currency, April 2020

Ninety-three percent of meaningful communication between people is nonverbal. We glean more information from facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language than we do with language alone. Yet the computers we use every day to share our thoughts and reach out to colleagues, clients and friends are emotionally blind when it comes to conveying our feelings and emotions. At the same time, since 2000, the time we spend on the internet each week has risen from 9.4 hours to 23.6. With so much of our lives spent online, the emotion and context behind our words is lost. Our computers and gadgets — smart as they may be—are functionally autistic when it comes to reading and rendering emotions. And as a result our society, Rana el-Kaliouby claims, has become less empathetic. In a rich narrative into the research and developments in emotion AI, Rana el-Kaliouby shows that we are only scratching the surface of our computers’ full potential. GIRL DECODED brings together el-Kaliouby’s personal story of perseverance, ingenuity and heart as a Muslim woman in a coding universe dominated by men, with her pioneering efforts to create the digital technology to read and convey our emotions and transform how we communicate.

Rana el-Kaliouby was named one of Forbes Top 50 Women in Tech and Fortune’s 40 under 40. She grew up in Egypt, attended Cambridge University and earned her Ph.D. in computer science. She joined the faculty of the MIT Media Lab and then went on to co-found Affectiva, an artificial intelligence company devoted to emotion recognition. Her company now works with Porsche and BMW and has been courted by Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

Both bold and grounded in current science, this book is a practical guide to reverse-engineering enlightenment in seven steps, written with Rick Hanson’s trademark warmth, clarity, and relatability.

The Seven Practices of Enlightenment
by Rick Hanson
Harmony, May 2020

Building on his classic bestseller Buddha’s Brain (which has sold over 200,000 copies), New York Times bestselling author Rick Hanson uses his Buddhist analysis of the mind as a roadmap for strengthening the neural circuitry of deep calm, contentment, kindness, and wisdom—qualities we all need to succeed in the face of challenges. Most books about transformations of consciousness are theoretical or religious, typically full of jargon, pep talks, and calls to believe on faith alone. Instead, this is a book of practice, of things readers can do immediately in the flow of daily life as well as in simple, powerful guided meditations. Dr. Hanson gets right at the useful essence of neuroscience, psychology, and contemplative practice, organizing it into a step-by-step path of practical ideas and tools, guiding readers along with his usual encouragement, good humor, and personal examples.

Rick Hanson’s books are available in 28 languages and include Resilient, Hardwiring Happiness, Just One Thing, Buddha’s Brain, and Mother Nurture. To date, in English his books have sold over 750,000 copies. He edits the Wise Brain Bulletin and has numerous audio programs. A summa cum laude graduate of UCLA and founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, he has been an invited speaker at NASA, Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, and other major universities, and taught in meditation centers worldwide.


David Black – Frankfurt 2019 List

The untold story of the Harvard class of ’63, whose Black students fought to create their own identities on the cusp between integration and affirmative action.

by Kent Garrett and Jeanne Ellsworth
HMH, February 2020

In 1959, Kent Garrett was admitted to Harvard along with seventeen other black freshmen, the largest group of African Americans ever to be admitted at one time. THE LAST NEGROES AT HARVARD is the story of the pioneering black men of the Harvard class of 1963. It awarded its first degree to a black man in 1870, but the class of 1963, with eighteen men, was the first to allow blacks to feel a collective identity. They were a diverse group. They came from farms, prep schools, the Caribbean, and housing projects. They had different skin colors and different ways of coping with the balance of assimilation into a rigid white hierarchy and maintaining—or, for themselves, inventing—the idea of what it means to be black. THE LAST NEGROES AT HARVARD will contextualize the voluble rise of identity politics that has become such an enormous part of contemporary campus experience at Harvard, at Yale, Amherst, Mizzou, Pomona, and countless other places where self-defined groups demand to set their own terms for social engagement.

Kent Garrett graduated from Harvard in 1963. He has had a thirty year Emmy and Peabody award winning career in television news and documentaries. Jeanne Ellsworth has a PhD in social foundations of education from the University of Buffalo, and has devoted her life to teaching, from elementary school to prisons to university. Garrett and Ellsworth live in Roxbury, New York.

Former CIA director covers his more than 30 years in government under Republican and Democratic presidents, including his time as CIA director from 2013-2017.

by John O. Brennan
Celadon/Macmillan, Fall 2020

For many years, John Brennan has been a witness to, and participant in, key moments in recent American history, including such pivotal events as the first Gulf war, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Arab Spring, the hunt for Bin Laden, and Russia’s aggressive efforts to undermine U.S. national security,” Celadon president and publisher Jamie Raab said in a statement. “His memoir promises to provide candid accounts of the milestones and events that have shaped his life and career, as well as the lessons in integrity and leadership that have always informed his actions.”


DeFiore &Co. – Frankfurt 2019 Adult Rights Guide

Boredom, frustration, and anticipation aren’t obstacles to our goals. They’re our guides.”

by Andreas Elpidorou
Oxford University Press, May 2020

Boredom, frustration, and anticipation are good for us: they’re indispensable tools in our quest to live the good life. This seemingly preposterous idea is eloquently and convincingly defended in PROPELLED. Philosophy professor Andreas Elpidorou weaves together stories from art and literature, mathematical and scientific discoveries, human and animal behavior, video games, and psychology and neuroscience in order to illustrate the value of boredom, frustration, and anticipation. PROPELLED shows that in order to live a good life we need to experience boredom and frustration. We also need to anticipate, wait for, and long for future events. Ubiquitous satisfaction and instant fulfillment of our desires don’t make our lives better. They make them worse! Boredom, frustration, and anticipation aren’t unpleasant accidents of our lives. They’re neither superfluous nor necessarily burdensome psychological states that we should try to eliminate. Instead, they’re the elements of a good life.

Andreas Elpidorou is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Louisville. His piece about boredom, “The Quiet Alarm” appeared in Aeon in July 2015, and sparked worldwide attention. He has been featured in Nature, Fast Company, Business Insider, Psychology Today, and more. He holds a BS in physics from the University of Virginia, and a PhD in philosophy from Boston University.

Come As You Are meets How to Date Men When You Hate Men in this sex handbook for the millennial feminist on how to own your body and sexuality, and use that confidence to take charge of your life..

A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life
by Gigi Engle
St. Martin’s Press, January 2020

If you’ve ever wished you had a big sister or older cousin who could show you all the ropes of womanhood, look no further: Gigi Engle has done it all and is here to tell you all about it in All the F*cking Mistakes, a practical handbook for all the slutty and wanna-be-slutty women out there. It is the ultimate sex-talk book, demystifying female sexuality without any of the awkwardness of « the talk. » From learning how to take back your confidence in a world full of slut shaming, to discovering and owning your sexual empowerment through masturbation, to demanding the love you really deserve, this book is an ode to the women of the world who deserve to be empowered, sexually and otherwise, without guilt. Offering bite-sized lessons that incorporate Gigi’s own special brand of no-nonsense advice to provide clarity and guidance on all things slutty, sexually normative and non-normative, and everything that falls between the cracks of these brackets, this book is your how-to guide to living your sexy AF, fabulous life.

Gigi Engle is a feminist writer, certified sex coach, clinical sexologist, and sex educator. She teaches a variety of classes on pleasure, sexual health, and confidence, and her work regularly appears in Brides, Marie Claire, Elle, Teen Vogue, and Women’s Health. She currently splits her time between Chicago, Illinois and London, England.

How much can you judge another woman’s choices? What if that woman is your mother?

by Maya Shanbhag Lang
Dial Press, April 2020

In caring for her aging mother and her own young daughter, writer Maya Shanbhag Lang—“a new voice of the highest caliber” (Rebecca Makkai)—confronts the legacy of family myths and how the stories shared between parents and children reverberate through generations: a deeply moving memoir about immigrants and their native-born children, the complicated love between mothers and daughters, and the discovery of strength. Maya Shanbhag Lang grew up idolizing her brilliant mother, an accomplished physician who immigrated to the United States from India and completed her residency, all while raising her children and keeping a traditional Indian home. She had always been a source of support—until Maya became a mother herself. Then, the parent who had once been so capable and attentive turned unavailable and distant. Struggling to understand this abrupt change while raising her own young child, Maya searches for answers and soon learns that her mother is living with Alzheimer’s. When Maya steps in to care for her, she comes to realize that despite their closeness, she never really knew her mother. Were her cherished stories—about life in India, about what it means to be an immigrant, about motherhood itself—even true? Affecting, raw, and poetic, What We Carry is the story of a daughter and her mother, of lies and truths, of receiving and giving care—and how we cannot grow up until we fully understand the people who raised us.

Maya Shanbhag Lang is the first-generation daughter of Indian immigrants. Her debut novel, The Sixteenth of June (Scribner), was longlisted for the Center for Fiction First Novel Prize, featured in The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and In Style, among others, and appeared on several « best of » lists. Lang received the 2017 Neil Shepard Prize in Fiction and previously won the Bread Loaf-Rona Jaffe Foundation Scholarship in Fiction. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and lives in New York.


A unique combination of popular science and true crime.

Eleven Molecules of Death and the Killers Who Used Them
by Neil A. Bradbury
St. Martin’s Press, Early 2022

Alongside true-life accounts of the murderers and their not-so-perfect crimes (some notorious, some forgotten, some still at-large) are the equally compelling stories of their poisons; eleven molecules of death that work their way through the human body, inexorably seeking out their specific target for destruction. Readers of murder mysteries and true crime may recognize arsenic, strychnine and cyanide, captured here alongside more exotic substances like polonium, aconite and atropine, but in every case, their mechanisms—terrible, precise, and ruinous—are rarely understood. Perhaps paradoxically, each molecule (and the specific havoc it wreaks) helps to illuminate the way in which the human body functions. From our mitochondria to our motor neurons to our ribosomes, Bradbury leads readers on a fascinating tour of the intricate, complex systems that keep us alive. Or don’t. A TASTE FOR POISON is a unique combination of popular science and true crime, written by a scientist with over 30 years of experience as a researcher and master teacher.

Neil A. Bradbury, Ph.D. is Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at the Chicago Medical School, where he teaches and conducts research on genetic diseases. He received his Ph.D. in medical biochemistry from the University of Wales College of Medicine in 1988 and graduated with honors in biochemistry from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland in 1984. A full-time scientist and educator, Neil has won numerous awards for his unique approach to teaching physiology.

An unforgettable World War II memoir set in Nazi-occupied France and filled with romance and adventure

My Four Years in the French Underground
Justus Rosenberg
William Morrow, January 2019

A former Eastern European Jew remembers his flight from the Holocaust and his extraordinary four years in the French underground. Justus Rosenberg, now 98, has taught literature at Bard College for the past fifty years. In 1937, as the Nazis gained control and anti-Semitism spread in the Free City of Danzig, a majority German city on the Baltic Sea, sixteen-year-old Justus Rosenberg was sent to Paris to finish his education in safety. Three years later, France fell to the Germans. Alone and in danger, penniless, and cut off from contact with his family in Poland, Justus fled south. A chance meeting led him to Varian Fry, an American journalist in Marseille helping thousands of men and women, including many artists and intellectuals—among them Hannah Arendt, Marc Chagall, Andre Breton, and Max Ernst—escape the Nazis. With his German background, understanding of French culture, and fluency in several languages, including English, Justus became an invaluable member of Fry’s refugee network as a spy and scout. But when Fry was eventually forced to leave France, Gussie, as he was affectionately known, could not get out. For the next four years, Justus relied on his wits and skills to escape captivity, survive several close calls with death, and continue his fight against the Nazis, working with the French Resistance and later, becoming attached with the United States Army. At the war’s end, Justus emigrated to America, and built a new life.

Justus Rosenberg is a Commander of the French Legion of Honor and has been awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He is also Professor Emeritus of Languages and Literature at Bard College in New York. He has previously taught at Swarthmore College, New York University, and Singapore University. The New York Times story profiling him can be found here.


Flatiron Books – Frankfurt 2019 Rights Guide

From one of the most prominent figures in the field of meditation comes a guidebook for how to use mindfulness to build our inner strength, find balance, and help create a better world.

Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World
by Sharon Salzberg
June 2020

In today’s fractured world, we’re constantly flooded with breaking news that causes anger, grief, and pain. People are feeling more stressed out than ever and, in the face of this fear and anxiety, they can feel so burnt out and overwhelmed that they end up frozen in their tracks unable to act. In Real Change Sharon Salzberg, a leading expert in Lovingkindness meditation, shares sage advice and indispensable techniques to help free ourselves from these negative feelings. She teaches us that meditation is not a replacement for action but rather a way to practice generosity with ourselves and summon the courage to break through boundaries, reconnect to a movement that’s bigger than ourselves, and have the energy to stay active. Whether you’re resolving conflicts with a neighbor or combating global warming, Real Change will help guide you with fundamental principles and mindfulness practices that will lead to the clarity and confidence to let you lift a foot and take the next step into a better world.

Sharon Salzberg is a central figure in the field of meditation, a world-renowned teacher and New York Times bestselling author. She has played a crucial role in bringing meditation and mindfulness practices to the West and into mainstream culture since 1974, when she first began teaching. She is the co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA and the author of ten books including New York Times bestseller, Real Happiness, her seminal work, Lovingkindness, and Real Love, her latest release by Flatiron Books. Acclaimed for her humorous, down-to-earth teaching style, Sharon offers a secular, modern approach to Buddhist teachings, making them instantly accessible. She is a regular columnist for On Being, a contributor to Huffington Post, and the host of her own podcast: The Metta Hour.


The Friedrich Agency – Frankfurt 2019 Rights List

The only way to be reliably sure that the hero gets the girl at the end of the story is to be both the hero and the girl yourself.” —Duchess Goldblatt 

by Anonymous
HMH, July 2020

Part memoir and part joyful romp through the fields of imagination, the story behind a beloved pseudonymous Twitter account reveals how a writer deep in grief rebuilt a life worth living. BECOMING DUCHESS GOLDBLATT is two stories: that of the reclusive real-life writer who created a fictional character out of loneliness and thin air, and that of the magical Duchess Goldblatt herself, a bright light in the darkness of social media. Fans around the world are drawn to Her Grace’s voice, her wit, her life-affirming love for all humanity, and the fun and friendship of the community that’s sprung up around her.

Duchess Goldblatt, 81, is the inspirational author of An Axe to Grind; Feasting on the Carcasses of My Enemies: A Love Story; and the heartwarming meditation on mothers and daughters Not If I Kill You First. A cultural icon, trophy ex-wife, friend to all humanity, and sponsor of the prestigious Goldblatt Prize in Fiction, she lives in Crooked Path, NY. She’s fictional but her love is real. Anonymous, the real-life person in whose mind Duchess Goldblatt lives and flourishes, has gathered all available truth and beauty for these pages. There’s nothing else to give.

The true crime story of a murder on an Indian reservation, and the unforgettable Arikara woman who becomes obsessed with solving it—an urgent, page-turning work of literary journalism and social criticism.

Oil, Murder, and a Woman’s Search for Justice in Indian Country
by Sierra Crane Murdoch
Random House, February 2020

When Lissa Yellow Bird was released from prison in 2009, she found her home, the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota, transformed by the Bakken oil boom. In her absence, the landscape had been altered beyond recognition, her tribal government swayed by corporate interests, and her community burdened by a surge in violence and addiction. Three years later, when Lissa learned that a young white oil worker, Kristopher « KC » Clarke, had disappeared from his reservation worksite, she became particularly concerned. No one knew where Clarke had gone, and few people were actively looking for him.YELLOW BIRD traces Lissa’s steps as she obsessively hunts for clues to Clarke’s disappearance. She navigates two worlds—that of her own tribe, changed by its newfound wealth, and that of the non-Native oilmen, down on their luck, who have come to find work on the heels of the economic recession. Her pursuit of Clarke is also a pursuit of redemption, as Lissa atones for her own crimes and reckons with generations of trauma.

Sierra Crane Murdoch is a journalist based in the American West and has written for The Atlantic, The New Yorker online, Virginia Quarterly Review, Orion, and High Country News. She is a MacDowell Fellow.


The Gernert Company – Frankfurt 2019 Rights Guide

In this fascinating character-driven history, a New York Times editorial writer and Pulitzer Prize finalist spotlights the economists who championed the rise of markets and fundamentally reshaped the modern world.

False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society
by Binyamin Appelbaum
Little, Brown, September 2019

Before the 1960s, politicians had never paid much attention to economists. But as the post-World War II boom began to sputter, economists gained influence and power—first in the United States and then around the world as their ideas inspired nations to curb government, unleash corporations, and hasten globalization. Milton Friedman’s libertarian ideals, Arthur Laffer’s supply-side economics and Paul Volcker’s austere campaign against inflation all left profound marks. So did lesser-known figures like Walter Oi, a blind economist whose calculations influenced President Nixon’s decision to end military conscription; Alfred Kahn, who deregulated air travel; and Thomas Schelling, who put a dollar value on human life. The economists promised steady growth and broadly-shared prosperity, but they failed to deliver. Instead, the single-minded embrace of markets has come at the expense of soaring economic inequality, the faltering health of liberal democracy, and the prospects of future generations.

Binyamin Appelbaum writes about economics and business for The New York Times, and was a Washington correspondent covering economic policy in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis. His reporting on subprime lending for The Charlotte Observer won a George Polk Award and was a finalist for the 2008 Pulitzer Prize.

What’s the most effective path to success in any domain? It’s not what you think.

Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
by David Epstein
Riverhead, May 2019

Plenty of experts argue that anyone who wants to develop a skill, play an instrument, or lead their field should start early, focus intensely, and rack up as many hours of deliberate practice as possible. But a closer look at the world’s top performers shows that early specialization is the exception, not the rule. David Epstein examined the world’s most successful athletes, artists, musicians, inventors, forecasters and scientists. He discovered that in most fields, generalists, not specialists, are primed to excel. While generalists often find their path late, they are more creative, more agile, and able to make connections their more specialized peers can’t see. Range explains how to maintain the benefits of breadth, diverse experience, interdisciplinary thinking, and delayed concentration in a world that demands hyperspecialization, and explores how people who think broadly and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives will increasingly thrive.

David Epstein is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Sports Gene. He has master’s degrees in environmental science and journalism, and has worked as an investigative reporter for ProPublica and a senior writer for Sports Illustrated. He lives in Washington, DC.

The prescient, page-turning account of a journey in Silicon Valley: a defining memoir of our digital age by a dazzling debut author.

by Anna Wiener
MCD x FSG, January 2020

In her mid-twenties, at the height of tech industry idealism, Anna Wiener―stuck, broke, and looking for meaning in her work, like any good millennial―left a job in book publishing for the promise of the new digital economy. She moved from New York to San Francisco, where she landed at a big-data startup in the heart of the Silicon Valley bubble: a world of surreal extravagance, dubious success, and fresh-faced entrepreneurs hell-bent on domination, glory, and, of course, progress. Anna arrived during a massive cultural shift, as the tech industry rapidly transformed into a locus of wealth and power rivaling Wall Street. But amid the company ski vacations and in-office speakeasies, boyish camaraderie and ride-or-die corporate fealty, a new Silicon Valley began to emerge: one in far over its head, one that enriched itself at the expense of the idyllic future it claimed to be building.

Anna Wiener is a contributing writer to The New Yorker online, where she writes about Silicon Valley, startup culture, and technology. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, New York magazine, The New Republic, and n+1, as well as in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2017. She lives in San Francisco.


Greystone Books – Right Catalogue Fall 2019

The astonishing true story of one of the first wolves to roam Yellowstone in more than 60 years. At once heart-breaking and uplifting, The Rise of Wolf 8 marks an original and bold new trilogy to transform our understanding of wolves forever.

Witnessing the Triumph of Yellowstone’s Underdog
by Rick McIntyre, foreword by Robert Redford
Greystone Books, Fall 2019

Yellowstone National Park was once home to an abundance of wild wolves—but park rangers killed the last of their kind in the 1920s. Decades later, the rangers brought them back, with the first wolves arriving from Canada in 1995. This is the incredible true story of one of those wolves. Wolf 8 struggles at first—he is smaller than the others, and often bullied—but soon he bonds with an alpha female whose mate was shot. An unusually young alpha male, barely a teenager in human years, Wolf 8 rises to the occasion, hunting skillfully, and even defending his family from the same wolf who killed his father. But soon he faces a new challenger: his adopted son, who mates with a violent alpha female in a rival pack. Can Wolf 8 protect his valley without harming his beloved protégé?

Rick McIntyre has recorded more sightings of wild wolves than any other person on the planet. He rose before dawn every day for fifteen years to observe the Yellowstone wolves. Now retired from the national parks service, McIntyre continues to share his knowledge with the world, and has spoken with 60 Minutes, National Geographic, and NPR’s Snap Judgement about the wolves. He is profiled extensively in the book American Wolf by Nate Blakeslee.

Robert Redford—actor, director, and producer—has been a passionate art and environmental activist since the early 1970s. He has been an advocate for climate change awareness, clean energy, and habitat protection for over forty years.

Will the extreme heat of summer experienced around the world become “normal” in the future? To what extent is climate change involved in extreme weather events? And who or what is responsible?

by Friederike Otto
Greystone Books, Fall 2020

In Angry Weather, scientist Friederike Otto looks at climate change and extreme weather from many different angles. Extreme weather is just one manifestation of climate change and making a connection between them is what her team aims to do. Using attribution science, they use statistical analysis and climate modeling to quantify exactly how climate change is leading to the new normal. Friederike Otto takes the reader through various events the team has studied and acknowledges the limitations of climate models; human activity can sometimes mask the effects of climate change and data tends to focus on industrialized countries, even though developing and emerging countries are likely to be hit hardest.

Now that attribution science is able to quantify the damage caused, politicians and corporations are beginning to take climate change more seriously. The time has come, she says, to hold governments and policy makers accountable for the decisions they make and to give them hard data to help them plan better for the future.

Dr. Friederike Otto is a climate scientist, physicist, and philosopher. She is the Acting Director of the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford and helped to develop the new field of Attribution Science. She is an Associate Professor in the Global Climate Science Programme at the Institute, through which she leads several projects examining the impact of man-made climate change on natural and social systems with a particular focus on Africa and India.

A practical, scientifically supported, and informative look at better living through cannabis.

How Marijuana Can improve Your Life
by Amanda Siebert
Greystone Books, October 2018

Cannabis. Weed. Bud. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s been a health aid, comfort, and life-enhancer for humankind for more than three thousand years. But while cannabis is used by hundreds of millions of people around the world, more than a century of prohibition has resulted in confusion about its status: Is it healthy? Is it medicinal? Will it make you crazy? In this fun, illuminating book, cannabis journalist Amanda Siebert delves deep into the latest research to separate marijuana fact from fiction, revealing ten evidence-based ways this potent little plant can improve your life. She speaks with some of the world’s top researchers, medical professionals, and consultants to answer questions such as: Can cannabis help you get a full night’s sleep? Does it aid in exercise and weight loss? Can it really cure cancer? She also offers practical advice for enjoying its benefits, including easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for consumption and dosage, as well as examples of people who have used this drug to enhance their lives. Cannabis, it turns out, could be lifechanging: it can enrich any diet, slow down aging, and even spice things up in the bedroom.

Amanda Siebert is an award-winning journalist, photographer, and the cannabis editor at the Georgia Straight newspaper.

The inspiring life story of a woman who left her birth country a refugee, grew up as an immigrant, and became an international star.

How Mozhdah Jamalzadah Brought Hope to Afghanistan
by Roberta Staley
Greystone Books, Fall 2019

Many have tried to silence her, but Mozhdah Jamalzadah remains the most powerful female voice of her generation in Afghanistan, boldly speaking out about women’s rights in her home country and beyond. Voice of Rebellion charts the activist and singer’s journey: from arriving in Canada as a child refugee, to setting her father’s protest poem to music (and making it a #1 hit), to performing that song for Michelle and Barack Obama, to being invited to return to Afghanistan to host her own show.

The Mozhdah Show tackled taboo subjects like divorce and domestic violence for the first time in the country’s history. But even as it resonated with women and families, the show received angry threats from its critics, and Mozhdah was eventually advised to return to Canada. Today, she continues to release new music and spread her message of equality, even from afar.

Roberta Staley is a magazine editor, writer, and documentary filmmaker. She has reported from Afghanistan, El Salvador, Haiti, Cambodia, Israel, and more countries around the world. Her awardwinning documentary, Mightier Than the Sword, reveals how Afghan women in media are working to overcome a culture of silence and invisibility. She lives in Vancouver, Canada.


Grove Atlantic – Rights List Frankfurt 2019

From acclaimed journalist and former Sports Illustrated staff writer Alexander Wolff comes the fascinating story—part history, part memoir—of the author’s exiled grandfather and émigré father, who survived the turmoil of both World Wars and led fascinating lives as immigrants in America.

My German American Family’s Story of War, Flight, Exile and Emigration
by Alexander Wolff
Atlantic Monthly Press, Winter 2019

In 2017 acclaimed journalist Alexander Wolff moved to Berlin to take up a long-deferred task: explore the lives of his exile grandfather Kurt Wolff and émigré father Niko Wolff, two part-Jewish, German-born men who became American citizens. Kurt Wolff broke into the book business in 1909 as partner of Ernst Rowohlt in Leipzig; four years later, at age 26, he went out on his own, publishing Franz Kafka, Heinrich Mann, Franz Werfel, Joseph Roth, and other writers whose books would be burned by the Nazis. Just after the Reichstag fire in 1933 he and his wife Helen fled to France and Italy, and eight years later in New York they founded Pantheon Books, which went on to publish Gift from the Sea, Doctor Zhivago, and The Tin Drum. Kurt left behind a son from his first marriage, who served in the Wehrmacht before being captured by the Americans, emigrating to the U.S. only in 1948. This was Alexander’s father Niko.

Moving about Berlin, and drawing on family letters, diaries, reminiscences and photographs, many never before published, Alexander weaves intimate detail of his father and grandfather into a tapestry of history. An absorbing journey that is part memoir and part historical narrative, BERLIN RECKONING is the saga of a far-flung family navigating wartime and its aftershocks. The book evokes the perils, triumphs, and setbacks at the heart of the refugee experience. And it paints a vivid portrait of the life and times of a titanic literary figure who went from having his books burned by the Nazis to winning the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Alexander Wolff spent 36 years on staff at Sports Illustrated. He is author or editor of nine books, including the New York Times bestseller Raw Recruits and Big Game, Small World, which was named a New York Times Notable Book. A former Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton, from which he graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in History, he lives with his family in Vermont.


An award-winning New York Times financial journalist’s searing exposé of the most scandalous bank in the world, including its shadowy ties to Donald Trump’s business empire.

Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction
by David Enrich
Custom House, February 2020

In January 2017, Donald Trump was sworn in as the forty-fifth president of the United States. As he delivered his fiery inaugural address, a grey-haired woman named Rosemary Vrablic sat in the VIP section of the audience. Vrablic was an executive at Deutsche Bank, and without her, Donald Trump probably wouldn’t have won the White House. This is the never-before-told story of how a 150-year-old German bank became the global face of financial recklessness and criminality, a scandalous history that includes helping the Nazis build Auschwitz. In the 1990s, a succession of hard-charging executives made the fateful decision to chase Wall Street riches—setting Deutsche Bank on an epic path of devastation. Its sins included manipulating markets, violating international sanctions, and laundering money for Russian oligarchs for which Deustche was eventually fined nearly $10 billion by the U.S. Department of Justice. Desperate for an American foothold, Deutsche started doing business with a self-promoting real estate magnate who most banks deemed too dangerous to touch: Donald Trump. Over the next twenty years, Deutsche executives—including a man with a damaged brain, the son of a Supreme Court justice, and Rosemary Vrablic—loaned billions to Trump and his daughter Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner. Why?

To unravel this mystery, Enrich traces the rise and fall of Bill Broeksmit, an American executive long regarded as the conscience of Deutsche Bank who hanged himself in 2014. In the wake of his death, his son accessed Broeksmit’s computer files on a quest to understand what motivated his father’s suicide. The answers he found helps explain how Deutsche Bank became the financial equivalent of a weapon of mass destruction.

David Enrich is the Finance Editor of the New York Times. He is the author of The Spider Network, about the LIBOR scandal, which was a finalist for the 2017 Financial Times Business Book of the Year award. Before joining the New York Times, Enrich was a longtime reporter and editor in the Wall Street Journal‘s New York and London offices, where he won numerous journalism awards. He lives in New York with his wife and two sons.

Famed American actress Demi Moore at last tells her own story in a surprisingly intimate and emotionally charged memoir.

by Demi Moore
Harper, September 2019

For decades, Demi Moore has been synonymous with celebrity. From iconic film roles to high-profile relationships, Moore has never been far from the spotlight—or the headlines. Even as Demi was becoming the highest paid actress in Hollywood, however, she was always outrunning her past, just one step ahead of the doubts and insecurities that defined her childhood. Throughout her rise to fame and during some of the most pivotal moments of her life, Demi battled addiction, body image issues, and childhood trauma that would follow her for years—all while juggling a skyrocketing career and at times negative public perception. As her success grew, Demi found herself questioning if she belonged in Hollywood, if she was a good mother, a good actress—and, always, if she was simply good enough. As much as her story is about adversity, it is also about tremendous resilience. In this deeply candid and reflective memoir, Demi pulls back the curtain and opens up about her career and personal life—laying bare her tumultuous relationship with her mother, her marriages, her struggles balancing stardom with raising a family, and her journey toward open heartedness. Inside Out is a story of survival, success, and surrender—a wrenchingly honest portrayal of one woman’s at once ordinary and iconic life.

Demi Moore is an actress, producer, director and activist. She is known for her roles in St. Elmo’s Fire, About Last Night, Ghost, A Few Good Men, Indecent Proposal, G.I. Jane, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, Margin Call, among many others. Moore is also a co-founder of Thorn, a non-profit that builds technology to defend children from sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking. She lives in Los Angeles and Hailey, Idaho.

The bestselling self-published phenomenon now widely available and expanded with new practices and insights—a profound story of transformation that teaches you how to heal yourself by learning to love yourself.

by Kamal Ravikant
HarperOne, January 2020

In 2011, the company Kamal Ravikant spent ten years of his life building went under. In the wake of this loss he became profoundly depressed. He couldn’t get out of bed. He felt emotionally empty and physically ill. Then, in his darkest moment, a meditation came to him, a chant that provided a ray of hope and solace: I love myself. Even when he didn’t believe it—especially when he didn’t believe it—Kamal continued to repeat this mantra over and over: I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. For Kamal, it was the first step of a transformative journey. From that simple meditation, he developed a system of tools that kept him positive, balanced, and moving forward. Soon he was feeling physically better, mentally stronger, and spiritually buoyant. Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the story of one man’s radical self-growth and an enriching practice guide to help anyone who feels lost and miserable; who has struggled to get out of bed or smile through profound sadness.

Kamal Ravikant has meditated with Tibetan monks in the Dalai Lama’s monastery, served in the US Army infantry, walked 550 miles across Spain, and self published a bestselling self-help book. Kamal has also worked with some of the most influential people in Silicon Valley as an entrepreneur and investor, and has founded several companies. He lives in New York City.

A delightfully illustrated guide to harnessing the rhythms of nature for self-care.

And Other Self Care Rituals from Nature
by Rani Shah
Day Street Books, April2020

We could all learn a thing or two about living in balance from our friends in the plant and animal kingdom. Take, for example, the jellyfish, one of the most energy-efficient animals in the world, moving through the ocean by contracting and relaxing, with frequent breaks in between. Or the avocado tree, which can credit its existence to a mutually beneficial relationship with the pre-historic sloth, followed by some hungry, hungry humans and the advent of agriculture. And then there is the oyster, producing a pearl as the result of an immune response when a grain of sand invades her system. What better example exists of how adversity can produce something beautiful? We need look no farther than nature—from the habits of the porcupine to the sunflower to the wombat to the dragonfly—for small and simple things we can do to slow down, recharge, and living more thoughtfully, lovingly, and harmoniously. Wisdom From a Humble Jellyfish is at once charming and scientific, packed with essential wisdom and practical tips worth borrowing from our plant and animal friends for life-changing self-care.

Rani Shah is a content and social media manager at Trello. She is the founder of Fuss Class News, an online South Asian American satire news source. Her energy sources include chocolate chip cookies, comedy, and quite literally, the sun. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.


Harvey Klinger – Frankfurt 2019 Adults & Children

From the vanguard of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, a bold, contrarian guide to retiring at any age, with a reproducible formula to financial independence–no gimmick, luck, or trust fund required.

How to Retire Decades Early and Travel the World
by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung
TarcherPerigee, Fall 2019

Quit Like a Millionaire is a bull***t-free guide to growing your wealth, retiring early, and living the life you’ve always dreamed of. As The New York Times recently noted, FIRE is « a growing movement of young professionals who are intently focused on quitting their jobs forever. » Kristy Shen retired with a million dollars at the age of thirty-one, and she did it without hitting a home run on the stock market, starting the next Snapchat in her garage, or investing in hot real estate. In Quit Like a Millionaire, learn how to cut down on spending without decreasing your quality of life, build a million-dollar portfolio, fortify your investments to survive bear markets and black-swan events, and use the 4 percent rule and the Yield Shield–so you can quit the rat race forever. It may sound complicated, but Shen is here to tell us that if she did it, anyone can. Not everyone can become an entrepreneur or a real estate baron; the rest of us need her mathematically proven approach to retire decades before sixty-five.

Kristy Shen is not your typical investment guru. She grew up in abject poverty in rural China, worked for a decade as a middle-class immigrant professional in Canada, and now travels the world as a retired millionaire. In short, she really walks the walk, and here she shares the mindsets she developed at each income level that launched her to the next.


Kaplan/DeFiore Rights – Rights Guide Frankfurt 2019
Kaplan/DeFiore Rights – Monacelli Studio Rights Guide Frankfurt 2019

Intended for anyone who identifies as “opting out” of a mainstream lifestyle or narrative, ADVENTURES IN OPTING OUT will serve as a literary travel companion for readers who choose to go against the grain.

by Cait Flanders
Little, Brown Spark, October 2020

ADVENTURES IN OPTING OUT is a self-help book wrapped in a big idea—that increasingly, a new generation is identifying as “opt-outing” in some way, whether by choosing a cleaner diet, a less encumbered lifestyle (be it decluttered, nomadic, or childfree), or a career that’s remote or gig-based. In this first book of its kind, Cait offers a collection of experiences and insights that examine the what-ifs in choosing a life beyond stereotype or convention. Cait’s professional writing journey began in 2011 when she founded what became one of the largest personal finance blogs in North America. The story of her debt repayment journey and shopping ban went viral, ultimately leading to her first book, THE YEAR OF LESS (Hay House; 2018). Building on her existing readership—women who look to think deeply and live lightly—ADVENTURES IN OPTING OUT will again be told in Cait’s wonderfully accessible voice and with the raw authenticity. But in this next endeavor, Cait will include the stories of other opt-out adventurers, from those who live their lives on the road to couples experimenting with polyamory.

Cait Flanders is a former binge consumer turned mindful consumer of everything. Through personal stories, she writes about what happens when money, minimalism, and mindfulness cross paths. Cait’s story has been shared in The New York Times, The Globe and Mail, Vogue,, and more. Her first book, THE YEAR OF LESS, is a self-help memoir and a Wall Street Journal bestseller.

« It’s a remarkably insightful, poetic, and inspiring story, one that’s sure to make readers think more carefully about their own styles of living. » —Booklist

22 Years of Walking. 17 Years of Silence.
by John Francis, PhD
National Geographic, January 2019

When the struggle to save oil-soaked birds and restore blackened beaches left him feeling frustrated and helpless, John Francis decided to take a more fundamental and personal stand—he stopped using all forms of motorized transportation. Soon after embarking on this quest that would span two decades and two continents, the young man took a vow of silence that endured for 17 years. It began as a silent environmental protest, but as a young African-American man, walking across the country in the early 1970s, his idea of « the environment » expanded beyond concern about pollution and loss of habitat to include how we humans treat each other and how we can better communicate and work together to benefit the earth. Through his silence and walking, he learned to listen, and along the way, earned college and graduate degrees in science and environmental studies. An amazing human-interest story with a vital message, Planetwalker is also an engaging coming-of-age pilgrimage.

John Francis, Ph.D., is the founder and director of PlanetWalk, a nonprofit environmental education organization. He is visiting associate professor at the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, at University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he is teaching both graduated and undergraduate seminars in environmental studies. He is also the first education fellow at the National Geographic Society. He is partners with National Geographic in developing the Planetlines curriculum based on John’s walking experience that lasted over two decades.

A 21-day mental, spiritual, and physical detox plan that hits the reset button on your dietary, wellness, and technology habits. An intensive jumpstart cleanse for both mind and body, this book also lays out a sustainable, long-term plan that will reset your habits for life.

A 21-Day Reset for Mind, Body, and Spirit
by Tara Stiles
Dey Street, April 2020

The 3-tiered Clean Mind, Clean Body plan includes 20-25 recipes, weekly meal plans, and sample daily routines (Waking/Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Bedtime), along with “Clean Living Rules”

• Mental & Spiritual Detox – Daily meditation practice; goal-setting & journaling; establishing healthy technology habits

East Meets West Detox Diet – A clean, seasonal eating plan that incorporates nourishing superfoods (turmeric, ginger, tonics, apple cider vinegar, bone broth, healing teas, probiotic foods), blending Keto and Ayurvedic principles, and eliminating toxins (sugar, gluten, alcohol, caffeine)

She also reminds us to: eat mindfully, and no technology while eating; eat with people, whenever possible; establish a daily routine – eat breakfast, lunch, dinner at same time each day; unplug in the evening (and don’t sleep with your phone!); make time for physical exercise as well as spiritual exercise.

Tara Stiles is the founder and owner of Strala Yoga, widely known for its unpretentious, inclusive, and straightforward approach to yoga and meditation. She is the personal yoga instructor to Deepak Chopra, with whom she’s collaborated to create several apps and DVDs, among other projects. Jane Fonda named Tara « the new face of fitness » and Vanity Fair declared her the « Coolest Yoga Instructor Ever. » Tara has been featured in Vogue, Elle, Harpers Bazaar, Lucky, InStyle, Esquire, Shape, and profiled by The New York Times (who named her “Yoga Rebel”)… Tara lives in New York City with her husband and daughter.


Whenever one person commits to seeking wisdom, a better future for all is secured. This books examines areas we question in every day life, looking at the imbalance between ‘worldly’ aims and our ‘spiritual’ values.

by Larry Cullifor
Legend Business, March 2020

Already endorsed as, ‘beautifully written’, ‘a gem of a book’, and, ‘urgently important’, Seeking Wisdom is described by Anthony Seldon as a unifying text with the uplifting core message that, ‘We are all already one’. Part 1 examines the human predicament in terms of both intellectual under-standing and deeply personal yet universal spiritual experiences. Part 2 offers sharp commentary on important areas of public concern- politics, leadership, religion, education, health and social care, capitalism and art- noting especially a correctable imbalance between ‘worldly’ aims and ‘spiritual’ values. Part 3 offers a constructive way forward, adopting personal Spiritual Development Plans to reduce the destructive power of the false ‘everyday ego’ while increasing the highly beneficial influence of the true ‘spiritual self’. Not only will your life be improved, but so also will the lives of the many people you encounter. This brilliant book cannot be recommended more highly.

Larry Culliford is a skilled physician and psychiatrist who trained in medicine at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge and Guy’s Hospital, London. He worked in hospital medicine and general practice and later psychiatry. He has now turned his gifted attention to the ailments of society- “Where is humanity heading, towards misery and destruction or a far more glorious future?” – “How can people – as individuals – make a difference?” – These are among the timely questions addressed in his boldly reasoned Spiritual Manifesto.

« Nothing matters more than education if we are to see AI liberate, not infantilise humanity. »

Will Artificial Intelligence Liberate or Infantilise Humanity?
by Anthony Seldon
University of Buckingham Press, April 2018

Highly respected British educational scholar, Sir Anthony Seldon, argues that there is no more important issue facing education, or humanity at large, than the fast approaching revolution in Artificial Intelligence or AI. This book is a call to educators everywhere to open their eyes so that we can begin shaping the future of education around the world. Britain and the US have an excellent education system in their schools and universities – excellent, but tailored to the twentieth century. The factory mass teaching methods of the third revolution era have failed to conquer enduring problems of inequity and unfairness. Students have to make progress at a set rate which demotivates some and bores others. And for all the new technologies, teachers remain weighed down by routine administration and only a narrow range of our aptitudes are encouraged. Will the fourth AI revolution be able to remedy these problems?

As Vice-Chancellor of Buckingham University and the former head of one of the UK’s leading independent schools, Sir Anthony Seldon is Britain’s best-known Headmaster. He famously introduce ‘happiness lessons’ at his school, Wellington College. He is regarded as one of the most authoritative high profilecommentators on education and his views are frequently sought by the government and politicalparties. A champion of digital learning and of bridging the divide between state and independentsectors, he is also a pre-eminent political biographer and contemporary historian.


Levine Greenberg Rostan – Frankfurt List 2019

A woman spends six years on the Arctic Tundra as an outsider in a Sámi Reindeer herding village, learning resilience and what it truly means to belong.

by Laura Galloway
Allen & Unwin, Summer 2021

Freezing cold and tired, I hold onto a long green tarp – alongside a handful of others – guiding reindeer into an enormous holding enclosure in a remote corner of the Norwegian Arctic. A giant buttery moon lies flat against the hard-blue twilight sky, so low I could touch it. It illuminates the blinding fury of hooves and antlers. My toes are numb in the wet wool of my muddy boots, I am struck by the absolute insanity and wonder of life, of the improbable twists and turns that we can’t even begin to imagine. Like me in the Arctic.

Laura Galloway was the External Head of Media Relations for the TED Conferences (2006-2011), where she helped build TED into a global brand. She now lives in Arctic Norway with her reindeer herding dogs, Rássi and Nilla, and two cats.

A bold reimagining of Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs–and new insights for living your most authentic, fulfilled, and connected life.

The New Science of Self-Actualization
by Scott Barry Kaufman
TarcherPerigee/PRH, April 2020

When positive psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman first discovered Maslow’s unfinished theory of transcendence, sprinkled throughout a cache of unpublished journals, he felt a deep resonance with his own work and life. In this groundbreaking book, Kaufman picks up where Maslow left off, unraveling the mysteries of his unfinished theory, and integrating these ideas with the latest research on attachment, connection, exploration, love, purpose and other building blocks of a life well lived. Maslow’s model provides a roadmap for finding purpose and fulfillment—not by striving for money, success, or « happiness, » but by becoming the best version of ourselves, or what Maslow called self- actualization. TRANSCEND reveals a level of human potential that’s even higher, which Maslow termed « transcendence. » Beyond individual fulfillment, this way of being—which taps into the whole person—connects us not only to our best self, but also to one another.

Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD is a psychologist at Columbia University. He writes the column Beautiful Minds for Scientific American and hosts The Psychology Podcast, which has received more than 10 million downloads. His writing has appeared in The Atlantic and Harvard Business Review, and his books include Ungifted, Wired to Create (with Carolyn Gregoire), and, as editor, Twice Exceptional and, as co-editor, The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence. In 2015, he was named one of « 50 Groundbreaking Scientists who are changing the way we see the world » by Business Insider.

A radically new cosmological view from a groundbreaking neuroscientist placing the human brain at the center of humanity’s universe

How the Human Brain Shaped the Universe As We Know It
by Miguel Nicolelis
Yale University Press, January 2020

Renowned neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis introduces readers to a revolutionary new theory of how the human brain evolved to become an organic computer without rival in the known universe. Nicolelis undertakes the first attempt to explain the entirety of human history, culture, and civilization based on a series of recently uncovered key principles of brain function. This new cosmology is centered around three fundamental properties of the human brain: its insurmountable malleability to adapt and learn; its exquisite ability to allow multiple individuals to synchronize their minds around a task, goal, or belief; and its incomparable capacity for abstraction. Combining insights from such diverse fields as neuroscience, mathematics, evolution, computer science, physics, history, art, and philosophy, Nicolelis presents a neurobiologically based manifesto for the uniqueness of the human mind and a cautionary tale of the threats that technology poses to present and future generations.

Miguel Nicolelis is the Duke School of Medicine Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience and Duke University Professor of Neurobiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Psychology and Neuroscience and the author of Beyond Boundaries. In 2004, Scientific American elected him as one of the twenty most influential scientists in the world.


MacKenzie Wolf – Rights Guide Frankfurt 2019

A compelling blend of science and memoir from one of the world’s preeminent female paleoanthropologists.

My Lifelong Search for the Past
by Meave Leakey, with Samira Leakey
HMH, July 2020

Meave Leakey’s thrilling, high-stakes memoir encapsulates her distinguished life and career on the front lines of the hunt for our human origins, a quest made all the more notable by her stature as a woman in a highly competitive, male-dominated field. The Sediments of Time is the summation of a lifetime of Meave Leakey’s efforts; it is a compelling picture of our human origins and climate change, as well as a high-stakes story of ambition, struggle, and hope. In The Sediments of Time, Meave Leakey—with co-writer and daughter Samira—brings us along on her remarkable journey to reveal the diversity of our early pre-human ancestors and how past climate change drove their evolution. She offers a fresh account of our past, as recent breakthroughs have allowed new analysis of her team’s fossil findings and vastly expanded our understanding of our ancestors.

Meave Leakey currently coheads the significant field efforts in northern Kenya, started nearly a century ago by Louis and Mary Leakey, seeking the fossil records to the roots of humankind. She has worked at the National Museums of Kenya since 1969, including the head of the paleontology department, and is research professor at Stony Brook University, New York. She is the recipient of several honorary degrees, has been elected an honorary fellow of the Geological Society of London, inducted into the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC, was a National Geographic Explorer in Residence, served as a fellow of the African Academy of Sciences, and received the National Geographic Society Hubbard Medal, among many other accolades and achievements.

The vibrant, character-driven history of the iconic Greenwich Village feminist group.

The Secret Club That Sparked Modern Feminism
by Joanna Scutts
Seal Press, 2022

On a Saturday afternoon in 1912, around the plain wooden tables of Polly’s Restaurant in Greenwich Village, a group of “unorthodox women” gathered for the first meeting of a secretive club they called Heterodoxy. The Village in the 1910s was the central meeting place of America’s bohemians: writers, artists, political radicals, and those who aspired to become or befriend them as they rattled the fences of polite society. Heterodoxy was a mainstay of this New York enclave, a collective who met in order to explore and assert a new idea: that women were fully human and thus fundamentally equal to men. In the words of their founder, Marie Jenney Howe, they intended “to be ourselves: Not just our little female selves, but our whole, big, human selves.” HETERODOXY is a vibrant, character-driven narrative history, in which the author unfolds the intertwined stories of Heterodoxy and the evolution of feminism during the politically and culturally turbulent decade of the 1910s, leading up to the passage of the right to vote. This is a story of how women’s friendship and communities shape history.

Joanna Scutts is a literary critic, cultural historian, and the author of The Extra Woman: How Marjorie Hillis Led a Generation of Women to Live Alone and Like It. As the inaugural Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Women’s History at the New-York Historical Society, she helped curate exhibits and events for the museum’s new Center for Women’s History, which opened in spring 2017. She holds a BA from King’s College, Cambridge, and a PhD in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University.


The Martell Agency – Rights Frankfurt 2019

Pulitzer Finalist, winner of the prestigious John Burroughs Medal and one of the finest, most internationally honored and acclaimed science/nature writers of his generation, David Haskell is back with his third provocative, deeply informative and profoundly stirring new book exploring the imperiled wonders of Earth’s sounds.

The Flourishing and Destruction of Earth’s Music
by David George Haskell
Viking, 2021

Never in the history of the Earth have sounds been so rich and varied. Never has this diversity been so threatened. We live amid riches and despoliation. Sound is one of the universe’s great creative processes. This is paradoxical. Sound is the most fugitive of energies. Yet, in its passage, sound evokes innovation and diversity, waking the latent powers of biological and cultural evolution. In the first half of the book, I take readers to rainforests and prairies, city streets and ocean depths, Paleolithic cave dwellings and modern concert halls. Each place shows us another facet of the creative processes that elaborated and diversified sounds on our planet.”This rich history brings us to the present crisis. Our species is both an apogee of sonic creativity and the great destroyer of the world’s acoustic diversity. Human music and language are of a stunning and perhaps unrivaled complexity. Yet, we are also erasing natural sound worldwide, ushering an age of diminishment through our noise and ravenous appetites for resources. We hear this in the cacophony of engines, the tumult of noise-saturated oceans, and the silencing of animal voices in natural areas worldwide. The second half of the book vividly illustrates the many facets of this acoustic crisis.

David Haskell was born in England and educated in France; he holds a B.A. from Oxford and a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell. He is professor of biology and environmental studies at the University of the South and a Guggenheim Fellow. His 2012 book The Forest Unseen was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award, and won the 2013 Best Book Award from the National Academies, the National Outdoor Book Award, and the Reed Environmental Writing Award. It has been translated into 12 languages. His second book, The Songs of Trees won the John Burroughs Medal for Distinguished Natural History Writing and has been sold in 14 international territories.

We tell girls that they can be anything, so why do 90 percent of those polled believe that geniuses are almost always men? New York Times bestselling journalist Janice Kaplan explores the powerful forces that have rigged the system—and celebrates the women geniuses past and present who have triumphed anyway.

From Overlooked to Changing the World
by Janice Kaplan
Dutton, February 2020

Even in this time of rethinking women’s roles, we define genius almost exclusively through male achievement. When asked to name a genius, people mention Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Steve Jobs. As for great women? In one survey, the only female genius anyone listed was Marie Curie. Through interviews with neuroscientists, psychologists, and dozens of women geniuses at work in the world today—including Nobel Prize winner Frances Arnold and AI expert Fei-Fei Li— Janice Kaplan proves that genius isn’t just about talent. It’s about having that talent recognized, nurtured, and celebrated. Across the generations, even when they face less-than-perfect circumstances, women geniuses have created brilliant and original work. In The Genius of Women, you’ll learn how they ignored obstacles and broke down seemingly unshakable barriers. The geniuses in this moving, powerful, and very entertaining book provide more than inspiration—they offer a clear blueprint to everyone who wants to find her own path and move forward with passion.

Janice Kaplan is the author of the New York Times best-seller, The Gratitude Diaries, and How Luck Happens (co-authored with Barnaby Marsh). Both titles were sold internationally in eight territories. The Gratitude Diaries was supported by grants from the John Templeton Foundation and was featured in major publications including the Wall Street Journal, People, Time, and Vanity Fair. As the editor-in-chief of Parade magazine, Kaplan worked with national and international leaders including President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as well as dozens of celebrities, and their insights and inspirations about luck and success will be part of the book.

FOMO is a powerful, persistent and widespread mindset that causes stress, insecurity, jealousy, and even depression in individuals in its sway. Patrick McGinnis examines how FOMO inserts itself into all the dimensions of our daily lives, and how we can learn to manage FOMO and lessen its impact.

Practical Decision-Making in a World of Overwhelming Choice
by Patrick J. McGinnis
Sourcebooks, May 2020

Do you ever get stressed out when you come across those delightful (read: highly selective, filtered, and cropped) photos posted by friends, family, and celebrities to your social media feed? As you scroll, you feel a sense of anxiety. While you’re sitting there playing with your phone, these people are living lives that are far more interesting, exciting, successful, and frankly, Instagrammable than yours? This feeling is called FOMO, short for Fear of Missing Out, and its effects are widespread. Surveys have found that 56% of people are afraid of missing out on events, news, and important status updates if they are away from social networks. With more than two billion people worldwide now using social media, that means that over one billion people currently suffer from FOMO. The extent of the epidemic is vast. It’s changing the way we live so drastically that it sort of feels like we’re evolving into a new species: FOMO Sapiens.

Patrick J. McGinnis is a writer, speaker and venture capitalist and private equity investor who has invested in leading companies in the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. He is the author of The 10% Entrepreneur: Live Your Startup Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job,. His hit podcast FOMO Sapiens is backed by Harvard Business Review. Patrick is credited with coining the term “FOMO” or “fear of missing out,” which was added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2013. His original article on the topic, written while at Harvard Business School, was printed in the 2016 in the “Fear” issue of Lapham’s Quarterly alongside pieces by Sigmund Freud, Nadine Gordimer, Joseph Heller, Václav Havel, and Thomas Hobbes. A graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard Business School, Patrick has visited more than 80 countries and is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Told as an unfolding detective story, WATER ALWAYS WINS follows experts as they use close observation, historical research, ancient animal and human expertise and cutting edge science to understand how water really works and how to create more resilient water systems in the urgent race to mitigate the catastrophic effects of climate change.

Collaborating with Nature for a More Resilient Future
by Erica Gies
University of Chicago Press, 2021

Water Always Wins will make clear that we need to fundamentally rethink our relationship with water. We must embrace the reality that we are an integral part of nature and need learn to live in harmony with these forces that we cannot conquer. This requires humility, not arrogance; collaboration, not aggressive control and setting a goal, which is to determine what water wants and figure out a how to make way for it, while protecting and securing our lives. Water Always Wins follows the scientists and engineers who are recovering this lost knowledge and also new understanding of water and then finding ways to let water be water, a kind of un-engineering that reclaims space for water to stall on the land for cleaning, capture, and storage – a “slow water” ethic with many of the same attributes as the slow food movement.

Erica Gies is an independent journalist who writes about water, climate policy, urban planning, plants and animals for Scientific American, Nature, The New York Times, The Guardian, National Geographic, The Economist, with a proven track record of bringing science alive for the general public. Erica has appeared on NPR’s Science Friday and they are eager to have her on when the book comes out. She holds a master’s degree in literature with a focus in eco-criticism, which brings a wide-angle, narrative lens to her science reporting.


Park & Fine – Frankfurt 2019 Rights Guide

Emma Marris illuminates the human/animal conflicts all around us.

What We Owe Animals in a Humanized World
by Emma Marris
Bloomsbury, Spring 2021

As the human population explodes, wild animals continue to eke out an existence at the Humanity’s relationships to the natural environment and the animals who share our space are undergoing dramatic changes. In light of our significant impact on nearly every inch of habitable space, we have become unwitting stewards of even the wildest of animals. We have a wide variety of interactions with animals—both domestic and wild. Whether it’s a nocturnal raccoon scavenging for scraps, a trout caught while fly-fishing, an elk brought down by a bow, or the endangered species we handpick to survive, we impact wild animal not only in these direct ways, but also with the roads we build, emissions of our cars and the warming of our planet. Even the We can no longer reasonably claim that our actions have not reached every corner of the wild kingdom. And with those actions, we must also take responsibility. Being the stewards of the world’s fauna brings a litany of complex and interconnected questions, and Emma Marris will help readers answer them by illuminating the human/animal conflicts all around us. She will explore the different sides of the issues through in-depth reporting into specific examples from around the globe before finally leaving the reader with the framework of how to answer his or her own questions about what it means to share our planet. Is hunting acceptable? Should an “invasive” species be killed? When is genetically modifying an entire species acceptable? What about providing veterinary care?

Emma Marris is an award-winning journalist based in Oregon. She writes for The Atlantic, The New York Times, National Geographic and Outside Magazine, among many others. Her work has appeared in the “Best America Science Writing 2016” and won an award from the National Association of Science Writers for an essay about wilderness in Orion. She is best known for her previous book, RAMBUNCTIOUS GARDEN (Bloomsbury, 2011) and subsequent TED Talk urging the importance of letting children experience the outdoors.

Everything you think you know about food allergy is about to change.”

The New Science of Reintroduction and Reversal for Your Child
by Dr. Kari Nadeau and Sloan Barnett
Avery, April 2020

The science of early introduction shows that safely introducing foods like peanuts, milk, and eggs at an early age may help protect your children. And for kids who have been diagnosed with allergy, there is new hope for reversal. Dr. Nadeau’s approach combines food reintroduction with cuttingedge immunotherapy, and her lab has taken children from terrifying allergies to complete reversal. For instance, consider Axel, whose enrollment in a study of “peanut dust” at Dr. Nadeau’s lab took him from a severe peanut allergy to safety today. He has eaten the equivalent of 33 peanuts safely—and eats 2 peanut M&Ms every night to maintain his tolerance. Or Tessa, who ended up in an ambulance when a trusted restaurant switched from rice noodles to wheat—but today eats dairy, wheat, eggs and other former poisons without issue, thanks to Dr. Nadeau’s oral immunotherapy protocol. Thanks to her truly trailblazing work, everything you think you know about food allergy is about to change. You can work with your family and your doctor to take your child from having food allergy to not having food allergy. Dr. Nadeau’s debut book will teach you everything you need to know.

Dr. Nadeau is the top expert on food allergy in the country, appearing often in the popular press and in leading scientific journals and conferences. Beyond TODAY, she has been featured in the NYT Magazine, NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross, CNN, Los Angeles Times, PBS News Hour, MSNBC, and many more national outlets. She has published 150+ peer reviewed papers, including in Science and The Lancet. At Stanford, she has treated thousands of children for food allergy. Some of the parents whose lives she has changed include Hollywood celebrities and Silicon Valley luminaries: former Facebook president Sean Parker (who funds her lab), Jeff and Mackenzie Bezos, Sheryl Sandberg, actor Steve Carrell, and many more.

Dr. Nadeau is partnering for this book with Sloan Barnett, a journalist, whose own children have benefitted from Dr. Nadeau’s work, and who has devoted her to life to helping Dr. Nadeau get the word out. Sloan is the New York Times bestselling author of Green Goes with Everything: Simple Steps to a Healthier Life and A Cleaner Planet (2008).

Colin O’Brady’s awe-inspiring memoir recounts his triumphant recovery from a tragic accident and his gripping 932-mile crossing of the landmass of Antarctica solo, unsupported, and human powered—the first to accomplish this extraordinary feat.

From Fire to Ice—Crossing Antarctica Alone
by Colin O’Brady
Scribner, February 2020

Prior to December 2018, no individual had ever crossed the landmass of Antarctica alone and without any outside assistance. Yet Colin O’Brady was determined to do just that, even if, upon taking the first steps of what was to be a nearly two-month journey, he had his doubts. He was compelled by a curiosity for the unknown, his own competitive instincts, and the encouragement of his wife. His challenge was made even more intense by a head-to-head battle that emerged with British polar adventurer Captain Louis Rudd—also striving to be “the first.” On skis, pulling a sled that at first weighed 375 pounds, in complete isolation and through a succession of whiteouts, storms, and a series of near disasters—O’Brady persevered. Somewhere in the vast white landscape was Rudd. THE IMPOSSIBLE FIRST is the story of O’Brady’s spectacular, record-breaking journey across the continent and it is the story of the journey that led him to this endeavor. After a burn accident in his early twenties, he was told he might never walk again. From the depths of that crisis, he fought his way back and went on to set three mountaineering world records. With Everest and the tallest peaks on each continent already conquered, he felt driven to further explore his potential, which now brought him to this historic Antarctic challenge. His triumph over adversity and his stunning dedication have inspired millions.

Colin Timothy O’Brady is an American professional endurance athlete, motivational speaker and adventurer. O’Brady is a four-time world record holder. In 2016, he set the Explorers Grand Slam and Seven Summits speed records. He most recently achieved what every man before him had failed to do and crossed Antarctica unsupported.

But what if everything we’ve been taught to believe about aging is wrong? What if we could choose our lifespan?

The Revolutionary Science of Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To
by David Sinclair
Atria, September 2019

In this groundbreaking book, Dr. David Sinclair, leading world authority on genetics and longevity, reveals a bold new theory for why we age. As he writes: “Aging is a disease, and that disease is treatable.” This eye-opening and provocative work takes us to the frontlines of research that is pushing the boundaries on our perceived scientific limitations, revealing incredible breakthroughs—many from Dr. David Sinclair’s own lab at Harvard—that demonstrate how we can slow down, or even reverse, aging. The key is activating newly discovered vitality genes, the descendants of an ancient genetic survival circuit that is both the cause of aging and the key to reversing it. Recent experiments in genetic reprogramming suggest that in the near future we may not just be able to feel younger, but actually become younger.

Through a page-turning narrative, Dr. Sinclair invites you into the process of scientific discovery and reveals the emerging technologies and simple lifestyle changes—such as intermittent fasting, cold exposure, exercising with the right intensity, and eating less meat—that have been shown to help us live younger and healthier for longer. At once a roadmap for taking charge of our own health destiny and a bold new vision for the future of humankind, Lifespan will forever change the way we think about why we age and what we can do about it.

Dr. David Sinclair is professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and Founding Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging at Harvard. Named by Time as one of the 100 most influential people on earth, Dr. Sinclair obtained his Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics at the University of New South Wales and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT with Dr. Leonard Guarente, where he co-discovered a cause of aging for yeast and rose to prominence for his pioneering work on resveratrol and sirtuins, genes that enhance performance and health. Dr. Sinclair has published 153 papers in journals including Science, Cell, and many others; his work has been featured widely in the popular media, including 60 Minutes, NBC, NOVA, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, and Fortune; and he has founded and co-directed nine biotechnology companies since 2005, which have attracted more than $2 billion in investment.


Saint Martin’s Press – Frankfurt 2019
Saint Martin’s Press – Celadon Books Frankfurt 2019

With Chakra Rituals, I’m taking an ancient science that’s often seen as unrelatable and making it applicable to the spiritually curious woman, guiding readers on a daily selfempowerment journey using the chakras as a roadmap to transformation.”

Awakening The Wild Woman Within
by Cristi Christensen
St. Martin’s Essentials, May 2021

From internationally renowned yoga instructor Cristi Christensen comes a book that will help guide readers on their search for a connection to something greater than themselves by showing them how to tap into the single most perfect system living inside of each of us—the seven chakras. Celebrating, honoring, and using the chakras frees us to express our authenticity and live a life of power, love, joy, creativity, connection and purpose. With a step-by-step program, Christensen instructs readers on how to activate the chakras with a dynamic, easy, and motivating practice (including altar building, breathing, meditation, vinyasa yoga flow, mudra, writing contemplation, and embodiment), which distills the esoteric concepts and makes them tangible, living experiences.

Cristi Christensen has a personal network following of over 15.2 million people in the US, Asia, and Europe. In the past two decades, she has taught yoga, meditation, movement, and dance on five continents in venues ranging from private studios to festivals attended by thousands, interacting with diverse groups of participants, a great many of whom embrace yoga as a way to seek a connection to something greater than themselves.

Shaman Durek, a sixth-generation shaman, shares life-altering shamanic keys allowing you to tap into your personal power. Through new information you will banish fear and darkness from your life in favor of light, positivity, and strength.

Shamanic Keys to Reclaim Your Personal Power, Transform Yourself, and Light Up the World
by Shaman Durek
St. Martin’s Essentials, October 2019

Shaman Durek’s bold and sometimes controversial wisdom shakes loose our assumptions about ourselves and the very world around us. He ultimately teaches us how to step fearlessly out of the age of darkness we are currently experiencing and access a place of fierce empowerment using tools and techniques of timeless Shamanic tradition. This transformation is both personal and collective; as individuals step out of darkness and begin to experience the light, we bring our loved ones and communities out of the shadows as well. Spirit Hacking will help readers navigate the tumultuous times in which we find ourselves and emerge from this period happier, lighter, and more vibrant than ever before.

Shaman Durek has devoted decades to study and practice in becoming a thought leader and spiritual enthusiast for people all over the world. His focus is educating people on how to make shamanism a life style choice for evolutionary adaptation. He advises everyone from celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Nina Dobrev to innovative executives such as Bullet-Proof Coffee founder Dave Asprey.

A novel that examines the gap between the families we’re born into and those we create, and the danger that holding onto a troubled past may rob us of the future.

by R.L. Maizes
Celadon Books, June 2020

La La Fine’s world stops being whole when her mother, who never wanted a child, abandons her twice. First, when La La falls through thin ice on a skating trip, and again when the accusations of “unfit mother” feel too close to true. Left alone with her father—a locksmith by trade and a thief in reality—La La is denied a regular life. She becomes her father’s accomplice, calming the watch dog while he strips families of their most precious belongings.

When her father’s luck runs out and he is arrested for burglary, everything La La has painstakingly built unravels. In her fourth year of veterinary school, she is forced to drop out, leaving school to pay for her father’s legal fees the only way she knows how—robbing homes.

As an animal empath, she rationalizes her theft by focusing on houses with pets whose maladies only she can sense and caring for them before leaving with the family’s valuables. The news reports a puzzled police force—searching for a thief who left behind medicine for the dog, water for the parrot, or food for the hamster. Desperate to compensate for new and old losses, La La continues to rob homes even after her father flees custody. But it’s a strategy that will ultimately fail her.

R.L. Maizes was born and raised in Queens, New York and now lives in Boulder, Colorado. Maizes’s short stories have aired on National Public Radio and have appeared in the literary magazines Electric Literature, Witness, Bellevue Literary Review, Slice, and Blackbird, among others. Her essays have been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Lilith, and elsewhere. Maizes is an alumna of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and the Tin House Summer Writer’s Workshop. Her work has received Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train’s Fiction Open contest, has been a finalist in numerous other national contests, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. We Love Anderson Cooper is her first book.

The perfect Valentine’s Day or anniversary gift: An illustrated collection of love and relationship advice from New Yorker writer Patricia Marx, with illustrations from New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast.

Rules for Couples
by Patricia Marx and Roz Chast
Celadon Books, January 2020

Everyone’s heard the old advice for a healthy relationship: Never go to bed angry. Play hard to get. Sexual favors in exchange for cleaning up the cat vomit is a good and fair trade.

Okay, not that last one. It’s one of the tips in You Can Only Yell at Me for One Thing at a Time: Rules for Couples by the authors of Why Don’t You Write My Eulogy Now So I Can Correct It: A Mother’s Suggestions. This guide will make you laugh, remind you why your relationship is better than everyone else’s, and solve all your problems.

Patricia Marx has been contributing to The New Yorker since 1989. She is a former writer for Saturday Night Live and Rugrats, and is the author of several books, including Let’s Be Less Stupid, Him Her Him Again The End of Him, and Starting from Happy. Marx was the first woman elected to the Harvard Lampoon. She has taught at Princeton, New York University, and Stonybrook University. She is recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Roz Chast has loved to draw cartoons since she was a child growing up in Brooklyn. She attended Rhode Island School of Design, majoring in Painting because it seemed more artistic. However, soon after graduating, she reverted to type and began drawing cartoons once again. She is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling memoir Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?

From the iconic comedian, actor, director, and producer, Chris Rock, comes a new book comprised of essays about relationships and race.

by Chris Rock
Celadon Books, October 2020

News of this book has already received coverage in The New York Times and Rolling Stone!

As editor Deb Futter has said about the acquisition: “There are very few topics that are as evergreen as relationships. And the inimitable, singular Chris Rock is the perfect moderator of that discussion.”

Lauded by peers and critics alike, Chris Rock is one of our generation’s strongest comedic voices. As an actor, director, producer and writer he has created many memorable moments. Rock teamed up with Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures in the reimagining of the next Saw franchise movie, Organ Donor, which he produces and stars in. Rock made a cameo in Netflix’s Dolemite is my Name! On television, Rock will next be seen starring as the head of a crime family on season four of FX’s Emmy-winning drama series Fargo. Rock has won four Emmy Awards, three Grammy Awards and is the New York Times bestselling author of Rock This! (Hyperion, 1997).

From the Edgar-nominated and bestselling author of Mrs. Sherlock Holmes, comes the sensational true story of a real life female Indiana Jones.

Lost Love, Imperial Spies, and One Woman’s Journey into the Heart of Africa
by Brad Ricca
St. Martin’s Press, August 2020

In 1910, Olive MacLeod, a thirty-year-old, redheaded Scottish aristocrat, received word that her fiancé, the famous naturalist Boyd Alexander, was missing in Africa. So she went to find him. In jungles, swamps, cities, and deserts, Olive and her two companions, the Talbots, come face-to-face with cobras and crocodiles, wise native chiefs, a murderous leopard cult, a haunted forest, and even two adorable lion cubs that she adopts as her own. Making her way in a pair of ill-fitting boots, Olive awakens to the many forces around her, from shadowy colonial powers to an invisible Islamic warlord who may hold the key to Boyd’s disappearance. As these secrets begin to unravel, all of Olive’s assumptions prove wrong and she is forced to confront the darkest, most shocking secret of all: why she really came to Africa in the first place.

Drawing on Olive’s own letters and secret diaries, Olive the Lionheart is a love story that defies all boundaries, set against the backdrop of a beautiful, unconquerable Africa.

Brad Ricca earned his Ph.D. in English from Case Western Reserve University where he currently teaches. The author of Super Boys, he has spoken on comics at various schools and museums, and he has been interviewed about comics topics by The New York Daily News, The Wall Street Journal, and All Things Considered on NPR. His film Last Son won a 2010 Silver Ace Award at the Las Vegas International Film Festival. He lives in Cleveland, Ohio.


Sterling Lord Literistic – Rights Guide Frankfurt 2019

A scorching memoir of a love affair with an addict, weaving personal reckoning with psychology and history to understand the nature of addiction, codependency, and our appetite for obsessive love.

A Memoir of Women, Addiction, and Love
by Nina Renata Aron
Crown/PRH, May 2020

The disease he has is addiction,” Nina Renata Aron writes of her boyfriend, K. “The disease I have is loving him.” Their love affair was dramatic, urgent, overwhelming—an intoxicating antidote to the long, lonely days of early motherhood. Soon after they get together, K starts using again, and years of relapses and broken promises follow. Even as his addiction deepens, she stays, convinced she is the one who can get him sober. If she leaves him, has she failed? After a childhood marred by family trauma and addiction, Nina can’t help but feel responsible for those suffering around her. How can she break this pattern?

Nina Renata Aron has two degrees in Russian & Eurasian Studies and an unfinished PhD in Anthropology & Gender Studies. Through academic work, Nina became interested in the ways social conditions impact the practice of medicine and understandings of health. She currently works as senior editor at Timeline, a history website, and as a features editor at Full Stop, an online literary journal.

From a leading pediatric sleep researcher comes a revolutionary program that will have everyone in the house sleeping through the night.

The Low-Stress Way to High Quality Sleep For Babies, Kids, and Parents
by Craig Canapari
Harmony/PRH, May 2019

When Dr. Craig Canapari became a father, he realized that even three years of 36-hour hospital shifts didn’t prepare him for the extreme sleep deprivation that comes with parenthood. Sleepless nights for kids means sleepless nights for the rest of the family—and a grumpy group around the breakfast table in the morning. In It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Train, Canapari harnesses the power of habit to chart a clear and concise path through this crowded, noisy world. The result is a streamlined two-step sleep training plan that focuses on cues and consequences, the two elements that shape all habits and that take on special importance in the case of children. The book is aimed at children between 6 months and early elementary school age, who some falsely believe are outside the optimal “window” for sleep training. Dr. Canapari is here to prove that it’s never too late.

Craig Canapari, M.D. is Director of the Yale Pediatric Sleep Center and an attending physician at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He served previously as Director of the Pediatric Sleep Center at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. In addition to his highly successful clinical practice, he has a growing online platform, with over 1 million unique visitors at his website last year. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, US News & World Report, and The Boston Globe.

In the spirit of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning and The Joy of Less, experience the benefits of buying less and sharing more.

Discover the Joy of Spending Less, Sharing More, and Living Generously
by Liesl Clark & Rebecca Rockefeller
Simon & Schuster, April 2020

In 2013, when friends Liesl Clark and Rebecca Rockefeller launched the first Facebook Buy Nothing Project group in their small town off the coast of Seattle, they never expected it to become a viral sensation. Today there are thousands of Buy Nothing groups all over the world, boasting more than a million members, and 5,000 highly active volunteers. In their island community, Clark and Rockefeller discovered that the beaches of Puget Sound were spoiled by a daily influx of plastic items and trash washing on shore. And so, a rallying cry against excess stuff was born. Inspired by the ancient practice of gift economies, where neighbors share and pool resources, Buy Nothing, Get Everything introduces an environmentally conscious 7-step guide that teaches us how to buy less, give more, and live generously. At once an actionable plan and a thought-provoking exploration of our addiction to stuff, this powerful program will help you declutter your home without filling landfills, shop more thoughtfully and discerningly, and let go of the need to buy new things.

Liesl Clark is an award-winning filmmaker and cofounder of the Buy Nothing Project. For the past two decades, Liesl has filmed for National Geographic and NOVA, covering science stories in extreme locations. Rebecca Rockefeller launched the Buy Nothing Project with its first local Facebook group on Bainbridge Island. Since then, she has been the force behind the movement’s unique online culture.

An intimate, full-access exploration of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and the social network’s fight for survival by the renowned tech columnist and best-selling author Steven Levy.

The Inside Story
by Steven Levy
Dutton/PRH, January 2020

From renowned tech writer Steven Levy, the definitive history of one of America’s most powerful and controversial companies: Facebook. In his sophomore year of college, Mark Zuckerberg created a simple website to serve as a campus social network. The site caught on like wildfire, and soon students nationwide were on Facebook. Today, Facebook is nearly unrecognizable from Zuckerberg’s first, modest iteration. It has grown into a tech giant, with a valuation of more than $576 billion and almost 3 billion users. And in light of recent controversies surrounding election-influencing “fake news” accounts, the handling of its users’ personal data, and growing discontent with the actions of its founder and CEO, never has the company been more central to the national conversation. Based on years of exclusive reporting and interviews with Facebook’s key executives and employees, including Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg, Steven Levy’s sweeping narrative digs deep into the whole story of the company that has changed the world and reaped the consequences.

America’s premier technology journalist” (Washington Post), Steven Levy has been covering the digital revolution for over 35 years. He is currently Editor at Large at Wired magazine, where he was one of its founding writers. During the height of the internet boom, he was the columnist and chief technology correspondent at Newsweek. His seven books include the groundbreaking Hackers (1984), which is regarded as the classic study of computer culture; Insanely Great (1994), the history of Apple’s Macintosh computer; Crypto (2001) which won the Frankfurt Digital book prize; and In the Plex (2011), the definitive book on Google that was a New York Times bestseller and Amazon’s business book of the year.

A singular journey that will change the way we talk about sexual assault forever, challenging our beliefs about what is acceptable and speaking truth to the tumultuous reality of healing.

by Chanel Miller
Viking/PRH, September 2019

In June 2016, Emily Doe read aloud her victim impact statement to Brock Turner, who was convicted of three counts of felony sexual assault. After Turner was sentenced to only six months in county jail, Doe’s twelve-page statement was released publicly, and instantly resonated with millions. It was read on the floor of the United States Congress, translated into more than five languages, and prompted significant change: the judge who presided over the trial was removed from the bench and California sexual assault laws were amended to protect victims in the future. Now, Emily Doe will share her experience in emotional, honest and eloquent detail. Her story continues to be a testament to the power of words to heal and effect change.

This is a dramatic and definitive account of a remarkable but forgotten chapter of American history.

The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy
by David Zucchino
Grove Atlantic, January 2020

By 1898 Wilmington, North Carolina, was a shining example of a mixed-race community—a bustling port city with a thriving African-American middle class and a government made up of Republicans and Populists, including black alderman, police officers, and magistrates. But across the state—and the South—white supremacist Democrats were working to reverse the advances made by former slaves and their progeny. They were plotting to take back the state legislature in the November 8th elections and then use a controversial editorial published by black newspaper editor Alexander Manly to trigger a “race riot” to overthrow the elected government in Wilmington. With a coordinated campaign of intimidation and violence, the Democrats sharply curtailed the black vote and stuffed ballot boxes to steal the 1898 mid-term election. Two days later, more than 2,000 heavily armed white nightriders swarmed through Wilmington, terrorizing their black neighbors. In Wilmington’s Lie, David Zucchino uses contemporary newspaper reports, diaries, letters and official communications to create a gripping narrative that weaves together individual stories of hate, fear, and brutality.

David Zucchino is a contributing writer for The New York Times. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1989 for his reporting from South Africa. He is a four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist for coverage of Lebanon, Africa, inner-city Philadelphia and Iraq. He has reported from more than three dozen countries. Zucchino is the author of the books Thunder Run: The Armored Strike to Capture Baghdad (2004) and Myth of the Welfare Queen (1997). Zucchino worked as a foreign and national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times from 2001 to 2016, focusing on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Before that, he worked for 20 years at The Philadelphia Inquirer, as the bureau chief in Beirut, Lebanon; Nairobi, Kenya; and Johannesburg.


Writers House – Frankfurt 2019 Rights Guide

A critically-acclaimed novelist and philosophy professor, Clancy Martin has been thinking about suicide since he was 3 or 4 years old. Now in his fifties, he has survived ten attempts. I’M STILL HERE was inspired by the author’s essay of the same name which was published by the Huffington Post’s Highline in December 2018 and has been read over 600,000 times.

A Philosophical Examination of Suicide, From the Inside Out
by Clancy Martin
Ecco/HarperCollins, September 2021

Suicide is on the rise in America and in many other countries, and affects everyone from beloved celebrities to farmers in rural India. The suicide rate has increased 60 percent worldwide since the seventies, but it remains grossly understudied, in large part due to the stigma and secrecy surrounding it, as well as the lackluster and even violent treatment many receive in psychiatric facilities. Suicide is an intensely personal problem and this book will give it the intimate, but bullshit-free, treatment it deserves. I’M STILL HERE takes a hardnosed philosophical look at suicide and the problem of suffering, by way of Western and Eastern philosophical traditions and prominent living philosophers from around the world. Martin questions the assumption that suicide is a cry for help, explores how to respond to the question of whether life is worth living, and tells his own recovery story, as well stories from some of his close friends.

Martin’s personal experiences are woven throughout, and are bolstered by his conversations with the other repeat attempters—people from all walks of life—he met in various psychiatric hospitals. He will also speak to the people revolutionizing suicide treatment: leading psychologists and anti-institutionalization experts, and the social media companies and scientists who are developing revolutionary ways of identifying those who are most at risk. As a cautious advocate for harm-reducing psychiatric medications generally, he’ll also detail his journey of reducing his psychiatric medications from more than eight to none at all. Through all of this darkness, Martin manages to write with humor and levity.

Clancy Martin’s work has appeared in The New Yorker, New York, The Atlantic, Harper’s, Esquire, The New Republic, Lapham’s Quarterly, The Believer, The Paris Review and many other prominent magazines and newspapers. A Guggenheim Fellow and Pushcart Prize winner, he has been a finalist for the National Magazine Award and won many fellowships and prizes. His cover essay “The Drunk’s Club” resulted in the bestselling issue of Harper’s on the newsstand ever. His books include the critically acclaimed How To Sell and Love and Lies.


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