Archives de catégorie : Frankfurt 2020 Adult Nonfiction

OUR MOON de Rebecca Boyle

Science journalist Rebecca Boyle explores the cultural and scientific history of the Moon and discovers that far from being a lifeless ornament of the sky, the Moon holds the answers to some of our most fundamental questions—from the origins of the Earth and the genesis of life to the nature of time itself.

Uncovering the Secrets It Holds to Our Past and Our Future
by Rebecca Boyle
Random House, January 2024
(via DeFiore and Co.)

The Moon is our constant companion. It has been watching over us since before there was an “us.” From our earliest beginnings, we have worshipped the moon, used it to mark our days, depended on its predictability to grow our crops and follow migrating herds, and looked to it for artistic and spiritual inspiration. The Moon has played many roles in our lives, and now it is ready to tell us all it knows.
In OUR MOON, award-winning science journalist Rebecca Boyle traces our relationship with the Moon over the centuries and explores the latest scientific findings into what the Moon can now tell us about Earth’s origins and its future. As we prepare to return to the Moon, it is more important than ever to take a closer look at this still mysterious neighbor of ours.
No other book has delved into the cultural and scientific history of the Moon. A subject with truly global appeal, OUR MOON is for readers who enjoy single-subject works such as Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens and David George Haskell’s The Songs of Trees.

Rebecca Boyle is a contributing writer for The Atlantic, a frequent contributor at FiveThirtyEight, and a freelance journalist whose work has been published in the New York Times, Wired, Aeon, Quanta, Popular Science, The New Yorker, and Scientific American. Boyle was a 2011 Ocean Science Journalism fellow at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and a 2013 journalism fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. This is her first book.

THE BLACK BOX de Paul Scharre

An award-winning defense expert tells the story of the new great power rivalry to control artificial intelligence—and how this powerful technology is shaping national power relationships and geopolitics in the 21st century.

by Paul Scharre
W.W. Norton, January 2023
(via Kaplan/Defiore Rights)

Artificial intelligence is bringing a new digital order—it is changing war, surveillance, and disinformation, with profound effects on human freedom, global security, and power dynamics. THE BLACK BOX takes us inside the immensely competitive global struggle to lead in the four key elements of AI advantage: data, computing power, talent, and institutions. A world expert in AI-enabled weapons, Paul Scharre examines the strengths and weaknesses of today’s major superpowers, including China, the United States, Europe, and the Big Tech corporations that control the global supply of data and compute.
With unique access to the world of automated warfare and surveillance—including on-site visits with major Chinese players and Pentagon startups—national security expert Paul Scharre guides readers through the alarming ways the AI revolution is reshaping the world, and the challenges democracies must overcome if they hope to maintain their global edge.

Paul Scharre is is the author of Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War, which won the 2019 Colby Award and was named one of Bill Gates’ top five books of 2018. A former Army Ranger, he is a senior fellow and director of the 20YY Future of Warfare Initiative at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), based in Washington, DC. From 2008 to 2013, he worked in the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense on policies for robotics, autonomy, and other emerging weapons technologies. He led the drafting of the official U.S. Department of Defense policy on autonomous weapons.

YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE de Caroline Garnet McGraw

Inspired by the author’s viral essay and subsequent TEDx Talk « You Don’t Owe Anyone an Interaction, » this empowering book combines personal stories and tangible solutions to free perfectionists from the weight of expectations.

Free Yourself from the Weight of Expectations
by Caroline Garnet McGraw
Broadleaf Books, April 2021
(chez Kaplan/DeFiore Rights – voir catalogue)

YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE is for perfectionists, workaholics, people pleasers, and strivers who feel stuck in the try-hard cycle. Sharing her experiences as a life coach and recovering perfectionist, Caroline Garnet McGraw shows us how we can free ourselves from the weight of expectations and encourages us to move our lives forward without apology. Inspired by the author’s viral essay « You Don’t Owe Anyone an Interaction, » this book invites us to make surprising choices that can help us get unstuck. Rather than offering more ways to effect change through sheer effort, these personal stories serve as a compassionate witness, a reflection of our own perfectionistic tendencies. They also are a wakeup call jolting us out of our martyr mentality and inspiring us to move in new, positive directions. Through simple, accessible coaching practices, YOU DON’T OWE ANYONE shows us what it looks like to refuse to over-function in the old ways. It invites us to make the same surprising choices that have helped McGraw and her clients move past perfectionism, empowering us to quiet our fears and heal our hearts.

Caroline Garnet McGraw is an author, speaker and coach for recovering perfectionists. She’s the creator of A Wish Come Clear, a popular blog devoted to trading perfectionism for possibility, as well as several online interview series. She’s a two-time TEDx speaker, and her essays have been featured on The Huffington Post, Momastery, and Women For One. Caroline lives in Florence, Alabama with her family.


A groundbreaking guide for mothers – by mind-body medicine specialist Dr. Karella Easwaran.

(The Secret of Calm and Composed Mothers)
by Dr. Karella Easwaran

Kösel/Verlagsgruppe Random House Bertelsmann, August 2020 (voir catalogue)

Being a mother is the most wonderful job in the world – but also the most demanding. Pressures of high expectations, overwhelming responsibilities, and exhaustion are just some of the stress factors that can lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and depression. What are the best ways to help mothers?
The renowned paediatrician Dr. Karella Easwaran, who has been supporting mothers for many years, is convinced that the solution to the problem lies in the mind! As an expert in mind-body medicine, she has developed the technique of « beneficial thinking ». This begins with the processes in our brain. When properly controlled, beneficial thinking can easily and sustainably change our perception and behaviour. Karella Easwaran’s conclusion is that when we subdue our energy-depleting thought patterns, we can finally dispel stress.

Dr. Karella Easwaran, born in 1965, studied medicine in Hungary and became a specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine at the University Children’s Hospital in Cologne. She is competent as well in naturopathy and nutritional medicine. In recent years she has focused on mind-body medicine and furthered her knowledge and experience at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University. She works as a paediatrician in her own practice. Her first book, The Secret of Healthy Children: What Parents Should and Should Not Do, is a bestseller.

RAGE YOGA de Lindsay Istace

An irreverent and hilarious guide to unleashing your inner badass, from the creator of Rage Yoga.

RAGE YOGA: Unleash Your Inner Badass
by Lindsay Istace
Sourcebooks, April 2021 (voir catalogue)

From the creator of the international viral sensation Rage Yoga comes a book that will empower readers to crush their bullsh*t, unleash their inner Badass Self, and be Zen as f*ck. Rage Yoga is taught by certified instructors and done while blasting hard rock music, hydrating with a cold beer, loudly cursing like a sailor, and extending your fist unicorns in a state of bleeped-out bliss. This book will explore how and why Rage Yoga came to be and how to create a regular practice through breath work, positional exercises, and mindfulness, along with two 7-day programs.

An award-winning circus artist, Lindsay Istace performs contortion, sword swallowing, comedy-variety acts and fire arts. They have trained contortion and extreme flexibility with top coaches in Beijing, Las Vegas, and San Francisco. Their keen interest in flexibility ended up bringing them into the world of Yoga and taking them on a deeper and more Badass path. They became a certified Yoga instructor and founded Rage Yoga in 2016. Since then, they have taught the viral phenomenon across North America and Europe as well as online. Rage Yoga has continued to grow and expand and had begun to bring in new teacher with annual Rage Yoga Certified Badass Instructor programs.